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Baekhyun's POV

I walked lazily to my class. Yup. I'm late. Again. I'm so lazy to go to school today. I don't know why. Maybe I just too lazy.

Soon as I stepped in my class, I heard the girls screamed my name. The heck. I know I'm a goodlooking person. I'm smart too. I always got top 1 in this class also in this school. Not being proud, okay. I told the fact.

I feel a little bit of annoyed with their screaming. No. Not a little bit but really annoyed!

"Baekhyun oppa has coming!"

"Omo. He is sooo handsome!"

"I will die! Oh god, please help me!"

"Be mine, oppa!"

"I love you!!"

I just ignored them and walked to my seat and sit down. My best friend, Park Chanyeol is still sleeping. Duh. Is he coming to school for sleep? Aish!

I slapped his shoulder harder and he woke up. He looked at me.

"Yow, Byun Baekhyun! Nice to meet you! You just arrived?" he asked. I just nodded.

Chanyeol then chatting with me. I just heard him and didn't reply. Yup. My best friend is too loud. He is cheerful too. And also kind. Unlike me. I'm a cold person.

That's why I ignored my fans. I thought girls are so annoying and heartless. You can see how many different between me and Chanyeol.

He is cheerful person meanwhile me, a cold person.

"You know what? Our class will have a new student! She is from Jeonju!" Chanyeol told me excitedly.

I raised one of my eyebrow. She?

"It's a girl?" I asked with annoyed face. Chanyeol just nod.

"Come on, Baek! You're so cold. Can't you just give girls a chance to approach you?" he started to nagging.

I rolled my eyes. "Yah, you know me. I'm no wasting my time for girls. Unlike you." I said sarcastically. Chanyeol squeaked.

He then punch my shoulder playfully.

"You are so boring."

I ignored him and then our class teacher who teach us Chemistry, walked into our class.

I take my book out and read it. Didn't glanced at Mrs.Lee and just focus on my book.


Author's POV

"Class, today we have a new student! Please come in and introduce yourself." Mrs.Lee said happily and welcomed the new student in.

The girl slowly walked into the class. All the students now stared at her including Chanyeol. Except one person. And it is Byun Baekhyun. He is still reading his book.

Didn't spare any glances to the new student.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Kim Taeyeon imnida. Nice to meet you guys. Please..um be kind and friendly with me." the girl look like nervous.

Baekhyun lift his head up, looking at the new student. Taeyeon still look down. Maybe shy with all the students.

"Okay, Taeyeon. Now you may sit beside Jessica Jung. There." Mrs.Lee say.

Taeyeon flashed a smile before nodded and slowly walked to Jessica's place. She noticed something that someone was stared at her. Make she feel a little bit of shy.

She sat down beside Jessica and Mrs.Lee started their lesson.

"Hi, my name is Jung Sooyeon but you can call me Jessica. It's my name too!" Jessica said excitedly.

Taeyeon gives her a sweet smile. Jessica seems so friendly.

"Hi too. I'm Taeyeon. I hope we will be friend."

"Of course we will!"


Taeyeon's POV

The bell ringing. Means now all the students can went out for recess. Jessica and I decided to eat together and both of us were walked to went out from the class until I suddenly bumped into someone.

I quickly bowed. "Mianhae. Sorry I didn't see you." I apologized.

I raised my head to look at..him. Yup. A boy. He stared at me coldly before went away. Another tall boy bowed at me. "Sorry for his behaviour." he said and flashed a smile to me.

He quickly run after his friend I guess. I sighed.

"It's okay, Taeyeon. He is always like that especially to a girl." Jessica said and looked at me while patting my back.

I just nodded. "Who is that?" I asked. Jessica chuckled. "You really wanna know who was him?" I nodded again.

Jessica shrug her shoulders before walked away. I followed her.

"His name is Byun Baekhyun. He is very famous. Yeah I admitted. He is quite good looking and cute. And he is also the smartest in this class also in this school. That's why he gained many fans. And I warned you, please be careful with his fans. They were obsessed with him so much. I afraid that you will be hurt if you try to approach him. But, there's something at that Byun. He is so cold. He always ignoring the girls. He didn't glanced at girls even a little. He is so cold, tho. I wondered what heart that he have." Jessica rolled her eyes.

I just shut my mouth while listening to her story. So that Baekhyun was cold towards girls. He didn't have a heart? I just curious about him.

Then I looked at Jessica again. "The tall boy?"

"Oh..the tall one. He is Park Chanyeol. Baekhyun's best friend. But he is different. He is cheerful one. Happy go lucky and also smart!" Jessica told me.

I saw Jessica smiled when she told me about Chanyeol. "Wow. You're smiling. You like that Chanyeol, don't you?" I teased her.

Jessica widened her eyes before she shook her head. "No! I don't like him! I like somebody else." She giggles.

I just laughed seeing her reaction to my words. Jessica sometimes can be cute. We walked until we reached to the canteen.


Baekhyun's POV

I just stared at the new girl walked with Jessica. I didn't realize that Chanyeol was sitting in front of me. Until he waved his hand in front of my face.

I cleared my throat before looked at him.

"Who are you stared at?" Chanyeol asked then he turned to looked at someone.

I just shrug my shoulders and eat my bread. Suddenly Chanyeol giggles.

"Why?" I asked him.

"You were stared at the new girl, aren't you?" he teased me.

I just ignored Chanyeol and sips my milk. Chanyeol grinned. "You like her?"

Uhuk! I quickly glared at him. Chanyeol just give me his innocent smile.

"What the hell, Chan? Hell no!"

"I just teased you. Hehe. Cause I saw you stared at her in the class before. I just feel weird. You have never stared someone like that. Especially a girl. Even you didn't spare any glances at a girl." Chanyeol said.

I just shut my mouth and continue to eat my bread. No comment.

No. I didn't stared at her. If yes, I just weird at her. She looks like a nice girl. What the hell, Baek? Ugh.


Sorry for my bad english . im not very good at english . so enjoy!  Don't forget to vote and comment!

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