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Tiffany raised her head and looked at everyone. She licked her lower lip before sighed. "Why?" Jessica asked her.

"What do you wanna tell us?" Kris asked her again. Tiffany take a deep breath before spoke. "Actually, I know the whole story." She mumbled. All of them looked at each other before stared at Tiffany.

Jessica crossed her arms and frowned. "What do you mean?" she asked back. "I met Taeyeon after she moved to Canada when she's transferred to our school. We become friends and then, best friend. After about one year we become best friend, she told me everything about you guys." Tiffany stopped.

She looked at them and continued, "She told everything from she was transferred to Seoul Highschool and meet you guys. She told me about Jessica, Kris, Chanyeol and.. Baekhyun. She said she loves you guys and really happy because she met you guys. She said that was the best thing in her life. Then, she told me about you, Baekhyun." Tiffany looked at Baekhyun. He stared at Tiffany and waiting for her to continued.

"She said, that she was in love with someone. She have a crush on him since they were close to each other. It was you. She said that you're not a cold guy too much, but she found that you are the most caring and sweetest person ever. You're kind. You're always worried about her. That's why she fall for you. You are different. Always make her happy. She doesn't know anything about love, but when she met you, she knows what is love."

Baekhyun froze as he hear about it. Kris rubbed his back to comfort him.

"She told me that you guys were in a relationship. But one day..she told me that when she was going on a date with you, her ex stepmom threatened her. She force Taeyeon to leave you or her ex stepmom will kill her late father and you, Baekhyun. She forced her. Taeyeon didn't want to but she have no choice. Her ex stepmom always watching her from afar to make sure that she didn't contacted you. That's why she left you alone at the mall."

Baekhyun rubbed his face. He still remembered that day when Taeyeon left him alone when they were on their date.

"Starting from that day, she told me that she tried to be cold towards you. She tried to practice saying something that hurts you. She also told me about Yoon Bomi. Her ex stepmom watching her outside school, but Yoon Bomi watching her inside school. So that's why she changed her attitude to you. She have to, Baekhyun-ssi. She said it's hurt to see you sad. She said it's hurt to see you cry when you guys broke up at the music room. She's weak. She want to forget you but she couldn't. She always remembered you in Canada. Even she put your birthday as her password and your picture as her wallpaper. She misses everything about you. She miss Jessica and the others too. And yes, she still keeping the necklace that you gave her and she always wearing it. She never take off the necklace." Tiffany continued.

Their jaws dropped. Shocked with the truth that come out from Tiffany's mouth. Baekhyun hold his tears.

"When she told me that she meet you again, I can see happiness and sadness in her eyes. She's happy because she can see you again. She's sad because she think that you hate her after what she did to you. When she told me that the necklace was gone, she was very panicked. She cried because that was the only thing that she got from you." Tiffany wiped her tears that falling down.

Jessica covered her mouth and started to cry. Chanyeol patted her shoulder to comfort her. Baekhyun looked down. Now he know the truth. The truth that he want to hear it from her. He finally broke down. He tried to hold his tears but he can't. Kris get him and comfort him.

"She has went through all the harder time alone." Jessica said while crying.

"She really loves you, Byun Baekhyun. She always felt scared whenever she met you because she afraid that you hate her." Tiffany added. "I tell you guys because I can't hold it anymore. I can't seeing her sad every time. You need to know everything, Baekhyun. And I have tell you." she continued.

Baekhyun slowly nodded and wiped his tears. He has know everything. Now, just waiting for her to woke up and he will fixed their relationship.

He looked at Tiffany. "We didn't broke up yet." he said. Tiffany just smiled weakly. She knows. Because Taeyeon didn't told her.

"Everyone thought that we have broke up. But actually that day, we didn't mention about break up." Baekhyun mumbled. Jessica nodded, agreed with him. "They're still together. They just need to fixed their relationship." she said confidently.

Tiffany nodded. "Then let's just wait for her to woke up." Kris said and all of them smiled but Baekhyun just fake his smile to them.

Baekhyun went out from her ward and went into Taeyeon's room. He slowly closed the door and stepped closer to her bed.

She looks like sleeping. Her face was very calm and pale. Slowly, Baekhyun patted her head. Gently. Full of loves. His tears falling down again. He knew it. That she must hiding something from him and now Tiffany has told him everything.

Baekhyun just stared at her pale face. Didn't bother to say anything. Seriously he wanna hug her right now. Tell her that he still loves her. He wanted to kiss her like before she got into an accident.

Please wake up. I'm waiting for you.

He just can said it in his heart. He can't said it through his mouth. Baekhyun wiped his tears and kissed Taeyeon's forehead.

Without he knowing, tears slowly fell down on Taeyeon's cheeks. She's crying in comma.

Jessica, Kris and Chanyeol watching them from outside. Jessica opened the door slowly and they peeked. Then she closed back the door. "Let's go. Give them some time and privacy." she said. Kris and Chanyeol just nodded. "I'm going to went home with Tiffany." she told Kris and Kris smiled. He agreed.

The three of them leaving the room's area quietly.

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