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Author's POV

She froze when she hear his question. She didn't turned to look at him.

How did he know?

Slowly, Baekhyun stood up from his chair and stepped closer to Taeyeon. Taeyeon could hear his footsteps, make her heart beating faster.

Baekhyun stopped in front of her. Taeyeon looked away.

"W-what ar-are you tal-talking about?" she accidently stuttered. Then she bite her bottom lip, regret because she was stuttered in front of him.

Baekhyun can't do anything but just stared at her. He ignored his heart beating faster.

"I saw everything. Yeah, I'm the one who unlock your phone." He admitted.

Taeyeon looked at him. "How dare you? It's my privacy!" she almost raised her voice at him. Baekhyun smirked. "Who cares? Now, I wanna ask you. You said, that you've never loved me. You just acting to get my attention. Then why suddenly you put my birthday as your password, and my photo as your wallpaper?"

Then he continued, "Or..you're accidently falling in love with me when you're acting?" he still smirking.

Taeyeon hold her tears. How could he say something like this to her? She decided to stay silent. Didn't reply to him.

"Oh, is it true? I am surprised." He pretend to be shocked. Taeyeon just kept quiet. Didn't even glanced at him and looked away. "So it's true. Yeah, you have hurt me before with your fake love, Taeyeon-ssi. And now you are accidently falling in love with me. But sorry, I don't love you anymore. Why should I still love you? I should beware with a woman like you, right? I don't love you anymore." he smirked.

Taeyeon felt hurt. She looked at him.

"How are you so confident that I accidently love you? Did I look like I care if you don't love me anymore?" she bravely replied. Baekhyun chuckles. Then he wiped her tears that falling down on her cheeks.

Taeyeon didn't realized that she was crying when she replied to him. "Then, why are you crying?" he still smirking to her. "Your cheeks are wet with your tears." he added.

She wiped her tears roughly. Suddenly her phone ringing. She answered the call and ignore Baekhyun.

"Fany-ah, wae?"

"Where are you, Taeyeon-ah? Your father!"

She widened her eyes. "W-what's wrong with my father?" she asked.

"He..he's critical and now, the ambulance on their way to take him to the hospital!"

Taeyeon felt that her heart stopped. She ended the call and quickly went out from the room. Baekhyun just froze there. He then rubbed his face and sighed.


Taeyeon went home quickly. She went into her house and saw her best friend, Tiffany was sit on the sofa. She quickly get her.

"Where's my father?" she asked her.

"They have take him to the hospital. I was waiting for you, let's go!" She pulled Taeyeon and both of them went out from the house.

Suddenly, someone called her. Taeyeon picked the calls when she saw Doctor Choi's name. "Hello, doctor! How's my father?" she asked him worriedly.

Doctor Choi silent for a while.

"I-I'm sorry.. Taeyeon-ssi.. But-"

"But what?!" she cut his words.

"The ambulance who pick your father..got an accident and..your father p-passed away.. He's gone.."

Dang !

Her phone were on the ground. Tiffany frowned. "T-Taeyeon.. Why?" she slowly asked. Seeing she didn't give amy response, Tiffany pick her phone and slowly put near her ear.

"Doctor?.. What happen?"

"Tiffany-ssi, I'm sorry.. The ambulance got into an accident and Mr.Kim has passed away.."

Tiffany covered her mouth, shocked. She quickly looked at Taeyeon and hug her tightly. Taeyeon was crying. She decided to take Taeyeon to the hospital.


Baekhyun turned on the televisyen. Her parents were on their room. Baekbeom still not coming home yet. He switch the channel to the news channel.

"Former Kim Company CEO Kim Tae Jo died in a car incident. What we just got, he was sick and an ambulance picked him up at his house after his daughter's friend, Tiffany Hwang called the hospital. The ambulance reported having left the house after picking him up, and then they had an accident that caused Kim Tae Jo to die in the incident. "

Baekhyun froze. Kim Tae Jo. Kim's Company. Taeyeon's father! He stared at the television before he heard his father called him.


"Yes, appa?" he looked at Mr.Byun. Mr.Byun sighed and said, "We have to go to the Mr.Kim's funeral. I heard that he's died because of car incident. Let's go now." Mr.Byun pulled his son's hand.

Baekhyun just obeyed his father. Then, his mother went downstairs and decided to follow them to the funeral.

While they were in the car, Baekbeom went home and he frowned when he saw all of them were in hurry. "Where did you guys wanna go?" he asked. "To the Kim Tae Jo's funeral. Let's go, Baekbeom." Mr.Byun said. Baekbeom nodded and get back into his car.

They started to drove away to the funeral. Baekhyun can't calmed down. He's busy thinking about Taeyeon. What she feel right now? He don't know why, but he worried at her.

Mrs.Byun just stared at her son without him knowing. She know that her son are thinking about Taeyeon. She still didn't know what actually happen between them.

But, she always praying that Taeyeon and Baekhyun will be happy together. She likes Taeyeon and she was happy seeing both of them.

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