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Taeyeon's POV

I came to school alone. Usually, Baekhyun will come with me but today, I've been waiting for him almost 30 minutes but he didn't show himself so I decided to go alone.

Actually, it's weird but maybe he's sick.

I walked to the class but suddenly when I pass the old sport store, I heard some voice.  I decided to go closer and heard it.

Slowly, I went closer to the door.

"I love you, oppa~"

Bomi! It was Bomi's voice. Oppa? I think, she just call Baekhyun oppa only. Not at the other boys.


I widened my eyes when I heard that voice. It's was..Baekhyun! I opened the door a little and peeked inside. Yes, it was Bomi and Baekhyun. I take a few back steps and I didn't realize that I kicked the flower pot.


The flower pot behind me was broken. I quickly turned to see the pot. When I turned back, I saw Bomi and Baekhyun were kissing each other.

I don't know why but my heart is hurt. I quickly run away. Let the flower pot that was broke because of me. I didn't run straight to the class, but I run to the toilet. I went in and shut the door.

Slowly, I can feel my tears fell down. It's..hurt. I feel like he betrayed me. After all he did for me, he was kissing with that girl? I wonder, are they were a couple all of this time? He lied to me?

Jealous? Yes, I'm a jealous! Freaking jealous. I love him. I has fallen for him but look what just happen.

I tried to hold my tears but I can't. I trust him so much. Then I heard the bell was ringing. It means, the first lesson has started. But I don't think I wanna go to the class right now.

I don't want to sit beside him.


Baekhyun's POV

It's recess time now. But, where is Taeyeon? I'm so sure that she came to school today. She'll never skip the school.

"Oppa, let's go and eat together." Suddenly Bomi hug my arm.

I feel disgusting with her so I pushed her away. She looks shocked but I just ignore her. I can't forget what she has done to me this morning.

"Oppa!" she whined.

"Shut up, you slut!" I almost yelled at her. She was shocked again.

I saw Jessica, Kris and Chanyeol went to us and Jessica glared at Bomi.

"Where's Taeyeon? I didn't see her from this morning." Chanyeol said.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I think she's not coming to school. Maybe she was sick?" Kris replied. Jessica quickly shook her head. "No, she has came to school. I saw her this morning. She walked pass the old sports store. Then I don't know where she's going because I have to meet the principal." she muttered. We're practically ignored Bomi.

I widened my eyes. Old sports store? I glanced at Bomi and she just smiled innocently to me.

"I'm going now." Bomi waved at us before go away.

Jessica rolled her eyes. "Like we care!" she mumbled. I can feel something. Why I can feel that Taeyeon saw us at the old sports store? If yes, maybe she...

Sh*t! Maybe she saw us kissing!

"Baek, wae?" Chanyeol asked while frowned.

"I think.. I know what just happen." I looked at them. The three of them furrowed their eyebrows which means they were confused.

I take a deep breath before I explained everything to them. "I think, she saw us kissing." I told them. Jessica widened her eyes. "Kissing wh-" Kris shut her mouth using his hand. "Slow down." Jessica pouted a little.

"This morning, Bomi texted me to go to school early. I thought she has something to tell me but she dragged me into the old sports store. We were talking about something. And she suddenly said that she loves me. Suddenly I heard something broken outside the store. I was about to checked it but she pulled me and kissed me on my lips. I tried to push her but she pulled me closer." I explained.

Their jaws dropped. "That b*tch.." Chanyeol clenched fist and he seems mad.

"She. Is. Slut." Jessica said in angry tone. Meanwhile, Kris was thinking something. Then he said, "I think she saw you. Maybe she got mad and and quickly leave the store." he said confidently.

Jessica and Chanyeol nodded, agreed with Kris. "But, where is she?" I asked. "I thi-"

Jessica stopped when we saw Taeyeon's figure. She was walking into the class without glanced at us. I think...they were right. She saw us kissing.


Author's POV

Taeyeon walked home alone. She practically ignored Baekhyun when she came back to the class. She didn't even glanced at him.

He seems understand and just let her be. But actually Taeyeon felt hurt because Baekhyun looks like ignore her.

When she was about to entered her house, someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her makes Taeyeon turned and facing the person.

She showed her cold face when she saw Baekhyun in front of her.

"What?" she asked him.

Baekhyun didn't answered her but just stared at her deeply. Her heart was beating faster but she just stay calm.

"Nothing? Then let me go. I'm tired." she tried to pulled her wrist back but Baekhyun grabbed it tightly.

He pulled Taeyeon to his house. "Let me go!" she protested. But Baekhyun ignored her and pulled her into his house. His parents and brother were not at home that time. Nice timing ;-;

He closed the door and facing her.

"Why did you dragged me here? I have to go home." She said coldly and try to reached the door but this time Baekhyun pushed her and pinned her to the wall.

Taeyeon gulped.


Aaaaaa kamsahamnida *bow* vote and comment ! ❤️ next chapter , will  be published .

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