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Jessica closed her locker before walked to her class. Suddenly, someone bumped into her.

"Are you blind?!" the girl yelled at her. Make all the students turned and watched them. Jessica bitted her lower lip before raised her head up. Automatic, she smirked.

The girl who bumped her and yelled at her was Yoon Bomi. "You're the one who bumped me. So you are blind. But the you yelled at me. Pathetic b*tch." Jessica replied with a smirked on her lips.

Bomi hold her anger. She almost slapped Jessica but she doesn't know that, Jessica is not a weak person and will let Bomi bully her. Jessica hold her hand from slapping her face. Her eyes glared at Bomi. "You. Slut. Don't ever touch my beautiful face with your dirty hand." Jessica pushed her roughly.

The diva fell down on the floor. All the students around there started to whispering to each other. Bomi was shy. "How dare you?!" she shouted. Jessica scoffed. "Where's your 'twins'? Where is Namjoo and Naeun?" she pretended.

Then she laughed. "Poor you. Your 'best friends' also leave you." she said and then she walked away. Bomi squeaked. "Shit!"

Namjoo and Naeun who were just come back from toilet, quickly run to Bomi and help her up. Bomi pushed them. "How dare you guys leaving me?!" she scolded them. Namjoo and Naeun startled. "Mian unnie.. We're just come back from toilet." Namjoo said.

"I don't care!"

Bomi went away with angry face. Namjoo and Naeun looked at each other before sigh and follow Bomi.

Chanyeol and Kris just watched them. "Your girlfriend is great." Chanyeol praised. Kris frowned the he slapped Chanyeol's shoulder playfully. The boy groaned and then he giggles.

"Stop joking, Park. She is not my girlfriend!" he glared at him. Chanyeol grinned before he teased Kris. "She will be your girlfriend. I know you like her." He laughed.

Kris smacked his head. Chanyeol pouted.

"Shut up you, yoda!"


Day by day, Bomi has try to approached Baekhyun but she always failed. Namjoo and Naeun were helped Bomi too but, failed.

"Oppa, let's date after school this evening." Bomi hug his arm tightly. Kris who was sat beside Baekhyun, just rolled his eyes. Baekhyun pushed Bomi away from him. "I said don't touch me, you slut." he said coldly.

Bomi gasped. "Slut? Excuse me, oppa. I'm not a slut." she replied. Baekhyun just ignore her and packed his things. "You are slut. I told you, I will never love you. Don't you get it? Or are you stupid until you can't understand what I say? I. Don't. Love. You." he glared at Bomi.

Jessica and Chanyeol watched them from their places. Kris, also glanced at them.

Bomi chuckles before she smirked. "Or.. You still love that Kim Taeyeon? Huh?" she mentioned her name. Baekhyun suddenly stopped packing his things. He looked at Bomi and slammed his hands at the table. Bomi was shocked.

"Don't you dare mentioning her name in front of me! Understand?!" he yelled at her. Kris pulled him and calm him down. Jessica and Chanyeol quickly went to them.

"Try to approached him again and say something like this, you will regret it. And I will do what I say." Jessica said coldly. She almost slapped Bomi but she hold it. Baekhyun pointed his finger in front of her face. "Even I hate Taeyeon, I hate you more. After this, don't show your face in front of me again. Or I will kill you."

He said and leave the class. The other three just followed him leaving Bomi alone.

"What?!" she shouted. "Ergh!" She walked out from the class and slammed the door.


Baekhyun slammed the door and locked it. He throw his bag and lay down on his bed.

"Argh! Why can't I forget her?!" he shouted. Baekbeom who was just went upstairs, shocked with his shouting. He quickly went to his brother's room to check him out.

He slowly knocked the door. "Baek, are you okay? What's wrong?" he asked softly. Baekhyun closed his eyes to hold his tears and replied, "I'm okay!"

Baekbeom sighed before decided to leave him alone. He know that Taeyeon has moved away and he know, his brother has changed because of this.

Finally he cried. Tears fall down on his cheeks like a waterfall. He misses her so much. He didn't expected that he will miss her like this and cried for her. He tried to stop the tears but he can't. He know that he may be stupid because crying for someone who doesn't love him. But he really loves her and it was his first time falling in love with a girl.

"Why can't I forget you? Why?" Baekhyun mumbled. He slapped his face.

"Just get out from my mind please. I can't even focus on my daily life because of you. Everytime I went to the class, I always remembered you. Why can't you just get out from my mind? Why I should fall for you? Why did you make me like this, Taeyeon-ah?" he let it out. Yes, he admit it, it's hard to forget her.

Like people said, it's really hard to forget our first love. He sighed and wiped his tears. His face expression turned cold. "You need to forget her, Byun Baekhyun. You can. She didn't love you. So don't waste your time for her." he talk to himself.

Then, his expression turned sad back. "But I still can't." he looked down and mumbled.

"You can. Just go back to your old side."

She's Mine [ BAEKYEON ]Where stories live. Discover now