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Author's POV

Taeyeon was busy taking and serving the orders to the customers. Suddenly, the bell make a sound. Taeyeon quickly take the menus to handed to the new customer.

When she walked to the table, she saw the man looks like familiar to her. She cleared her throat and shook her head.

"Sir, order p-"

She froze when the customer was her dad. Mr.Kim was shocked and automatically stand up.

"Taeyeon? What are you doing here? Do you work here?" he asked her.

Taeyeon still froze. She can't answered all the questions. Mr.Kim pulled her hand. "Quit now! And follow me to our home now!" he raised his voice makes some customers payed their attention to them.

Solji who was busy at the back, quickly went in front and try to calm Mr.Kim down.

"Sir, what's going on?" she asked politely.

"She is my daughter! And I want you to fired her now!" he scolded Solji.

Solji raised furrowed her eyebrow. Tsk. Why did this old man mad at me? Ugh.

"But, sir. I can't do that. Taeyeon is the best worker here. She is the one who begged me to allowed her working here. And I think, she doesn't want to stop." Solji said.

"I don't care! Hey, Taeyeon! I told you to just focus on your study! Why did you waste your time in this place?" he still raised his voice.

Taeyeon looked down. She don't want to quit her job. She slowly shook her head. Solji looked at Mr.Kim. "See. She don't want."

"How dare you-"

"What's going on?" Now everyone payed their attention to that voice.

Baekhyun went closer to them and pulled Taeyeon's hand away from Mr.Kim. The 45-aged man widened his eyes.

"How dare you! She is my daughter!" he scold him.

Baekhyun frowned. Then, he get it. Mr.Kim must have know that Taeyeon worked here.

"I'm sorry about my attitude to you, ahjusshi. But, let her be. She want this job. You can't controlled her. She is 18 years old already. She wanted to work here because she want to gained her own money." Baekhyun explained and backup Taeyeon.

Mr.Kim chuckles. "And who are you? Her boyfriend?" he asked sarcasm.

"I'm her best friend. Now, let me ask you, ahjusshi. Did you know the pain that Taeyeon has-"

"Baekhyun!" Taeyeon stopped him. Baekhyun looked at her and Taeyeon shook her head.

"What? Just tell me!" Mr.Kim was curious.

"Please don't." Taeyeon begged Baekhyun before look at his dad.

"Fine. I will quit. Let's go home, appa."

Baekhyun hold her hand make her stop. Mr.Kim furrowed his eyebrow.

"Kim Taeyeon has suffered a lot. As her father, you must have to know what happen to your only daughter. But, you are selfish. You just worked and worked without know that someone has abused your daughter. As a father, you must care about your daughter. But, you just care about your wife. Her stepmom. What kind of father are you? Maybe you didn't know that you 'beloved' wife is cheating on you with other man! You believed your wife more than your daughter. Are you really a responsible father? Are you really her father? Hell not." Baekhyun stared at Mr.Kim coldly.

Mr.Kim froze as he heard what Baekhyun just say. Tears slowly fall down into Taeyeon's cheek.

"What- is that true? Taeyeon, tell me!" he shakes his daughter's shoulders.

Taeyeon slowly cried. Baekhyun nodded. "You may not believed it, but Taeyeon has told me everything. Now, go to your beloved wife and let Taeyeon be!" Baekhyun said and pulled Taeyeon away.

Both of them went out from the restaurant. All the customers started to whispered something bad about him. About him, who didn't good at take care of his daughter.

Solji cleared her throat and bowed before go back and continued her work.


Baekhyun's POV

I take her to my house. Luckily, my brother and my parents were not at home. My parents were out meeting their friends meanwhile my brother meets his best friend.

I pulled her into my house and close the door. Both of us sat on the sofa in the living room.

She covered her face with her hands and started to crying. It's hurt when seeing her like this. I said the truth.

I sighed and pulled her closer before hug her tightly. She has suffered a lot. But she is still strong.

"Is my father think that I'm lying? Is he gonna beat me like what my stepmom did to me? Is he gonna slapped me on the face because accused his wife?" she asked while crying.

"Shh.. It's not gonna happen. Okay? I'm here. Don't cry please.." I rubbed her back gently.

She stay silent for a while. I still hug her to calm her down. Sometimes I patted her head.

"Are you okay now?" I asked her when she stop crying.

Taeyeon slowly nodded and wiped her tears. I break the hug and smiled at her.

"No need to cry." I gently rubbed her cheek. Then I saw she blushed and looked down. Oh my, I admit. I love seeing her blushing. It looks so cute.

I didn't realized what I did. It's..automatic. I never did like this to any girls. She is the first one. I never hug a girl when she is crying. This feeling... I never felt it when I'm with any girls. This strange feelings kinda make me confused.

My heart was beating faster but I still showed my calm face.

"O-okay.." she suddenly stuttered. I chuckled.

"Don't think about that. Just let him be." I said as I put my hand on my side back.

She sighed before looked away.

"I don't know.." she mumbled. Then she looked at me and smiled. "But thanks anyway." I just nodded.

"What did you need when you're sad? Food? Music?" I asked her. Maybe I can give her something that will make her happy back.

She shook her head. "I always listening to music or singing when I'm sad. But, there's not the main point." she replied.


"My mom always hug me when I'm sad. She always pat my head like a kid and kiss my forehead." she chuckles. I just stared at her.

"But now, not anymore. So I just singing or listening to music." she looked at me and smiled.

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