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Tiffany's POV

All the guests has went to their home. Taeyeon's father's funeral finally done. I sighed while seeing Taeyeon. She looks depressed after she lost ahjusshi and she just kept quiet. She didn't even answered any questions that reporter and other people gave.

I hugged her shoulders to give her support. She didn't glanced at me and just look straight to the front.

Then, I saw four people coming to us. I know them. Byun's Family.

"Annyeonghaseyo." I bowed at them. They bowed at me back and flashing a smile. "Taeyeon-ah, we were sorry to your lost." Mrs.Byun said softly and hold Taeyeon's hand.

But, Taeyeon didn't respond. She didn't glanced at them at all and just shut her mouth. I smile weakly. "I'm sorry. Maybe she still can't believe what just happen." I said politely. They nodded. "We understand." Mr.Byun replied.

I saw the CEO of Byun's Holdings, Byun Baekhyun were stared at Taeyeon. I know him. "Baekhyun-ssi." I smiled at him. He quickly looked at me and smile back. Then, Taeyeon slowly went away leaving us.

"Such a pitiful woman.." Mr.Byun sighed.

"Guys, excuse me. I have to answer this call." I saw Byun Baekbeom excused himself and answered his call. Then, Mr.Byun and his wife went away to meet another people.

Baekhyun look at me and cleared his throat. "How did you know me? And who are you?" he asked me. I smiled warmly and replied, "Taeyeon always tell me about you."

He frowned a little. Then I continued. "My name is Tiffany. I'm her best friend at Canada. We become best friends almost six years."

He slowly nodded. When he was about to reply to me, I heard some voices called his name. "Baekhyun-ah!" Both of us turned. My eyes widened when I saw someone I know.

"Where is Taeyeon? I miss her and I wanna meet her! I wanna comfort her!" the woman said with her teary eyes. Then she and the other two boys noticed me. I looked at her.

"Jessica-ah?" I slowly called her.

She widened her eyes and quickly hug me tightly. I hugged her back. "I miss you, Tiffany!" she said. I rubbed her back. "Me too, Jessica." We broke our hug and glanced at them.

"How did you guys know each other?" Baekhyun asked. "She was my best friend in Canada before I moved to Korea." Jessica told them. I just smile again.

"I'm Kris and this is Chanyeol." A good looking man introduced himself and his friend. I nod. "I'm Tiffany. I was Jessica's best friend and Taeyeon's best friend." I said.

Jessica frowned. "You know Taeyeon?" she asked me. "Yeah, I was her best friend in Canada almost six years." I explained. She pulled my hand. "Where's she?" she asked me again with the hopes in her eyes.

"Maybe she has went home. Let me take all of you."


Author's POV

They went to Taeyeon's house with the help of Tiffany. All of them went upstairs and Tiffany lead them to Taeyeon's bedroom.

Tiffany knocked on the door. Silent. No response. "Taeyeon?"

They looked at each other. Jessica decided to opened the door. It was unlocked. All of them went into her room including Baekhyun. He was the last one who entered her room. They saw Taeyeon laying on her bed. Her eyes were closed.

"She's resting maybe." Tiffany whispered.

They just nodded. Kris, Chanyeol and Jessica stared at Taeyeon. They miss her. Almost six years they didn't see this beautiful face.

Tiffany slowly called the maid.

"She's just come back home?" she asked to the maid. The girl nodded. "About 15 minutes ago." she replied. "Ah, okay thanks." she smiled. The maid bowed and left the room.

A few minutes later, Taeyeon woke up from her sleeping. She looked around and pushed herself from laying down.

"Taeyeon-ah? Are you okay? I miss you!" Jessica sit beside her and hugged her tightly. Chanyeol and Kris flashed a smile to her. "We miss you so much, Taeyeon!" Chanyeol said.

Taeyeon smile back before she looked at Tiffany. "Fany-ah, where is appa? He have to take his medicine right now. It's getting dark." she said make everyone froze at their spots.

Jessica and Tiffany looked at each other. Baekhyun stared at Taeyeon's pale and innocent face. Is she just forgot what happen?

"Taeyeon-ah, didn't you remember what just happen?" Kris asked her, carefully. Taeyeon frowned and shook her head. "What just happen? Where is my father?" she started to get up from her bed and walked to the door.

Jessica and Tiffany were rushed to get Taeyeon. "Taeng, he's gone." Jessica replied. Taeyeon stopped. "Gone what? Who? My father?" she asked back. Slowly Jessica nodded.

Taeyeon chuckles. "What the hell are you talking about?" she asked in disbelief. Suddenly she realized something. Her face expression turned.

"My father..has gone." slowly her tears fall down on her cheeks. Jessica and Tiffany stepped closer to her and hug her. Chanyeol and Kris just looked down. Baekhyun still staring at Taeyeon.

Why did you always make me feel pity for you?

His heart said.

"You have to rest." Tiffany said and she with Jessica pulled her slowly to her bed and Taeyeon lay down.

Jessica wiped her cheeks that wet because of the tears meanwhile Tiffany put a blanket for her.

"Let's go out and let her rest." Chanyeol said and they obeyed him.

They went out from her room except Baekhyun. He slowly went closer to her bed.

Again, he stared at her and suddenly patted her head gently. He didn't realized what he was doing. Then his eyes went down and stopped at her neck. He frowned when he saw a familiar necklace at her neck.

His heart beating faster.

Is she wearing the necklace that I gave her six years ago?

He suddenly feel curious. What happen? She said she didn't love him, but she wearing the necklace and she put his birthday as her password, also his picture as her wallpaper.

"You're driving me crazy."

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