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Author's POV

Today was the first day of the final exam. All the students were focused on answer the paper and some students almost cried because they can't answer some questions.

It was a recess time. Namjoo and Naeun went to the school garden. Both of them were chatting together.

"You think we should tell him?" Namjoo asked.

Naeun just shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Bomi unnie has moved away. She didn't even remember our promises. She just left." Naeun said in disappointed tone.

Namjoo slowly nodded. She agreed with her. "She promised that we will always be besties and no one from us can't go far. But she just left like that." Namjoo looked down.

Then she sighed heavily.

"I think we has made a wrong steps. She's not our friend anymore." Naeun replied. She played with her fingers. "I'm afraid about this final exam." she continued.

"Me too. But it's our last chance to get into the best university. I don't want to make my parents disappointed with me." Namjoo muttered.

Naeun looked at her best friend. The only best friend that she have after Bomi leave.

"Let's do our best and prove them that we can make it!" she smiled. Namjoo smile back and nodded. "Then, should we go and ask for their forgiveness?" she asked and lowered her voice.

Naeun froze. She looked away and cleared her throat. "I-I am afraid..Baekhyun might kill us if he knows the truth." she said.

"We just..ask for their forgiveness. We can't tell them anything because we're didn't know everything." Namjoo tried to comfort her. "We just know their plans. That's all." she added.

Naeun sighed before nodded. "Let's go then."


Both of them went to 6A-1 class. Fortunately, Jessica, Kris, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were in the class. All the students has went back to their home.

"G-guys.." Naeun called them. Then she cleared her throat. The fourth of them stopped and glanced at them.

Jessica raised one of her eyebrows. "What?" she asked coldly. Naeun and Namjoo gulped before walked closer. "W-we..urm want t-to as-ask f-for you forgiveness.." Naeun stuttered.

Chanyeol frowned. "Because?" he asked for this time. "For our behaviour and for our fault all this time for you especially to.. um Kim Taeyeon..?" Namjoo looked down.

Baekhyun's face changed. He stared at them coldly. The most cold glances that he gave. "I said, don't mentioned her name in front of me." he said. His voice is not high, but deep and cold one. Makes Naeun and Namjoo gulped again.

"Baek, hold on." Kris patted his shoudel before looked at the girls. "I think you guys have to explained something." he said and the girls slowly nodded.

Chanyeol and Jessica looked at each other before Jessica crossed her arms. "Spill."

"We were sorry for our behaviour to you guys. Especially to Taeyeon. We've hurt her many times. Bomi unnie..she always plan something to make Taeyeon and Baekh-"

Naeun didn't get a chance to spill what she knows when Baekhyun suddenly grabbed his bag and went out from the class.

"Eh? Baek!" Chanyeol shouted.

Naeun and Namjoo looked at each other. "Just continue. I think, he didn't want to hear anything about Taeyeon anymore. He..hates her maybe." Kris lowered his voice.

"I think." Jessica agreed.

"Continue." she look at them.

"Bomi unnie always plan something. Until we met Taeyeon's ex stepmom.."

Jessica's eyes widened. Kris and Chanyeol frowned. They still didn't know too much about Taeyeon's family background.

"We planned to work together because Yein said she wanted to make a revenge at Taeyeon. So she helped us. We planned something. The day that someone tried to kill Taeyeon by pushed the flower pot, it was Bomi unnie. We were there too." Naeun spill everything.

Jessica hold her anger. She almost slapped the two girls in front of her but Kris seems to know and he hold her hand to stop her.

"You guys know what? You're still young and beautiful. Also smart. But why did you guys choose the wrong way? Don't you have a brain that god gave you?" Chanyeol almost raised his voice. He was angry and it was rare to see it.

Naeun and Namjoo looked down and slowly nodded. "We know. Actually.. We didn't agree with Bomi and Yein. We want to stop but Bomi threatened us. We have to followed her plans." Namjoo spoke.

"What else? Tell us everything!" Jessica raised her voice.

"T-that's all w-we can tell you.. We didn't know all-"

"Liar!" Jessica yelled.

Kris rubbed her back. "Slow down." he whispered then looked at the girls. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Swear to the god!" Naeun said.

"Alright. Thanks. Let's go." Chanyeol pulled Kris and Jessica away. Naeun and Namjoo froze at their place.


Baekhyun slammed his door and throw his bag. He's hold his anger. Fortunately his family were not at home.

"Why did you guys always mentioning her name in front of me?!" he shouted. He then throw all his things. His room were messing.

"Why can't I hate you?" he mumbled and stopped.

"No no no.. You must forget her, Baek. She has hurt you. She doesn't love you. Don't remembered her. Just don't." he said to himself.

He looked at himself in the mirror. He stared at the mirror and rubbed his face.

"Don't be so childish. Forget her and focus on your final exam. You have to pass it."


I'm busy lately. But if I had a free time, I will published it! Thanks supported, dear readers 💗

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