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Taeyeon's POV

I play with my fingers while look down. Didn't dare to look at him.

"Actually..my eomma has gone. She died in an accident. Then, my father married my stepmom. At first, she was kind at me. Showing her love and caring towards me. But, after my father gone for a business work, she started to abused me. I don't know why. She said that she didn't love me at all. She just want my father's money. I knew it." I still didn't dare to look at Baekhyun.

I think, he must be laughed at me. I know, my life is a mess. He must be laughed at me because my life story after heard it. Is he gonna spread it to the others?

"When I was 16, I cut myself because I was too depressed. I want to erase the pain. But I know I can't. My stepmom abused me again for dumb reason. My father rarely spend time with me. But he always spend his time with my stepmom. He is not a caring father anymore. I want to go far. Far away from the pain that I have now. If I can, I want to follow my eomma." I continued.

I stay silent when Baekhyun didn't reply.

"Oh I see.." he finally replied. I still silent.

"You see..how can I say? Um.. I know you can't hold it anymore. But, can't you tell your father about your stepmom always abused you?" Baekhyun look at me.

I shake my head. "He wouldn't listen and believe me. And my stepmom will kill me if I told him." I flashed a weak smile.

Then I sighed heavily.

"It's okay. I will hold it. I still can. My eomma said that I'm a strong girl." I chuckles.

Baekhyun stared at me without saying anything. I looked at him and smile. "Thanks for hear my problems. I feel better now. Bye, I wanna go to the class." I smiled again and slowly stand from my sit.

Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist. I turned.

"Let's go together. You can't walk properly." He said and started to pull me carefully. I just obeyed him.

It's not wrong to be his friend right?


Author's POV

When they reached to their class, all the students stared at them. Taeyeon felt nervous and she looked down. Suddenly she remembered what Jessica told her.

But Baekhyun still with his cold face. Didn't bother with the other girls. Some of the girls give Taeyeon a death glares. Some of them showed their jealous faces.

Baekhyun pulled Taeyeon and both of them sat at their places. Jessica stared at Taeyeon with shocking face. Chanyeol who was sleeping, woke up because he heard some noise from the girl beside him. He look at Baekhyun and was shocked. Same reaction with Jessica.

"Since when she get closer to Baekhyun oppa?" Taeyeon heard one voice behind her.

"Dunno. But I'm sure she has do something to our oppa!" her friend replied.

Taeyeon closed her eyes to calm herself down. She opened back her eyes and glanced at Baekhyun. He looked so calm.

Taeyeon lift her head up when she saw Jessica come to her place.

"Let's go to the toilet." she pulled Taeyeon's hand. Taeyeon just followed her.

Once they went away from the class, Jessica stopped. "Didn't I tell you to not approach Baekhyun?" Jessica raised one eyebrow.

Taeyeon sighed. "Sica-ah, it's not like that. But, that Baekhyun just told me that we are friend." she tell her.

Jessica's eyes opened widened.

"Seriously?! Jinjjayo?! He said that you was his friend?!" she seems excited.

Taeyeon slowly nodded. Jessica giggles and slapped Taeyeon's shoulder playfully.

"Is this real? Omo. Byun Baekhyun never approach a girl and now he did it. He even said that they were friends. It's surprising! I think he likes you." Jessica said excitedly and grinned.

Taeyeon blushed. She quickly looked away. Baekhyun like her?

"Stop talking nonsense." she reply.

"Oh someone was blushing.." Jessica teased her friend.

"Shut up. I'm not." Taeyeon shoot Jessica her death glare. Jessica just chuckles. "It's not scared me." she said proudly.

Taeyeon just shook her head.


Baekhyun's POV

I glanced at Taeyeon before looked at Mr.Kim who was teaching in front. 

She's quite focus. I glanced at her again. What's wrong with me tho? I didn't know how many times I glanced at her for today. She's interesting.

Suddenly I remembered what she tell me about her family.

I feel pitiful for her. I didn't realize that I staring at her until Mr.Kim's voice sounded.

"Byun Baekhyun! Can you solve this question?" Mr.Kim look at me.

I quickly take my eyes off Taeyeon and look at Mr.Kim. I nodded and stand up before went to the front of class.

I stared at the whiteboard before I grabbed a marker and start to solve the Mathematics question.


"Your answer is wrong, Mr.Byun. You didn't focus on what I'm teaching just now. Where's your mind travelling, Mr.Byun?" He asked me with his angry face.

I faked a cough. Is my answer wrong?

"Now who can solve this?" Mr.Kim looked at his students but no one dared to raised their hand.

"Me." I look at the voice. Kim Taeyeon. She stand from her sit and slowly went in front.

She grabbed a marker and solving the question. Mr.Kim smiled. "Good, Ms.Kim. Your answer is correct."

Taeyeon smile back and bowed. "Gomawo."

I hide my smile. She's smart too.

"Now, both of you may sit down back. Thanks, Mr.Byun and Ms.Kim."

Both of us went back to our seats. I saw some girls in this class glared at Taeyeon. They must be jealous seeing Taeyeon with me. I admit, Taeyeon is the only girl that I approached. I don't know why. She makes me wanna stared at her only.

You are crazy, Byun Baekhyun.

Now I try to focus on what Mr.Kim teach. What's wrong with my eyes? Don't stared at Taeyeon please.

I cleared my throat before look at Mr.Kim.

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