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Taeyeon's POV

I feel better after a few days. I just don't believe that Baekhyun went to my house that day and ask me to eat. What's wrong with him? I thought he hate me.

Ah, whatever. Don't think about him, Taeyeon-ah. Today, I went to the office like usually. When I reached there, all the workers greeted me. I just smiled and nodded to them.

"Boss, you feel okay?" Yoona approached me and asked. I smiled to her. "I feel better now. Thanks, Yoona." I appreciated her kindness. She is beautiful and kind. Yoona smiled back and nod.

Yoona is the best PA ever in my life. She is quite good at her job too. When I was about to turned and go, she stopped me. I frowned. "Why?" I asked her. She pointed at my neck. "Where's your necklace, boss? I thought you're always wearing it." She said.

Necklace wh-

I widened my eyes when I found the necklace was gone. Oh god! Where the heck is that necklace?

"No no no... Where is it?" I mumbled. I started to panic. Yoona patted my shoulder. "Calm down, boss. I think you're leaving it at your house. Maybe you take off the necklace when you're doing something and you forget to wear it back." she calmed me down.

But.. I've never take off the necklace. I always wearing it whenever I go and whatever I do. What if the necklace missing? I fake a smile and slowly went to my room.

"Where was my necklace?" I asked myself.

I sighed. Baekhyun gave me the necklace six years ago and now it's missing.

"Maybe it's in my room. Yeah, I should checked it when I go home." I mumbled and nod.

Then I continued my work that I left for a few days.


Baekhyun's POV

I stared at the necklace in my hand. It was really a necklace that I gave her in the music room. I still can recognize it. How would I forgot the design?

I bought a necklace with the letter T in the middle. I still remembered it. 100 percent.

Suddenly, my phone ringing. I keep the necklace and answered my call. It's my client who was calling me.

"Meet? Oh sure sure! Okay, bye!" I ended the call and get up from my chair. I have to meet Ms.Bae to discussing something.

I arrived at one restaurant and I went to the table that Ms.Bae set up. I saw the middle-aged woman and she waved to me. I nodded and smiled.

"Sorry if I disturbing you, Mr.Byun." she said.

I shook. "It's okay. Let's start it." I replied while sitting down and she smiled.

"So..about that project.. I think we should.."

We discussed almost thirty minutes and she stopped the discussing. We both stood up and shake hands. "Thanks." She said and I nodded. We bowed to each other before she went away.

I glanced at my watch. Just ten minutes left and I will go home. I walked out from the restaurant. Suddenly, someone called me.

"Byun Baekhyun."

I turned and saw at about 43-aged woman in front of me. She smirked and I frowned. Who the hell is this? "Who are you and how did you know me?" I asked her.

She chuckles and crossed her arms. "How's your life without Kim Taeyeon for six years?" she still smirking to me. And why did she mentioning Taeyeon's name? Who the hell is this crazy woman?

"Who are you?" I almost scolded her. She slapped my arm playfully. "Don't be so serious, my daughter's ex boyfriend." she said and laughed. I frowned again. Her daughter's ex boyfriend? I blank for a while before I realized that she is Taeyeon's ex stepmom.

I glared at her. "I don't have time for someone like you." I said and was about to leave but she stopped me. "I know you hate her. Aw, poor that Kim Taeyeon. Her loves now hates her." she make my blood boiling right now.

She makes her sad face. "I bet she really loves you, huh? That's why she left you. Poor you guys. Baekhyun-ssi, just forget her and go to someone else like Yoon Bomi." she smirking again. And why the hell she mentioning Bomi?!

Finally I just shoot her a death glare and walked away. Leaving her alone.

Seriously I need an explanation from Kim Taeyeon now! I took my phone and called Taeyeon.

"Kim Taeyeon-ssi, I need to see you. Right now." I said in cold tone.

She silent for a while before replied, "Sorry. I'm busy today. I can't." she lowered her voice. And I know she's lying to me. Come on, I know her!

"No excuses. Meet me at my office. It's about work." I lied.

She sighed before agreed.

"Alright." she hung up the call.

I quickly drove back to my office. And when I reached there, almost all my workers gone because the work time has ended. He peeked at his PA's room. Dark. It means Seohyun has went home.

I went into my room and waited for Taeyeon. We need to talk. I can't hold it anymore. I want to know the truth. What she's hiding from me?


Author's POV

Taeyeon has arrived. She felt a bit weird when the office a little dark.

"Maybe they all went home already." she mumbled.

But why he wanted to discussed at this hour? Can't wait until tomorrow?  She said in her heart.


The lift opened and Taeyeon stepped out frkm the lift. She's going to Baekhyun's room. Before that, she looked at Seohyun's room. Also dark.

Suddenly she felt something. "Is that true he wanted to meet? He didn't pranked me, right?" She mumbled again.

Who knows, Baekhyun pranked her because he hates her now, right. Taeyeon slowly went closer and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

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