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"Come in."

Taeyeon went into the room and closed the door back slowly. She looked at Baekhyun who was busy playing his phone with his serious face.

She cleared her throat before spoke. "So, what did you wanna discussing about? I thought everything has clear enough." she said.

Baekhyun stopped playing his phone and raised his head to looked at her. His cold eyes met hers. Taeyeon felt nervous suddenly. Baekhyun stood up from his sit and slowly stepped closer to Taeyeon.

Her heart starting to beating faster. Nice timing, someone is calling Taeyeon. She quickly pick up her call.

"Yes, Tiffany-ah. Why?" she lowered her voice.

"Sorry, Taeng. I didn't find your necklace. It's not in your room or in my house."

She sighed. "You didn't find it? It's okay. Thanks." she ended the call and didn't notice that Baekhyun heard their conservation.

He looked at her. "You're looking for something?" suddenly he asked. Taeyeon startle a little and look at him back. She frowned.

"N-no.." she accidently stuttered.

Baekhyun just smirked and take something on his pocket before showed it in front of her. Her eyes widened. "Looking for this?" he asked. Taeyeon tried to snatch her necklace but Baekhyun didn't let her.

He raised his hand high so Taeyeon can't snatch her necklace from him. Because she's shorter than him T^T.

"Give me back my necklace!" she raised her voice.

"Why should I?" he replied coldly. Taeyeon can't believe what she just heard. "That's mine! How dare you steal it from me?!" she scolded him.

Baekhyun stared at her. "Why? Is this necklace very important to you?" he shoot her with the question. Taeyeon stopped. She didn't know what to reply. She looked away, avoiding his gaze.

Slowly he put his hand down and stepped closer to her.

"This is the necklace that I gave you six years ago, right?" he asked her, whispering. Taeyeon quickly shook her head. "No. It wasn't. The necklace, my late father bought for me in Canada." she lied and since when she always lying to him?

Baekhyun smirked and chuckles. "No. This is the necklace that I gave you. I remembered the design and the T letter in the middle." he said and staring at the necklace. Taeyeon gulped. "N-no! It w-was different!" she avoiding him.

"No. It's not. Now answer me, why did you keep this necklace when I told you to throw it away?" He's asking her, his eyes never left on hers. That's make Taeyeon felt nervous. "I-I said this is n-" she stopped when he cut her words, "Tell me the truth. Why did you left me? Why did you keep this necklace? Why did you put everything about me and keep my picture inside your phone? Tell me the truth right here, right now!" he raised his voice to her.

Taeyeon startled until her shoulders shrugged. She's trying to hold her tears. She kept quiet, until she replied, "I thought you told me to came here to discussing about our work." she muttered. Baekhyun still with his cold stare. "We're discussing it now. Don't avoided this questions, just answered me!" he said again.

She looked away again. She won't tell him. And never.

Baekhyun hold both of her shoulders. "Tell me..please." he whispered. Taeyeon finally let her tears falling down on her cheeks. "Because I don't love you. That's why I broke up with you. About the necklace and my password also your picture, I-I.." she can't make an excuses anymore.

She tried to release herself from him, but she can't.

"You're lying." finally the tears slowly come out from his eyes. He's crying again because of the same woman. He still staring at her while crying. "You are lying." he repeated his words.

Then he chuckles. "Since when you started to lied to me?" he asked her again. Taeyeon just stay silent. "Answered me!!" he yelled at her. Taeyeon closed her eyes before she opened it back.

"I-I'm not..lying!" she shouted at him.

"Then why is it hard to admitted everything? Why did you stuttered?" he asked again. Still forcing her to tell him the truth.

Seeing her still silent and didn't want to answered his questions, he pushed her and pinned her to the wall. Taeyeon was shocked with his sudden actions. He crashed his lips into hers and closed his eyes. Taeyeon's eyes widened. After a long time, she finally can feel his soft lips.

Baekhyun didn't know what he did right know, all he know that he wanted to kiss her. He miss her.

Taeyeon tried to pushed him but she can't. Her knees feels weak, she lost in his kisses. Baekhyun wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He tried to sliding his tongue, but she didn't allowed it.

Finally she gave up. She let him kissing her. She slowly closed her eyes and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Baekhyun deepen the kiss and suck her tongue. But then he pulled back the kiss. They lost an oxygen. They staring at each other before Taeyeon realized what she has done.

She quickly pulled her hands back from wrapping her arms around his neck and looked away. "Taeyeon.." before Baekhyun could say anything, she ran out from his room and went into the lift.

Baekhyun chased her and almost get into the same lift with her, but unfortunately the lift closed early. He rubbed his face. "What have I done?" He mumbled and quickly push the button.

Meanwhile Taeyeon quickly get into her car and started the engine. She drove away before Baekhyun could see her.

When she drove out of the building area, a car from the opposite direction rushed towards her and their car collided. Baekhyun who was just get into his car and started to drive to follow her, froze when he saw what just happened in front of his eyes.

Many people gathered at the incident place and tried to save Taeyeon. Someone has called the ambulance. Baekhyun rushed to the incident place and quickly take her to the near hospital. Tears started to fall down on his cheeks. God please save her...


What. Did. I. Just. Write? Oh god! Hehe. Btw, please support me dear readers ❤️ I love you~ 💗

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