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Author's POV

Baekhyun just stared at her. Taeyeon stand up.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Went to the park. I need some fresh air to relaxed my mind." she answered him.

Before she could go away, Baekhyun pulled her wrist and stand from his sit.

Taeyeon turned to looked at him and she was shocked when Baekhyun suddenly hugged her tightly.

Her heart started racing. She could feel his body leaned closer to her. She can feel that Baekhyun patted her head right now.

"I know I can't calm you down like your mom did, but I tried." he said as he hug her more tight.

Taeyeon got touched and slowly she hugged him back. She closed her eyes to feel the warms of his body.

Baekhyun kissed her forehead which makes Taeyeon's heart beating faster. It was his first time kissing a girl even just  forehead. They stayed in that position for a few minutes.

Then Baekhyun break the hug and stared deeply into her eyes.

"Come. Let's eat an ice cream. I will treat you." he smiled and ruffled her hair.

Taeyeon smiled back and nodded. Both of them went out from his house and went to the park.


Bomi's POV

I saw both of them were chatting while walking home. What I have to do to make Baekhyun oppa hates her?

They get closer day by day. Sometimes I believe that, they were a real couple. But, what if yes? Argh! I have to stop them.

I kicked the tin in the road while walking. Think something!

I squeaked and hold my anger when I saw Baekhyun ruffled her hair.


Taeyeon's POV

I blushed a little when Baekhyun ruffled my hair. I heard Baekhyun chuckles.

"You are so cute. Now, go home." He said.

I just nodded and started to stepped into my house. I waved at him and closed the door.

Then I peeked at the window. Baekhyun smiled and went to his house. I laughed before went upstairs. But, I stopped when I heard some noise.

"So what the boy told me is true!" I heard my dad's voice.

"Appa is home?" I whispered to myself.

"What? What boy? Dear, please trust me! He is just my friend!"

"Friend? Is that you called a friend? Kissing you at the bed?! Now I've see the true colour of you! How dare you cheating on me?! Is that true that you abused my daughter?!"

I was shocked when I heard appa yelled at her. He found out?

"What? I've never abused-"


I decided to calm him down. So I quickly went upstairs and stepped into their bedroom. I saw appa standing in front of my stepmom meanwhile her boyfriend, was lying at the bed.

"Taeyeon! Tell him! This is all wrong!" she said to me.

I can't say anything. Should I just agreed with her or spill everything?

"Kim Taeyeon! I believe what your friend told me is true! If you love me, tell me everything!" Appa looked at me.

I heaved a sigh before said, "It's true. This witch cheating on you, appa. She is always abused me when you're not home. She treated me like a maid. This man, was her boyfriend. They kissing in front of me. I saw it. And she clearly said, this man was her boyfriend. She just want your money." I spill out everything.

My stepmom widened her eyes. She was about to slap me but appa stopped her.

"Tomorrow, I will send you a divorcement forms! You have to signed it or I will report you to police because you abused my daughter!" I was shocked with my dad's decision.

My stepmom shook her head. "No! Dear, please don't divorce me!" she begged.

"Now leave! Before I kill both of you!" appa's eyes full of anger. My stepmom looks scared and she quickly pulled her boyfriend and both of them went out from my house.

Finally. The witch has gone. Should I be happy? She will not abused me anymore. Should I celebrated it?

I looked at my dad. He looks so sad.

"Appa, mianhae." I mumbled.

He looked at me and smiled before he hugged me.

"I'm the one who supposed to ask a forgiveness from you. I'm sorry, my dear daughter. I ignored you. I ignored your pain. I believed her more than you. I didn't spend my time with you but more with her. I am a useless father, am I? Your friend was true. I'm a useless father." I heard his voice cracked a bit.

I hug him back and patted his back. "It's okay. No, you're a great father to me. Finally, you found out." I said softly.

He break the hug and smiled a bit. "Yeah. I decided to go home and ask her. When I reached home, I heard their voice and I saw them kissing in this room. So what your friend told me, it's clear enough." he replied.

I flashed a weak smile.

"I feel so relieved right now."

"Me too, dear."

He hugged me again and ruffled my hair just like he did to me before my mom passed away. Oh god, seriously I miss it so much!

Slowly, my tears fall down.

"Don't cry. It was my fault. Now, I fell guilty to your late mom." he started to cry.

I break the hug and wiped his tears. "It's okay."

He chuckles to hide his sadness. "So, is that you friend or your boyfriend?" he started to teased me. I slapped his shoulder playfully. "He is just my friend." I pouted.

He laughed and messed my hair. "Okay. I believed you for now." he joked again. I chuckled.

I swear, I really miss this moments.

"Now, get dressed. We will go out." he said.

"For what?"

"Dating between a father and his daughter. Now go to your room and get dressed! Ppali!"

I laughed and nodded before went out from his room and walked into my room. I smiled. I have to tell this to Baekhyun! He must be happy.

Wait, why I'm so excited?


So finally her stepmom has gone. Are you guys happy? Haha! Enjoy reading and vote! Gomawo 💗

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