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Kris's POV

It has been two weeks Taeyeon in comma. She still didn't want to woke up I think. And two weeks I saw Baekhyun is sad. He really regretted it, huh.

He really hopes that she will back to him again. But, they didn't broke up. So I am sure that their relationship will be okay.

I saw Jessica went out from Taeyeon's room and she sat beside me. "How?" I asked her. She just shook her head. "Still same." she sighed.

To comfort her, I just rubbed her back gently. "What if she didn't woke up until we get engaged?" She looked at me sadly. I patted her head. "Don't say like that." I said softly.

Yeah, Jessica and I will get engaged this coming Monday. We were in a relationship about five years. Actually I have crush on her since highschool but I'm afraid she didn't like me. But fortunately, she likes me too. Hehe.

"Where is Baekhyun?" She asked.

"He has to go back to his office. His dad is calling him." I tell her. She just nodded. Then, we saw Tiffany and Chanyeol come back to us. They just went to the canteen to buy drinks for us.

Chanyeol handed me a coffee. "Thanks." and he nodded. The four of us sat together and enjoyed our drinks. Suddenly Tiffany stand up.

"I wanna check her." she told us and went into the room. Jessica followed her.

I decided to chatting with Chanyeol. We were chatting about some random stuffs. Suddenly we heard Tiffany and Jessica's voices calling for doctor.

Both of us started to panicked and went into the room.

"Call the doctor!" Tiffany shouted. Chanyeol nodded and quickly went out calling for Doctor Choi.

Two nurses come with Doctor Choi and we have to went out. We obeyed them. "Call Baekhyun. Now!"


Author's POV

Baekhyun quickly went to the hospital and he saw his best friends gathered outside the room. "What's wrong with her?" he asked worriedly.

Tiffany shook. "We don't know. Suddenly her body shakes an-"

She didn't continued her words when Doctor Choi come out. All of them attacked Doctor Choi with their questions.

"How was she?"

"Is she okay?"

"Don't worry. She's okay." Doctor Choi smiled. They feel relieved. "And she has woke up. Finally." he continued.

All of them were shocked. They looked at each other before Jessica rubbed her face and smile. "Seriously?" Chanyeol asked. Doctor Choi nodded and they grinned happily except Baekhyun.

Doctor Choi went away. "Let's go!" Tiffany said happily. Baekhyun smiled. "Never mind. You guys go first. Don't tell her that I'm here. I will be back." After saying that, Baekhyun walked away.

"But why?" Kris make a puzzled face.

"Just listen to him." Jessica replied and they went into the room.

"Kim Taeyeon!" Tiffany and Jessica shouted. Taeyeon turned and smiled. Both of them hugged her tightly.

Taeyeon just chuckles and hug them back. "We misses you." Jessica mumbled. Taeyeon break the hug and nodded. "I miss you guys too." she replied.

Then she looked at Kris and Chanyeol.

"Hey, guys! Long time no see." Taeyeon laughed. Chanyeol rolled his eyes. "Yeah. You are always sleeping. I feel like I wanna smack your head." he said sarcastically. All of them laughed.

Kris slapped Chanyeol's shoulder playfully. "She just woke up!" he muttered. Chanyeol just giggles. While they were laughing, actually Taeyeon searched for someone. It's Byun Baekhyun. She want him to be here.

When she is in comma, she felt like he is always be on her side. Stay with her. But when she opened her eyes, she didn't saw him. And she was sad and disappointed. She thought he will be here.

"Are you hungry?" Jessica asked her, make Taeyeon back into reality. She smiled and shook her head. She doesn't feel hungry now.

"How about your head? Is it still hurt?" Kris asked while touching Taeyeon's head carefully. Taeyeon shook. "Not really. It gets better I think." she laughed.

They chatting for a while before Taeyeon asked them. "Is it Yoon Bomi who came and asking my forgiveness?" she suddenly asked. They looked at each other before glancing at Taeyeon. "Yeah, you must heard what she said." Tiffany replied.

Taeyeon nodded. Yeah, she has heard everything. "So she will getting married this weekend and she hopes that you will come if you forgive her." Chanyeol said.

"Of course I'm going." Taeyeon smiled.

They chuckles and continued chatting until they realized it's getting late and dark. "We will go home. Take care, Taeng." Jessica said. Taeyeon nodded.

"Are you sure you can st-"

"Yes. We have doctors and nurses here. No need to worry about me." Taeyeon cut her words.

They smiled and hugging each other before they bid goodbye to Taeyeon. Then they went out. Silent. Taeyeon suddenly feel lonely without her best friends. She started to starving. "Aish, I should eat when they asked me just now." she mumbled.

When she was about to get up from laying on the bed, someone opened the door make her stopped. She adjusting her blanket and say, "Jessica? Did you left something?" she asked, didn't look at the person.

No reply. She raised her head up and she froze.

It was him.


Finally she woke up. Argh I miss Taeng! Haha! Thanks for supporting me ❤️

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