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Mrs.Lee stepped into their classroom and announced something.

"Class, yesterday Yoon Bomi has transferred to America. So she was not the student of Seoul Highschool anymore. She say goodbye to all of you." she announced.

Jessica rolled her eyes. "Thank god she's gone!" she mumbled. Chanyeol who was sit beside her agreed. "Namjoo and Naeun lost their leader." he chuckles. Jessica smirked.

Kris just chuckles when he heard the announcement meanwhile Baekhyun showed no reaction. He just do his things and didn't bother to raised his head.

"That's all. Let's start our lesson." Mrs.Lee opened the book.

"Just you know, next week you guys will have a final exam. I want you to be more focus on studying and there's no time for playing anymore! You must want to entered the best university, right? This is your chance! So please be more serious and focus for this final exam." she said.

Then she looked at Baekhyun. "I'm targeted you, Mr.Byun for this final exam. I know you will do the best." She smiled. Baekhyun just nodded. It's not a problem to him. He know he can do it.

"Okay, let's start now."


Baekbeom turned on the television and sipped his coffee. Then, the main door was opened by someone. Baekhyun walked into his house and sighed. Baekbeom turned his attention to his brother.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Baekhyun just shook his head. "Nothing. Just tired. By the way, where's eomma and appa?" he changed the topic. Baekbeom shrug his shoulders. "I don't know. When I'm home, there's no one. Maybe they hung out with their friends." he replied and turned his attention back to the television.

Baekhyun nodded and slowly went upstairs. He entered his room and shut the door. He put his bag down and lay down on the bed.

Suddenly, his mind throwback what happened in school.

Flashback :

Baekhyun walked out from the lab. When he is about to went away, he heard some students were gossiping.

"We will have a final exam next week! I'm so scared."  the girl, Min Ah said. Her face looked scared.

Her friend, Yura patted her shoulder to calm her down. "Calm down, Min Ah-ah. It's just an exam. Yes, it's important because it was our last year in this school." she replied.

Min Ah just nodded. Then, her eyes widened. "Did you know about Kim Taeyeon?" she suddenly asked. Baekhyun gasped. "Yeah, why? She has moved to Canada. Why?" Yura asked back.

"No. I just confused what just happen. They said that she and Baekhyun were a couple. But one day, they got into a fight. Taeyeon said that she didn't love Baekhyun at the canteen in front of all the students. Then Baekhyun pulled her to somewhere." Min Ah explained. Yura seems shocked. That means she didn't know the details.

Baekhyun just heard their conversation.

"But, some students said that they have broke up. But, some said that they didn't broke up yet. It's kinda confuse." Min Ah added. Yura rubbed her chin. "Yeah. You are true." she nodded.

Baekhyun grunted. Yeah, he admitted that they were true. He even don't know if they have broke up or not yet because none of them talked about that.

•End Flashback

He heaved a sighed. Then he slapped his face slowly. "Forget her." he mumbled.

"Now, focus on your upcoming final exam!"


Jessica's POV

I turned off my phone after chatting with Kris on Kakao Talk. He always cheered me up when I was sad. Sometimes, I misunderstood his actions to me. I thought he likes me too but now I realized that I just dreaming. Hehe. Kinda embarrassing.

I looked around my room before my eyes stop at one frame. Slowly I get up from my sit and walked to my study table. I hold the frame and stared at the photo.

It was me and Taeyeon.

Yeah. I miss her. So much. She is the only best friend that I have. She is always be on my side. When she's not here, I feel lonely. Now I just hanging out with Kris, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Only me a girl.

Because Taeyeon was not here. And her relationship with Baekhyun is not good. They were not broke up yet but they seems like a strangers. I know there must be something that makes Taeyeon want to broke up with him. But what?

I know that Taeyeon loves him so much. Her eyes can't lie. When she told me about him, she's smiling and happy. And I know that she's not lying. I know must be someone forced her to leave Baekhyun!

Ah! If I know who is he or she, I will smack his or her head. How could they broke someone's relationship?

I smiled. "You're beautiful, Taeng-ah." I say. Then I chuckles. "Neomu yeppeo." I repeated it twice. It's true. She is beautiful and cute. She's smart too. She is perfect.

"Take care in Canada. Don't forget to be back. I miss you. He still waiting for your explanations." I mumbled. I know Baekhyun still loves her and want her explanations but he is ego.

He went back to his cold side. He started to ignored the others and gave them a cold glanced. He's like before Taeyeon come into his life.

"Stay health and happy."

I kiss her photo. I really miss her. I really do! I hope I will meet her again.

Now, it's time to focus on the final exam. I put back the frame at it's place before started to do some revision.

"Hwaiting, Jessica-ah!" I cheered myself before laughed. I looked like a crazy girl, right? Haha.

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