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Taeyeon's POV

I wake up from laying on the bed. Then I looked at my phone. It's 9 p.m right now. Suddenly my phone ringing. Eo, Jessica? I quickly picked up the call.

"Hey, Jessica-ah, wae?" I asked.

"Where are you?"

"I-" should I tell her that I was at Baekhyun's house right now?

I feel guilty. Jessica still waiting for my answer.

Finally I sighed.

"I'm at Baekhyun's house." I mumbled.

I can feel that Jessica was shocked right now.

"What?!" she shouted.

"Yah, you will make my ear deaf."

"I don't care! Why- I mean..how can you be at his house? What's your relationship with him? Are you guys a couple?" she asked so many question.

A couple? I wish like that. Wait.. What am I talking about?

"Okay, tomorrow I will tell you. Okay? Full story."

"I will remember your promise!"

"Fine fine.. Now how about you and Kris?" actually I wanna changed the topic. That's why I asked about her and Kris.

Jessica chuckles.

"You really know how to changed the topic."

I giggled.

"We are okay. But, you know what? Lately, his actions towards me..aww! I almost think that he likes me! But suddenly I remembered, that he just like me as a friend." her voice suddenly changed.

I just smiled. "Jessica, it's okay. You can do whatever until he likes you. You guys were seatmate right now. So, you can approached him and makes something that shows, you like him more than a friend. I think he will like you too!" I tried to cheer her up.

Jessica laughed makes me smile. I guess I did it. Hehe.

"Yeah, whatever, Taeng."

"Nice nickname." I joked.

Both of us bursted into laugh.

"Okay, see you tomorrow! Bye!"


I ended the call. Then, someone knocked on my door. I walked to the door and opened it.

Baekhyun smiled at me.

"Come. My parents are home!"

"What?" I shocked.

I thinking how his parents described me.

"Come." he pulled my wrist and I just followed him.

We went downstairs and I heard some laughs at the kitchen. When we reached, I saw Baekbeom and their parents were chatting and joking at the dinner table.

"Eomma, appa. Look! She is Baekhyun's girlfriend that I just told you!" he grinned.

Their parents turned their heads and looked at me. I just smile awkwardly.

"Hello, pretty." their mother greeted me with her warm smile.

"Annyeong, Mrs.Byun." I bowed at her.

"Ah no need to do that. Just call me ahjumma and him ahjusshi." she said. I just nodded slowly.

"Hyung, how many times I should tell you? She is not my girlfriend!" I saw Baekhyun glared at Baekbeom.

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