Just Friends

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~(Y/N)'S POV~

     I kept trying to out of E.J.'S death hold. He chuckled and said "I'm not letting you go." I sighed and kept trying. "Well you might wanna let me go before I pee on your bed!" I said in a snobby tone. He laughed and let go. "There's that sassy (Y/N)." He said tiredly. I smiled a little and rushed into the bathroom. I went to the bathroom quickly and washed my hands. Then I walked out and saw E.J. still in bed, looking at the bathroom door, waiting for me to come out. "Are you going to come back and join me?" E.J. said as he held his arms out. I blushed a little. 

     "I think I should go check on Bianca and Owen. I should decline this time, sorry." I said as I rushed out of the room. I heard E.J. sigh and get up out of bed. I rushed into my room and saw Bianca sleeping peacefully in her bed. I walked into Owen's and he was sleeping too. I smiled as I closed the door to Owen's room and turned around to see that E.J. was right behind me. I jumped a little. "Jesus! You scared me!" I said quietly. He smirked a little. I noticed he had his mask off. 

     E.J. grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. I tried pushing him away. "Please, don't." I said. He let go and nodded. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "I'm sorry, but I feel like we should be friends for a little bit. I mean we barely know each other and we aren't ready for a relationship." I said as I had to push back the tears. It's not like I didn't want a relationship, but it was rushing into things. So, something had to be done. E.J. nodded and said "Yeah, I suppose you're right!" I smiled knowing that he understood why I said that. I sighed in relief. "I'm going back to my room to sleep." I said as I yawned cutely. "Can I join?" E.J. said. I laughed and said "No, I think I'd like to have my own bed for tonight. Maybe another night." he nodded and I walked into my room. I closed the door and walked over to my bed and flopped on it. I slowly fell back to sleep. 


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