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Baekhyun's POV

I went out with Chanyeol today. Both of us decided to go to the mall.

We bought something that we want before Chanyeol told me that he is hungry. Aish, this yoda.

"Alright, let's go and eat." I rolled my eyes. Chanyeol grinned and both of us went to the near restaurant.

We search for a table before sit and take an order.

"Baek, isn't that Taeyeon?" Chanyeol patted my shoulder. I turned to see the direction that Chanyeol showed me.

There's a black haired girl who was sitting alone. Yes, she is Taeyeon.

"Let's go to your crush." Chanyeol stand up. I smack his head and he flashed his innocent smile. "She is not my crush!" I glared at him. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah."

We went to the table that Taeyeon was sat. "Taeyeon-ah." I smiled to her. Chanyeol too. Taeyeon raised her head and looked at us. She smiled back.

"Hey, guys!" She waved at us.

"Mind if we joined you?" Chanyeol asked.

She nodded. "Sure." Chanyeol and I sat in front of her.

"Are you coming alone?" I asked. Suddenly I feel worried. Yeah, this is not me. Chanyeol chuckles make Taeyeon and I looked at him.

"You are worried about her." he teased me. Aish, this yoda! I slapped his shoulder and glared at him. Taeyeon just smiled.

"No, I'm not alone." she replied.

"Then, you're with-"

"Taeyeon-ah..y- Oh, who were them?"

Both of us raised our head. Taeyeon smiled. Ah, this is Taeyeon's father. Taeyeon pulled him and Mr.Kim sat beside her.

"You, my daughter's friend right?" he recognized me. I smile and nodded.

"Yeah. Both of them were my friends. This is Baekhyun and this is Chanyeol. Guys, he is my father." I can see Taeyeon's smiling brightly.

I wonder what just happened.

"I want to say sorry to you, Baekhyun-ssi. You are right. I'm not a good father to Taeyeon." his face looks sad.

I glanced at Taeyeon. She hold his father's hand.

"Stop saying like that." then she looked at me and giving a 'I will tell you later' look. I just nodded.

Meanwhile, Chanyeol looks so confused. I chuckles. Then, our orders have arrived. We started to eat and chatting together with Mr.Kim and Taeyeon.


Author's POV

"So everything has settled?" Baekhyun looked at Taeyeon. The girl smiled and nodded happily.

Her actions makes Baekhyun chuckles. "You are so happy." he muttered.

Taeyeon laughed. "Yes. And I think, I will not depressed again and cut myself." she joked. Baekhyun ruffled her hair, which make Taeyeon blushed a little.

"If I found out that you cut yourself again, I will kidnapped you." He joked back. Taeyeon smiled and laughed.

"Thanks." she smiled warmly to him.

Baekhyun froze when he saw her smiling. Its..beautiful. He smiled back. "For?"

"Everything. Thanks for always be on my side. You are really a good friend."

"Yeah, I know." he say proudly before both of them bursted into laugh.

Bomi, who was standing behind them just staring at them with a smirk on her lips.

"We'll see, Kim Taeyeon."


Taeyeon's POV

I walked alone to the library but suddenly someone grabbed my wrist roughly.

"Auch!" I groaned in pain when someone slapped my face.

I raised my head and saw her, Bomi.

She with her other two friends, Namjoo and Naeun crossed their arms and glared at me. What the-

"Why did you slapped me?" I asked her calmly.

"I don't think that you and Baekhyun oppa were dating. It's fake right?" she asked me back.

I widened my eyes. How did she know? But I can't let them know the truth. Or, Baekhyun will be mad.

I shook my head. "No. We were dating for real. Why? Frustrated?" I smirked. She looks shocked seeing my reaction.

Yeah, it's my first time smirking to someone. I have to be brave!

"How dare you-"

"You touch her, then you will regret it." one cold voice say.

Bomi and her friends turned their head. Jessica. She slowly walked to us and standing beside me. Her eyes sharply looked at them.

"What will you do, huh?" Naeun smirked.

Jessica chuckles. "Anything that you will regret it. Or..you want me to report it to Baekhyun? And he will slapped you one by one and he will kick you out from this school. He has a power to do that. Or maybe, he will throw the three of you to the police station for bullying someone. And I will do more than he can do." Jessica smirked back.

I just shut up and watched them. Bomi glared at Jessica before she decided to go. Namjoo and Naeun followed her.

"Weak." Jessica mumbled. Then she looked at me. "Are you okay? They hurt you?" she asked with her worried face. I smiled. "I'm okay." I replied.

She rolled her eyes. "That b*tches. I will kill them. Now, let's go. I will go with you." she pulled my hand and I just followed her.


Bomi's POV

That Jessica Jung.. Sh*t! I hold my anger. It will be hard if that Jung is always sticking with Taeyeon.

"We need to think about the next plan." Namjoo said.

"Yeah, I'm trying!" I raised my voice at her. Meanwhile Naeun just shut her mouth. She maybe thinking something.

Suddenly, I feel someone was staring at me. It may be a bad people. Because the three of us were skipping school and we are at somewhere far from the school.

"I feel someone was staring at me." I told them.

"Me too, unnie. I got a bad feeling." Naeun replied. Namjoo stand from her sit. "Then, let's go from here." she said.

Both of us nodded and the three of us were about to go but someone grabbed my wrist.

"Who are you?! Let me go!" I shouted. Namjoo and Naeun tried to help me.

"I'm a someone who will help you to destroyed Kim Taeyeon." the person said.

I stopped and looked at her. Yes, it's a woman. I think she is about 37-aged woman. She's wearing a black cap and black mask to covered her face.

Namjoo and Naeun stared at each other before looked at me. They were giving a 'You trust her?' look. I nodded.

The woman opened her mask and cap.


Guess by yourself . HAHAHA! I don't know what will happen next chapter . *bow* btw read , vote and comment ! ✨

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