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Author's POV

Taeyeon furrowed. "Where to?" she asked. Baekhyun just smiled. "Just come with me." he pulled her wrist.

Then Taeyeon decided to just followed Baekhyun. Both of them went out from the old building and walked together.

"Are you taking me home?" she asked when they stopped in front of her house.

"Nope. Come to my house." Baekhyun pulled her and both of them went to Baekhyun's house.

Baekhyun was about to knocked on the door but someone has opened it.

"Woo woo, bacon. Where did you go? Why-" Baekbeom stopped when he saw Taeyeon beside Baekhyun.

Taeyeon smile awkwardly before waved to Baekbeom. "An-annyeong.." she smiled innocently.

Baekhyun just hold his laugh. Taeyeon looks so cute! Baekbeom waved back at Taeyeon. "Annyeong! Yah, bacon! You didn't told me that you have a girlfriend!" Baekbeom smacked his brother's head.

Taeyeon widened her eyes. Girlfriend?

Baekhyun squeaked. "She is not my girlfriend, hyung! She is just my friend!" he muttered.

Baekbeom rolled his eyes. "Blah blah blah.. Yeah I believe that." he said sarcastically. Then he smiled at Taeyeon. "Hey, baeutiful. Come in." he winked at her.

Taeyeon just smiled. Meanwhile Baekhyun shoot his brother a death glare. "Don't try to flirt with her, you old man!"

Baekbeom bursted into laugh. "Yah! Are you jealous? Hahaha! I'm not flirting with her. I know she's yours." this time Baekbeom winked at Baekhyun to teased him.

Taeyeon feel her cheeks turned into red. She's blushing. Baekhyun also feel shy but he quickly glared at Baekbeom.

"Let's go." Baekhyun pulled Taeyeon in and they went upstairs to his bedroom. Leaving Baekbeom alone.

They stepped into his bedroom and Baekhyun closed the door.

"Wow, your room is nice." Taeyeon chuckles. Baekhyun laughed.

He pulled Taeyeon to sit at his bed. "Where's your parents? I didn't saw them." Taeyeon looked at Baekhyun.

"Oh, they went to work. They will be home at 10 p.m." Baekhyun smiled.

Taeyeon just nodded and looked around. "Is he your brother?" she asked again.

Baekhyun just answered her questions. "Yup. He is my brother. He's the older one. I'm the youngest one." he grinned. Taeyeon just laughed.

"You know what? I never bring a girl to my house and let them stepped into my room." he said.

"So I'm the first one?"

"Totally yes."

Taeyeon blushed again. She quickly looked away. Why she is always get blushed when she's with Baekhyun? His action and his words make her blushed.


Baekhyun's POV

I saw Taeyeon's blushing. I chuckles. She is so cute! It's true tho. I've never bring a girl to my house and let them into my room. She's the first one.

I don't know why. I think all the cold side of me went away when I'm with her. Suddenly I remembered what just my brother said.

I know she's yours.

I found myself smile when I remembered what Baekbeom hyung said to me. What's wrong with me tho?

"Baekhyun, why are you smiling?" she asked me.

I looked at her and smiled. Then I shook my head. Taeyeon chuckles. I stared at her while smiling. She's beautiful when she laughed. When she smiled. My heart will beating fast.

What's this feeling? Am I..falling to her?

I don't know what's my feeling to Taeyeon. Yes. I feel happy when I'm with her. Caring? I think I am. I always worried about her. She makes me wanna stared at her only. She makes me laughed with her cute action. I hate when seeing her cry. I smiled when she smiled.

I'm worried when she got sick. I have never feel like this when I'm with a girl. Before Taeyeon come to our school, I've never approached any girl, talked to them, being their friends, care about them, and everything. Even I didn't glanced at them.

But, she's different. That makes me wanna know her more when she transferred to the school. I found myself staring at her since the first day she entered my class.

When I overheard her conversation with Jessica, which is when Jessica asked her there's bruise on the tip of her lip, I found myself worried about her already.

That's why I asked Chanyeol to go and eat at the restaurant which Taeyeon's working at. I wanna see her to make sure she's okay. Chanyeol just obeyed me without asking why.

But when she handed the menus to us, I saw the scars on her arm. She cut herself. And I decided to waited for her until she's done.

"You don't working?" I asked her.

She raised her head up and shook. "Tomorrow."

"Oh.. Did your father know that you're working?"

"Nope. I don't want to tell him. Or else, he will forced me to stop."

"Why did you working? You just a student. And I think, you are come from a rich family." I said.

She heaved a sigh.

"Yes. True. But I have to. My stepmom always use my father's money. She even told him to not give the money to me. Even for the school. So I wanted to work and get my own money." she explained.

Now I get it. Ugh, I really wanna punch her father. Useless.

"It's getting dark. It's already 6.00 p.m. I have to go home." she stand up from her sit.

I quickly grabbed her arm and she looked at me.

"Just stay here."

We stared at each other. I really want her to be here. I don't want to let her go.

"I think that's not your father's car." I say again.

She looked down. I stand up from my sit and pulled her closer. "Why, hm?" I asked her softly.

"That's..my stepmom's boyfriend's car. She's cheating on my father. That's why I went out from my house." she mumbled.

I sighed slowly and pulled her into a hug.

"Then stay here. Don't go back to your house. I don't think he is gone. Maybe he's still with your stepmom." I said and rubbed her back.

She slowly nodded. I smiled and break the hug.

"Good! Now I will show you the guest room. Come!" I pulled her wrist.

She just chuckles and follow me.

She's Mine [ BAEKYEON ]Where stories live. Discover now