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Jessica's POV

I sighed when I'm thinking about Taeyeon. If I found out who are that b*tch, I will kill her! Her? Yes, I'm sure that person is a girl. And now in my mind, I have a few suspects.

Bomi, Namjoo and Naeun. These three girls are really make me crazy. If this is true, I will kick their ass!

Taeyeon now resting at the school's clinic. She has to rested for a while and Baekhyun is the one who accompany her. Kris and I went back to our class because the lesson will start soon.

"Are you okay?" Kris asked me.

I nodded. "I'm okay. Just..wondering." I smiled a little. He smiled back to me. Such a smile killer...

"She will be okay." he squeeze my hand. My heart started to beat faster. I felt nervous suddenly so I just smile to him.

Then, Ms.Hwang entered our class and started her lesson.

"Where is Taeyeon and Baekhyun?" she asked.

Chanyeol raised his hand and Ms.Hwang looked at him. "Taeyeon got hurt and Baekhyun taking her to the school's clinic." he tell her.

Ms.Hwang nodded. "Okay, let's start our lesson now."


I rushed to the school's clinic to checked Taeyeon. Before that, I bought a bread for her.

When I reached to the clinic, I saw Taeyeon was still sleeping and Baekhyun sat beside her bed.

"Baek, is she okay?" I asked while closing the door.

Baekhyun scoffed and nodded. "She's okay. Don't worry." He smiled.

I smiled back. "Now, go to eat. Chanyeol and Kris has been waiting for you at the canteen. Let me take care of her." I said. He glanced at Taeyeon for a while before nodded and went out.

I take a sit at the chair where Baekhyun sat before and woke Taeyeon up. "Taeng, wake up." I patted her shoulder.

Then, she opened her eyes and looked at me. "You're awake. Come! Let's eat. I bought a bread for you." I handed her a bread.

She pushed herself from laying on the bed. I helped her.

"Thanks, Jessica-ah."

I just smile and nod. "Most welcome. It's just a small matter." I chuckles. She smiled before look around. I bet, she must be looking for Baekhyun.

"Where is Baekhyun?"


"I told him to go to the canteen because Kris and Chan has been waiting for him and he need to eat something. It's recess time so why not?" I tell her.

She mouthed an 'O' while nodding.

"He is caring and sweet. You don't know how much he worried about you." I giggled.

Then I saw her blushing a little. I bursted into laugh. She is so cute! No wonder Baekhyun fall for her!

"You're blushing."

"No, I'm not!" she pinched her cheeks. I just giggled.

"Now, eat. Then we will go back to the class together."


Yein's POV

I just stared at that b*tch, the one who make my life was a mess. She is walking with her friend I guess.

Friend or..boyfriend? Tch. Like I care.


Hmm she has a boyfriend? That boy who were walking with her? I smirked. If I not mistaken, Bomi also liked him. I stared at his face. Yeah, him.

What's his name? Byun what? Byun Baek.. Ah! Byun Baekhyun!

I took out my camera before take a picture of them. Nice timing, that Byun were ruffled her hair. I chuckles. "Nice."

Then, my phone ringing. I answered the call.

"Hey, Yoon Bomi. I have a gift for you. Something special." I smirked.

"What? What is that?"

"Now, where we have to meet? I will see you now."

"At the same place."


I ended the call and went to the same place that we always meet. After I reached at the place, Bomi and her friends were at there already.

Slowly I walked to them and sit opposite.

"What is that something?" she asked.

I laughed. She is such a..

"Wait." I took out my camera and showed her the picture that I just snap.

Her eyes widened before she rolled her eyes. She almost throw my camera but I stopped her. "Hey, it's my camera!" I warned her.

"Yeah yeah..whatever." she replied.

I keep my camera back and looked at them. "So, what have you done at school?" I asked. Naeun gritted her teeth before rolled her eyes.

Seeing her reaction, make me know that they're fail.

"We planned to hurt her by pushed a flower pot and it was failed. Because one student saved her." Naeun clenched fist.

I just nodded. "I see.."

"So, other plans?" I asked them again.

Namjoo and Naeun stared at Bomi.

"I'm gonna forced her to leave Baekhyun. Then, we can proceed to the next plan." Bomi smirked.


Short chapter ever. Sorry huhu 😓 please enjoy reading and don't forget to vote ! Love you , dear readers ! ❤️

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