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Taeyeon went out from the toilet and she yelp in shock when Baekhyun was standing in front of her.

"W-what?" Taeyeon asked and avoided his gaze.

Baekhyun stepped closer to her and Taeyeon can't step back or she will fell off.

"You're going to her wedding ceremony?" he asked her. Taeyeon slowly nodded. "Why?" she asked him back. Baekhyun shook his head and turned back to go away.

But Taeyeon grabbed his arm make him stopped. "What's wrong with you?" she frowned. "What?" Baekhyun asked back without turned to look at her. Taeyeon rolled her eyes. She walked and stopped in front of him. "Stop joking around!" she hit his arm.

Baekhyun moaned in pain. "Ah! Hey, how dare you hit me?" he glared at her playfully. "Yeah." she said sarcastically. "Are you going or not? Oh, you said you are not going. Okay okay.." Taeyeon mumbled and was about to go but Baekhyun pulled her wrist.

"Finally you asked me if I'm going or not." he suddenly said make Taeyeon frowned for a while before she bursted into laugh. Baekhyun pouted. "So..you are waiting for me to ask you this stupid question?" she still laughing.

He hit her head playfully. "Yah, it's not funny." he mumbled. "It's funny!" Taeyeon grinned her boyfriend just smiled watching her. "Of course I'm going. I have promised them." Baekhyun muttered.

"I don't understand you, Mr.Byun." Taeyeon chuckles. Baekhyun just smirked. "You have to understand me, Mrs.Byun." he replied and Taeyeon suddenly blushing. He hold his laugh. "Why Mrs.Byun?!" she glared at him playfully.

Baekhyun laughed and pulled her closer to him. Taeyeon started to feel nervous and her heart beating faster. "Because...you are my future wife." he winked at her and it almost make her fainted. Taeyeon hide her smile but Baekhyun saw it. "Aw, you're smiling!" he pinched her cheeks.

Then he laughed. Taeyeon quickly hide her face on his chest. "Stop it." she mumbled. Baekhyun carried her make Taeyeon yelp. "Yah, put me down!" she yelping.

"Never! You're so cute to handle!" he said and turned while carrying her. Taeyeon hug his neck because she's afraid that she well fell off. Then both of them laughed in happiness.

The happiness that they've wait and wanted all of this time. Finally they get it. Baekhyun stopped and slowly kissed her lips and Taeyeon smiled. She then kissed him back.


Bomi's wedding ceremony goes well. All the guests clapped their hands as Bomi and Jungwon kissed each other. All of them stood up and praising the cute couples.

"Finally! Aw, they are so cute!" Tiffany grinned.

Jessica and Taeyeon agreed with her. "Finally I know who was Yoon Bomi actually." Chanyeol said before sipped his drink. Tiffany and Jessica rolled their eyes playfully. "Hey, is that Naeun and Namjoo?" Kris pointed at two beautiful women that were chatting each other.

All of them looked at the direction that Kris pointing. "Yes, it were them." Taeyeon replied and smiled.

"Let's go and meet them!" Jessica said and she quickly went to them. The rest just followed her.

"Hey!" Jessica greeted them. Namjoo and Naeun turned and looked them before widened their eyes. "Y-you guys!" Naeun almost chocked her drink. Taeyeon and Kris just laughed.

They smiled at them. "Taeyeon, long time no see." Namjoo chuckles. Taeyeon smiled. "Yeah. You guys too. Wow, you guys looks more beautiful and matured." she praised them. Both of them smile shyly. "Thanks. You too." Namjoo replied.

Baekhyun smile a little. Then, Bomi joined all of them. "Hey!" she greeted. "Hey, unnie! Congrats!" Naeun clapped her hands. Bomi giggles. "Thanks, Naeun-ah." the three of them met again four years ago and they have fixed their friendship.

"Now, Bomi is done. What about you two?" Baekhyun teased them and the rest started to laughed. "Yah!" Namjoo glared at him playfully. "He's true. Me and Jessica will get engaged. What about Chan too?" Kris teased Chanyeol and the yoda smacked Kris's head. Tiffany laughed so hard.

Chanyeol then glared at him. "Hey, I have a girlfriend okay!" he said. All of them looked at him and Chanyeol froze. "Err.. Did I say that I have a girlfriend?" he pretended laughing. Jessica slapped his head. "Yah, you're pabo." she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, yoda has a girlfriend already!" Naeun covered her mouth, pretending to be shock. "Who was her? I wanna know." Baekhyun asked. Chanyeol sighed and he knows that he has lose. "Fine. Her name was Wendy." Chanyeol was blushing.

Taeyeon bursted into laugh. "Why you didn't came here with her?" Bomi asked while chuckles. "Oh, she's busy and she said sorry. She congratulated you." Chanyeol smiled and Bomi nodded.

While they were chatting, Baekhyun pulled Taeyeon to another direction. Tiffany saw them. "Aish, the love birds there.." she mumbled and the other heard. Then they looked at the two couple. "They were so cute together." Naeun said and they agreed.

"They were meant to be together since the highschool's time." Kris replied. Jessica sighed. "I think this is not your wedding ceremony, Bomi-ssi. I think this is theirs." Jessica made a joke and they were laughing.

"I think so." Bomi agreed.

"By the way, where is Jungwon?" Chanyeol asked while looking around. "Oh, he was with his friends at outside." Bomi answered and smile.

They started to chatting about highschool's time and laughing together. Suddenly Chanyeol's phone make a bip sound. He checked his phone and smiled.

"Why?" Tiffany asked.

Chanyeol put his phone in his pocket back. He is still smiling.

"We will get another bride and groom." he smirked.

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