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Tiffany and Jessica went to Taeyeon's house the next day. When they arrived, the maid told them that Taeyeon didn't want to eat.

Both of them were worried. They tried to persuade her but, they failed.

"Taeyeon-ah, please come out and eat. It's for your health." Jessica said.

Still no respond. She looked at Tiffany and Tiffany shrugged her shoulders. "Let's call Chanyeol or Kris tu persuading her." Tiffany give an idea. Jessica quickly shook her head.

"If she didn't want to listen to us, she won't listen to Kris and Chanyeol too!" She replied. Tiffany sighed before she thinking. Jessica still knocking the door and keep asking her to eat.

Tiffany widened her eyes. "Jessica, let's call Baekhyun!" she said. Jessica frowned then she smiled. She nodded quickly and grabbed her phone. She called Baekhyun as soon as possible.


"Wae, Jessica?"

"Are you busy?" she asked carefully.

"No. Why?"

"It's erm..about Taeyeon. She didn't eat since yesterday and we were worried. We can't do anything because she won't listen to us. Help us, please."

Baekhyun silent for a while. Jessica felt nervous. What if he didn't agree?

"I know you hate her after what she has done to you. But, she is still our friend, right? If you don't want, it's okay then." Jessica muttered.

Baekhyun sighed. "Fine. I will be there." He ended the call. Jessica smile.

She looked at Tiffany and nodded. Tiffany give her eye smile.


Baekhyun's POV

I stared at my phone and sighed.

I know you hate her after what she has done to you. But, she is still our friend, right? If you don't want, it's okay then.

I hate her? The answer is..no. After what she has done to me, I still can't hate her. Did I still love her? I..don't know.

But, seeing her like this make me worried. Yes, I'm worried about her. I admit. I sighed again. It's not wrong being her friend right?

I stand from my sit and went out from my room. I'm going to her house.

After a few minutes, I reached at her house and I saw Jessica's car. Maybe she came here with Tiffany. I get out from my car and went into her house.

The maid greeted me and I just smile to her. I quickly went upstairs and I saw Jessica with Tiffany.

"Baek, you're here!" Tiffany relieved.

"Where's the food?" I asked. Then Jessica handed me a food tray. "I tried." I said and they nodded. Both of them went downstairs, leaving me alone.

Exhale, inhale..

I slowly knocked on her door. "T-Taeyeon.. It's me, Baekhyun. Please open the door. Please eat some food. You will get sick if you don't eat. It's not good for your health." I said softly. It's my first time spoke like this to her after six years.

Silent. She didn't answer me. I knocked again. "Taeyeon-ah, please don't be like this. Don't be sad. Your late father must be sad seeing you like this, right?" I said again, softly as I can. 

"Open the door and eat some food. Please."

Then, I heard she opened the door slowly. I stepped into her room and closed the door. It's dark. I opened the lamp and I saw her sitting at her bed, hugging her knees.

I approached her slowly and sat beside her.

"Why did you come here?" she asked me. I almost can't hear her because her voice were very low, but I can catch up.

She didn't glanced at me, just looked outside her window.

"To persuade you. Now, eat please." I replied.

I heard she chuckles. She was chuckles, but her tears fall down. "Why did you come here just to persuade me? I thought you hate me and didn't want to see my face." she mumbled.

I didn't get a chance to replied when she continued, "Just leave. I can live my life. If can, I will follow my parents." she mumbled again. My blood boiled as I heard what she said. I clenched my fist and put the food tray at the desk near her bed.

"Don't you dare said like that!" I almost raised my voice, but I then realized that this woman is not in a good condition. She kept silence. Didn't replied to me. "Taeyeon, please. Don't let them worried about you." I said again.

She smirked. "They were worried about me, so let them be. You're not worried about me, so please leave then." I froze as she muttered. I grabbed her both shoulders and make her facing me.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, almost like whispering. She stared into me eyes. I admit. I'm still melting when I looked into her eyes. Her eyes watered. "What's wrong with me? I'm okay! The correct is, what's wrong with you? You hate me, right? So why did you came here just to persuaded me to eat? I've hurt you! Please stop making me like this." she spoke.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Making her like what?

"Just get out and leave." she added and looked away. I shook my head. Why am I so stubborn? Whatever. "No. Not until you eat. Poor Jessica and Tiffany. Waiting for you to eat. Now, eat and I will leave." I forced her.

She chuckles. "I said I don't want. Go away." she pushed me but I didn't move. "Then why did you let me went into your room?" I asked her make she stopped.

I know that she needed me. She has hurt me. Yeah, I know but in this case, she needed someone. She just lost her father.

"Because-" she stop. I still staring at her. Actually, I want her answers. Why did she left me and everything. My heart says that she's hiding something from me.

"I will eat. Now leave." she mumbled. She got up from her bed and take the food tray. I saw she eat the porridge forcefully. Her tears keep falling down as she eat the porridge.

I know, she's avoiding my question. Because my question are related to what she just did to me six years ago. Then, she pushed the tray away from herself.

"I have eaten. Now leave." she pushed me and I get up from my sit. She lay down on her bed and closed her eyes. Maybe she wanna sleep. I decided to wait for 10 minutes.

After ten minutes, I looked at her again and she was sleeping. But, tears keep coming out from her eyes. Slowly I went closer to her and wiped her tears. Then, I take off her necklace. I will keep the necklace with me and I wanna see her reaction. I want her explanations soon.


Fuh. Finally done. Hehe. So I decided to double updated today! Thanks dear readers for supporting me. Saranghae~ ❤️

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