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Author's POV

Baekhyun was staring at her deeply. Then he shook.


Taeyeon was shocked a little when she heard what he say. Her heart suddenly beating faster.

"W-why?" she asked him, stuttered.

Silent. He didn't replied to her but just stared at her. Taeyeon could hear her heart beating. Oh, sh*t.

He stand up from his sit and went out from her room. Taeyeon frowned and sighed. She didn't understand him. Seriously.

What's wrong with him?

She finally decided to sleep so she lay down on her bed and closed her eyes tightly.


Two days has passed, and Taeyeon now can go home. She felt weird when Baekhyun didn't come and visited her like before. He didn't came in these two days.

Maybe he is busy.

"Stop thinking about him!" She slapped herself slowly.

Then, Jessica and Tiffany went into her room with a smile on their face. "Where's Kris and Chan?" She asked them. "They can't make it. They were busy." Tiffany answered.

Taeyeon just nodded. "By the way, Taeng. You can't go back to your home." Tiffany added. Taeyeon furrowing her eyebrows. "But why?" she asked back.

"Because there's no one at your house. Your maids, I told them to take a break and they went back to their home." Jessica replied while zipped the bag.

Taeyeon squeaked. "But why?" she asked again. "They need to rest too." Jessica muttered. She rolled her eyes and Taeyeon slapped her lap playfully. "Then, where will I go?" she pouted.

Tiffany and Jessica chuckles before both of them stood up. "Let me settle down the bill." Jessica said and she went out. Tiffany then looked at Taeyeon. "Stay here. Jessica will be back. I have to go now. I have works to do." Tiffany bid a goodbye to Taeyeon and she went out.

Taeyeon sighed and decided to wait for Jessica. A few minutes later, the door was opened. Taeyeon raised her up to said something to Jessica, because she thought that was Jessica. But she stopped when she saw Baekhyun who was stepped into her room.

After two days she didn't saw him, now she meet him again.

"Let's go." he said. Taeyeon froze. "H-huh?" she was blur. Baekhyun grabbed her bag and pulled her wrist. "Let's go. You wanna stay here?" he asked back.

Taeyeon just shook and followed him. They went out from the room and walked to the lift. "B-but.. Jessica will come an-"

"She has went back to her work place." He cut her words.

Taeyeon frowned again and then she realized something. She could feel that Tiffany and Jessica were planning something. She grunted in silence.

"Now where are you going to take me?" she asked.

"My penthouse."


Baekhyun's POV

She protested, didn't want to follow me to my house. I pulled her wrist, but she didn't want to get out from my car. We have arrived at my penthouse. I bought this penthouse three years ago and I stayed alone.

"Get out." I said.

She shook her head. Aish, she's so stubborn. Thank god she is cute! I have to do my own way.

"Get out. Now." I said coldly.

I saw her froze for a while before she slowly shook again. Huh! I know she's scared with my cold side, but I have to do that. Finally, I went closer to her and I could feel her body froze.

"Wh-what are y-you doing?" she stuttered and I laughed in my heart. But I still show her my cold face. "Carry you. Because you're so stubborn to get out from my car." I replied and she quickly pushed me.

"I can get out by myself." she said and quickly get out from my car. Finally. She stood there quietly until I pulled her and we went into my penthouse.

She looked around, inside of my penthouse before she crossed her arms. "And why did you brought me here?" she asked me. "Like Jessica said, there's no one at your house." I made up an excuses.

I heard she chuckles. "Then, I can just stay with her or Tiffany. Why should with you?" she said sarcastically. Aish, this Taengoo. Then I smirked. She saw me smirking and she looked away. I know, she's nervous. Haha.

Slowly, I stepped closer to her and she step back. Until her back touched the wall. I saw her bitting her lower lip. No way to run, Kim Taeyeon. I put my hands on her right and left side, trapping her. And I saw her gulping.

"What did you just say?" I lowered my voice, more like a whispering.

"I-I said-" she started to stuttering.

"If Jessica and Tiffany couldn't bring you to their house, then w-"

"I can stay alone in my house." she cut my words.

Then she looked away. I smirked and bring my face closer to her. And I closed the gap between us, make she feel more nervous.

"Nervous?" I asked her, staring at her eyes deeply.

She quickly shook. Huh, liar. I then stared at her lips. Those pink and plump lips, I wanna touch it badly. I know she saw me staring at her lips because she quickly move her face and looked away.

Finally I let her go. She feel relieved and I just smirked. Just for this time, Miss Kim. Then I showed her room.

"This is your room. If you want anything just tell me." I said and she nodded slowly.

After she entered her room and closed the door, I sighed and went into my room. I'm gonna take a shower and rested. It's tiring. Actually, I take an EL for a week. My dad will replacing me and thank god he understood me.

After I take a shower, I lay down on my bed and fall asleep.

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