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Author's POV

Baekhyun went out from japanese food restaurant after having lunch with his client. He was about to left the restaurant and went to his car, but someone called his name.


He stopped and turned. He frowned when he saw a beautiful woman. He then realized who was her. His expression suddenly turned cold and serious. The woman slowly approached her.

"H-how are you?" she asked him, try to be polite.

"Sorry, I don't have a time to chatting with you." Baekhyun wore his black glasses and started to walked away. Leaving the woman alone but the woman followed her.

"Wait!" she pulled his arms.

Baekhyun quickly pulled back his arms. "Don't touch me." he glared at her. She looked down. "I-I am sorry. But please give me a chance to explain everything." she begged him.

Baekhyun sighed roughly. "Explain what?!" he raised his voice at her. The woman startled a little. "Listen here, Yoon Bomi. I still don't forget what you did to Taeyeon." he said. The woman was Yoon Bomi. After six years, they meet again.

Bomi licked her lower lip. "I need to explain. Give me one chance. Please. I promised that I won't disturb you anymore!" she begged him again. Baekhyun chuckles. "And why I have to believe you?" he smirked.

When he wanted to go, one voice make him stopped again. "Watch your attitude with my girl." Baekhyun turned and saw one man holding Bomi's hand. He chuckles and smirked. "What? I say the truth tho." He said.

Bomi sighed again. "Baekhyun, this is my fiance, Jungwon. Jungwon, this is Baekhyun that I told you." Bomi introduced both of them. Baekhyun raised one of his eyebrows. Jungwon looked at him.

"I'm her fiance. And I know the whole story about my fiance. Since her highschool's time." he explained. Baekhyun grunted and crossed his arms. He then looked at Bomi. "15 minutes." he gave her chance.

Bomi smiled. "Let's get into the restaurant. It's hot here."


"I'm sorry."

Bomi said while looking down. Baekhyun just stared at her and waiting for her to continued.

"I'm sorry for all my mistakes to you. To Taeyeon. I'm regretted what I have done to her. I'm selfish. I just want you because you're good looking and smart. Also you are popular. That's why I wanted to be your girlfriend. Seeing you closed with Taeyeon, I feel jealous. She's beautiful, smart and cute. You always staring at her that makes me feel more jealous. She got your attention but not me." She stopped and sighed.

Her fiance hold her hand and comfort her.

"Yes. Yein and I planned all of this. We planned to forced Taeyeon to leave you. So when she leave you, I got a chance to approached you. But, when you yelled at me and tell me to not show my face in front of you anymore, I realized something. You hate me and will always hate me. Your heart just belongs to her. Kim Taeyeon. Even she go far away, it won't change your feelings to her. Her feelings to you. That's why I moved away. And I broke my promises with Naeun and Namjoo. I leave them. Fortunately, I found Jungwon. He's handsome and smart too. He reminded me to you."

Jungwon smiled to her and she smiled back.

"But I found something different. We become closer to each other and falling in love. Then we decided to get engaged. And I decided to search for you and explained everything. Thanks for giving me a chance to explains, Baekhyun-ah." She flashed a weak smile.

Baekhyun rubbed his face. "Welcome. But don't say sorry to me. But to Taeyeon." he said.

Bomi nodded. "Where's she? I want to see her." She replied. Baekhyun's face changed.



Bomi stared at her pale face. She hold her hands and started to cry. "Taeyeon-ssi, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for what I have done to you in highschool. Yes. I'm the one who pushed the flower pot to hurt you." she admitted.

Then she continued, "I'm sorry. Please woke up. Everyone are waiting for you. I'm really sorry. I'm jealous of you. You are smart. Cute. Beautiful. I'm jealous. Then you become closer to Baekhyun. I become more jealous. But now, I have realized everything. And I am really sorry. Please wake up and say that you're forgive me." she crying so bad.

That day, we can see a bad and sexy diva in back highschool asking for a forgiveness to her ex enemy.

Bomi wiped her tears and slowly let Taeyeon's hands go. "We are waiting for you. And Taeyeon-ssi, I'm getting married. Promise me, you will come. We are friends." she smiled.

No respond. Bomi sighed and slowly stood up from her sit. "Get well soon, pretty." she mumbled before decided to went out.

She closed the door gently and Jungwon went to her. "How?" he asked. Bomi smile. "She didn't respond. Yeah, comma." she replied. Jungwon patted her back. "It's okay." he comfort her.

Baekhyun just watched them. Bomi and Jungwon then walked to him. "Thanks, Baek. By the way, this weekend, we will get married. Make sure you come." Bomi chuckles.

Baekhyun smiled for the first time to her. "I will." he promised. "Yeah, you have promised. Make sure come." Jungwon interrupted their conversation. They laughed.


They turned and saw Jessica, Tiffany, Kris and Chanyeol. Jessica's face turned cold when she saw Bomi. She crossed her arms and slowly approached them.

"What are you doing here, you b-"

"I'm sorry."

Jessica almost cursed her but Bomi quickly explained the reason she came here. Jessica frowned. "Sorry for what huh?" Chanyeol smirked.

"She's sorry. And she has regretted. She's getting married with Jungwon." Baekhyun explained.

They looked at Jungwon and he bowed at them. Their face expression changed. Bomi smiled. "I'm really sorry." she looked down.

"Fine. We forgive you. But not really until Taeyeon woke up and say she forgive you." Kris said. All of them nodded. Baekhyun just shook his head.

Tiffany smiled a bit. "I'm Tiffany. Taeyeon's best friend in Canada. And I know a lot about you." she introduced herself. Bomi smile back and they shake their hands.

"We will go now. Bye." Jungwon and Bomi bid a goodbye.


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