Lets Go Home!

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Hey guys. :)

~(Y/N)'S POV~

He began to walk towards me. I was preparing for the blow he was about to do. I stared into this green eyes. The ones that were piecing into my soul.

Before he reached he there was something that stopped him in his tracks. I saw blood slowly seeping through this white shirt. He looked down with the most terrified look on his face. I smiled and limped around him. He just stood there in shock. I looked at Bianca and Owen. They were holding hands and had blue and yellow electricity going around there hands. I looked back at Blake, he had a green bolt in his stomach. "Nice one guys!" I said congratulating them.

They smiled and let go of each other's hands. I limped towards them. "Did you get the keys?" I asked nicely. They nodded and handed me the car keys. There were people standing around, staring in shock. "W-waoh! You can't take his car!" A young man said. He looked about 20. He had brown hair and blue eyes, about 5'9.

I glared and him and sneered, "Oh yeah? Well watch me, Buddy!" He backed off a little and watched us get into the car and pull away. Something about him seemed familiar, but oh well. I continued to drive my way home. I looked at the gas, which it was almost out. Shit, I'm almost out of gas. Plus, it's almost night time. Bianca and Owen are sleeping...

~E.J.'S POV~

I was sitting with my head in my hands, worried as hell about (Y/N), Bianca, and Owen. "Dude, come on. She will be fine." Ben said trying to comfort me. He wasn't the best, but at least he was trying. He knew that I cared for (Y/N) and I was just worried sick about her. I mean how can I love someone so much and not worry when some man comes in and takes her away. It has almost been 24 hours since she has been gone. I am really going insane slowly. It's chewing on my insides to go and find her.

Ben patted my back and said, "Let's go and find her!" I looked at him. I got up and got my pocket knife. Then Slendy popped into the room.

"You are not going anywhere!" Slendy yelled at Ben and I. I clutched onto my pocket knife.

"Why not?" I yelled back.

Slendy was surprised that I had back talked, which I haven't done in a long time. Slendy slapped me across the face with a tentacle. This time I didn't have my mask to help block the blow. My face stung with pain. I hissed from the pain. "E.J., I expect a lot from you. And the main one is to listen. I have not thought of something, plus it hasn't been 24 hours. Almost, but not quite. After 48 hours you may go and look for her." Slendy said sternly. I glared at him.

"Make it 24 hours." I demanded. Slendy slapped me again and then agreed to let me go and a few others go after 24 hours. I sat back down with my stinging cheek and waited for 24 hours to be up....

Hello!!! There is your update. >.> Please.. help me win dat contest. :D Or if you wanna read it... please click the link i have on my page and then make an acc and THENNNNN loook meee upppppppp

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