Is It Because I'm Sick?

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Hey guys!!!!! :3

~(Y/N)'S POV~
I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was black and then my eyes started to adjust to the darkness. I saw someone sitting in my chair. My heart began to race. I let a little whimper and covered out the blankets over my head. Then I heard something move a little, I suppose it was the figure I was in the chair.

"(Y-Y/N)? Was that you?" Someone said. I shivered and realized that the voice sounded very familiar, but who? Then it hit me, it was E.J. "Y-yeah." I croaked out. My throat was dry and it hurt to talk. E.J. got up and he slowly walked over to me. He placed his hand on my forehead, "You're warm." He whispered. Then once again, he kissed my forehead. I blushed madly as I felt his soft lips touch my skin. "Do you need anything?" He said as he rested his forehead against mine. "W-water." I whispered. He moved his head a bit then pulled his face away from mine. He walked towards the door and opened it. I sighed as I felt like I was going to puke. I suppose that I was to happy or nervous.

     I yawned and waited until I heard my door creak open and then heard footsteps come closer to me. "Here." E.J. said as I sat up slowly. Then he pressed the cold glass of water to my lips. I felt the cold liquid slide down my sore throat. It felt good. "So, why did you wake up? How are you feeling?" E.J. asked. I blinked a few times. 'Was he really worried about my health? Since when?'  I chugged the water before I answered, "I feel a little better." I mumbled. He sighed and set the glass next to me. "Do you catch colds easily?" He asked in annoyance. I nodded, he saw because the moonlight was shining through the window. He chuckled a little and said "Well, how am I not surprised by that?" I smiled a little and sighed. I laid back down and got comfortable. "I'll be here if you need me, okay?" He said in a caring tone. I nodded once more before drifting off into sleep. 

    I woke up once again and it felt like it only had been 5 minutes, but in reality it was 2 hours. I coughed. I felt really hot and I took my blanket off me. Then I realized that I had to use the bathroom badly. So, I went to get up out of bed, but when I tried I fell on E.J. He jumped up and sighed."What are you doing out of bed?" He asked seriously. "I had to pee." I whispered. He rested his head on his hand. "Are you kidding me?" He asked. I nodded 'no'. Then he picked me up and carried be to the closest bathroom. Which was his room. He walked into his bathroom. "Can you at least do this part on your own?" He asked. I replied with "Well, I think so." He yawned and laughed. "Well, I'll be out here just in case, okay?" He whispered. I nodded and he set me down, which I instantly fell down to the ground. I smacked my head off the wall. "Shit!" He yelled and he quickly helped me up. "Are you okay?" He asked. I laughed and nodded yes, even though I had gotten a massive headache from hitting my head against the wall. He slowly let go of me. I was standing on my own. 

      He closed the bathroom door once he saw that I was standing. I did what I had to do, even if I took longer then I normally do. Once I was done doing my business, I knocked gently on the door. The door opened slowly and I saw E.J. standing there. "Are you done?" He asked. I nodded 'yes'. I was to tired and sick to answer. He picked me up once again and told me that I was in there for like 10 minutes. I giggled quietly as we entered my room. He gently put me on my bed and covered me up. He was being really sweet for some reason. Was it because I was sick? I shrugged it off as I heard him sit down in the chair again. "Just wake me up if you need me again, please don't fall on me." He said jokingly. I laughed a little and closed my eyes. I let the darkness engulf me once more....


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