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The situation getting serious. All the girls were shocked. Their jaws dropped.

Taeyeon was shocked too. She quickly pulled her hand from me. She was about to explained but I stopped her.

"So, I don't want anybody touched her. If I find out, I will do something that you guys will regret. Because you guys hurt my girl. I know that there's three girls that have bullied my girl. Yesterday if I not mistaken." I deliberately leveraged it.

I saw Bomi, Namjoo and Naeun's face were scared. They seems uneasy with my words.

"So, watch your attitude with my girl. Jessica, Kris and Chanyeol. I ordered you guys to protect Taeyeon and informed me if anyone try to hurt Taeyeon."

Jessica, Kris and Chanyeol nodded quickly. They grinned. Taeyeon's jaw dropped. She was about to stopped me, but I pulled her and we went to our places.


Author's POV

"Guys, please hear me out. The teachers will not teaching us today. They have a meeting. Urgent. So they tell us for not doing a problem." the class monitor, Dara informed all of them.

All the students cheered. They were happy because they will not studying.

They started to make noises. Talking and laughing together. Jessica and Taeyeon decided to went to the toilet.

"Yah, seriously you guys a couple now? I can't believe it!" Jessica jumped happily.

Taeyeon shook her head quickly.

"No! The truth is, we are not a couple. I think he said that to avoided something bad happen to me again." she sighed. Jessica furrowed. She stopped.

"What do you mean? This is..fake?" her voice slowly changed.

Taeyeon nodded and heaved a heavy sigh. "Yesterday, Bomi and her gang attacked me for being closer to Baekhyun. I don't tell him at first. But he forced me and I told him what happen. I guess, he spread the fake news that I'm his girlfriend to stop the girls from attacked me." she flashed a weak smile. Jessica silent for a while.

Taeyeon choose to silent too. She don't know why. She was sad because this is all fake. Is she falling to Baekhyun? If yes, is this feeling mutual? Or..not?

Jessica looked at her best friend before asking. "You like him, right?" she asked and shoot her a serious look.

Taeyeon was speechless with Jessica's question. She looked away. Jessica still waited for her answer.

"No need to answer. I knew it." Jessica finally said.

Taeyeon looked at her.

"I think he likes you too."


"I think he likes you too. His actions towards you. He cared for you. He get worried if something happened to you. He is a cold person. Everyone in this school know him. The most cold person. He never cared about one girl. Never stared at a girl. But he did it when you come into his life. I think, you changed him, Taeng-ah. He's completely a different person before you come here. Chanyeol noticed it too. He is the most shocked person when he saw Baekhyun's actions to you. Because he know, his bestie is the cold-hearted person."

Jessica explained. Taeyeon still silent. She didn't know what to respond so she just shut up.


"I think he likes you too. But, he didn't realized it. He's always smiling at you. That was a serious news." Jessica chuckles. Taeyeon just laughed awkwardly.

Then she sighed.

"I don't think he likes me too. Maybe he just feel sympathy to me. Well, I have something to tell you. Something that Baekhyun..only he knows."

Jessica's eyes widened.

"What is it?"


Bomi's POV

So, that b*tch has dated my Baekhyun. And he warned everyone for not touched her. Damn it! Sh*t!

I kicked the table. Namjoo and Naeun were staring at me.

"So, what are we gonna do, unnie?" Naeun asked me.

I glared at her and slammed the table that I kicked before.

"I'm gonna kill that slut!"

"But, unnie. Baekhyun has warned all of us. Don't you scared with his words? He might kill us if we touched Taeyeon again. He know that the three of us were bullied Taeyeon yesterday." Namjoo replied.

I sighed before take a sit.

"We have to plan something. Jessica, Kris and Chanyeol will protect Taeyeon starting from now." Naeun muttered.

Namjoo agreed with her. I just shut my mouth. Think, Bomi! Think! You are clever!

"But, unnie.." Namjoo and I looked at Naeun.

She glanced at us before smirking. "What?" I asked back.

"I believe that..their relationship is fake."

Namjoo and I stared at each other before looked at Naeun again. "You mean.." Namjoo's words were cut by Naeun. "Yup. I think, Baekhyun oppa must faking this news to protect Taeyeon." Naeun smiled in victory.

Slowly, I smirked. Well, Naeun might be true. Maybe, they were in a fake relationship.

I stand up from my sit and smile.

"So, what we need to do is..forced Taeyeon to 'break up' with Baekhyun oppa and makes Baekhyun hates her." I said.

Naeun and Namjoo smirked and chuckles.

"Nice plan, unnie!" Namjoo make a thumbs up. I laughed. "I know."

"So, what's our first plan?" Naeun asked.

"First.. We need to.."


Taeyeon's POV

I just shut my mouth up and walked. My mind is messing right now.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my hand. I stopped and turned to saw who is it.

"Taeyeon, wait for me." Baekhyun said.

I sighed and pulled my hand from him. "Why did you spread the fake news?" I asked him. He raised one of his eyebrow and chuckles.

"You know, I did this to protect you from Bomi and the other girls. I don't want them to hurt you anymore." he said softly.

He is too kind. I don't understand myself. What's wrong with me? I have to thanked him. But, I don't like this fake relationship. I want it become real. Yes. I'm falling to him.

But I know this feeling is not mutual. We are just...friends.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I scoffed and nodded.

"I'm sorry if you don't like what I'm doing." he rubbed his back neck.

I just smiled and shook my head. "It's okay. I should thanked you. Thanks." I said sincerely.

He smiled back and nodded. "Then, let's walk together since they know that we are a 'couple'." he pulled my wrist and we walked home together.

I just smiled when he pulled my wrist. I could feel that we are dating for real. I wish, one day. Haha. Keep on dreaming, Kim Taeyeon.

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