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She stared at him before looked away. She didn't expect that he will come. Yes, Byun Baekhyun. He came. Her heart started to beating faster.

It's getting faster when he slowly walked closer to her bed. His eyes never left on hers.

"Have you eat?" his voice make she can't calmed down. She cleared her throat and shook slowly. Didn't dare to lie because he stared at her coldly.

Just like before.

"Okay." he replied coldly before he take something on his paper bag. And it was a food. Actually, he made the porridge for her. Just for her. That's why he went back to his house.

He wanted to cook for her. Taeyeon frowned. She thinks that he bought the porridge. She felt nervous when he sat on her bed, facing her and mixed the porridge gently.

She furrowed her eyebrows when Baekhyun wants to feed her.

"I-I can eat by myself."

"No. Just open your mouth." he replied.

"But I c-can do by myself." she tried to take the spoon from him, but he avoided.

"Is it hard? Just open your mouth and eat!" he said, coldly and looks mad.

Taeyeon startled a little before she obeyed him. Slowly she opened her mouth and eat the porridge. She felt sad because of his cold side to her. She almost crying but she hold it. Yeah, looks like a kid. But that's her. Kim Taeyeon.

Baekhyun just fed her like a father fed his daughter. Just five spoons and she doesn't want to eat anymore.

"Eat. Just a little more." he persuade her, but in a cold way.

Taeyeon shook and looked away. She suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore. Just, she hates his cold acting to her. He sighed. "Okay. Now sleep. I will be here and accompany you." he said.

Taeyeon just ignored him. She lay down on her bed and closed her eyes. She turned to right, didn't facing him. Baekhyun just smile seeing her kid's attitude. He mouthed, 'saranghae' without her knowing.

She finally fall asleep. Baekhyun patted her head gently and kissed her forehead.


Taeyeon's POV

The next morning, I woke up and looked around. No one here in my room except me. Maybe Baekhyun has went home. Ugh, I hate his cold side to me yesterday.

He's like between caring and cold. If he didn't care about me, then why he came here last night? Is he still thinking that I accidently falling in love with him? Jerk. I hate him.

I pouted while thinking about that. Then I sighed and get up from laying on the bed. I need to go to the toilet. I went into the toilet and wash my hands. I tied my hair become ponytail and went out from the toilet.

When I opened the toilet's door, I yelp in shock when I saw Baekhyun in my room. I'm not dreaming, right? Is it really him?

He stepped closer to me and stared at me. Suddenly I feel nervous. "W-why?" I asked him and looked away. He didn't answered me and just pulled my wrist. I just followed him.


I sit. I just obeyed him like a kid obeying her father. He then sat beside me and took out something. Food again maybe. And yes. He bought it or he made it? Huh, keep on dreaming Kim Taeyeon. Of course he bought it!

It's chicken soup and rice.

"Eat. I made it for you." he said coldly. And I frowned. H-he made it for me? Is it true? And again, he feed me. I just opened my mouth and let him feed me.

I could feel my cheeks burned. Yup, I'm blushing. Come on, Taeyeon! Maybe he just came here because the others can't make it.

And I finished the meal without I realized. Maybe because my mind is thinking about other things, and didn't realized he feed me until I finished the meal.

"You don't working?" I suddenly asked him.

He looked at me with his cold gaze, make me looked down and cleared my throat. Why I am scared to him?

"No." he replied.

I just mouthed an 'O'. We stay silent for a while. Then, I heard the door was opened by someone. We saw Doctor Choi went in while smiling.

I smiled back to him and quickly asked, "Doctor, can I go home now?" I asked like a kid who didn't want to stay at hospital. Yes, I hate hospital. Doctor Choi chuckles. "Not yet. Sorry, Taeyeon. You have to stay here for two days more. We have to do check up for you to make sure you are really fine." he said.

"Tch." I pouted and crossed my arms.

"But I wanna go home. I hate hospital and you know that, Doctor Choi." I sulking like a kid. "You can't. You have to stay here like what he said. It will become easier to them to check you." Baekhyun said. Still in a cold tone.

And it's look like he scolded me. Doctor Choi laughed. "See, your boyfriend also didn't allowed you to go back home." I froze when he said Baekhyun was my boyfriend.

I cleared my throat before shook. "He's not my boyfriend." I said. I could feel that Baekhyun stared at me but I denied it. It was just my feelings.

Doctor Choi smirked. "Yeah, I believe that." he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes to him. I'm closed with Doctor Choi, so that's why I can talk to him like this.

He then went out leaving me and Baekhyun. And again, silent. I don't know what I want to do.

"Why did you say that I'm not your boyfriend?" he suddenly asked me.

I shocked a little hearing his question. Why did he ask me like this? "It's true. We have broke up six years ago." I mumbled. Then I heard he chuckles. I looked at him.

"Are you sure that we have broke up? Recall. Have you said, 'let's break up' to me six years ago?"

I blinked twice before looked away. He.. He's right. I never mentioned about break up six years ago. I take a deep breath before saying, "Then..let's break up."

I finally said and I could feel that I hurt myself because saying that.

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