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Jessica's POV

Tiffany and I were shocked when we receive a message from Baekhyun. Taeyeon got into an accident?! We rushed to the hospital that Baekhyun told us.

Before that, we called for Kris and Chanyeol too. The four of us went to the hospital together. When we reached to the emergency unit, we saw Baekhyun sitting down while closed his eyes. He looks worried.

"Baek! How's she?" Tiffany ask worriedly.

Baekhyun opened his eyes and stared at us. He shrug his shoulders before shook. He doesn't know. "Baek, what actually happen? Can you tell us?" Chanyeol sat down beside him and said softly.

I crossed my arms and also looked at him. Waiting for his explanation. He looked away. "We..we discussed about something in my office then when she was about to go, she's got into an accident. Then I take her to the hospital." I don't know why.. But I think he's lying.

Chanyeol and Kris nodded meanwhile Tiffany frowned. Me too. "Baek, discussed about what?" Tiffany asked. Baekhyun raised his head. "Work." I know that their company has to work together but.. "At this hour? I thought the office hour has ended." I said.

Kris, Chanyeol and Tiffany looked at me. I raised one of my eyebrows. True what. "She's right. You didn't lie to us, right?" Kris asked him this time. He kept quiet then he sighed.

"Fine. I told her to meet me at my office after the office hour." he admitted. The four of us looked at each other before frowned. "But why?" Chanyeol asked again. "I need her answer about six years ago." He mumbled but we heard it.

Speaking about that, I sighed. I need an explanations from her too. "So, you guys fight?" I asked him carefully. He looked at me and slowly nodded. "This is all my fault." he sighed again. Chanyeol and Kris patted his shoulders. "It's not your fault, bro." Kris said.

Tiffany and I nodded quickly. Suddenly, the doctor come out and all of us quickly went to him. "How was our friends?" Tiffany asked. The doctor, which I think is Doctor Choi because I saw his name tag, looked down before spoke.

"I'm sorry but.."

We widened our eyes. "B-but what?" I heard Baekhyun's voice shaking. He's scared if something happened to her. "But, she lost a lot of blood and her head was banged hard. We need to find a blood donor for Taeyeon." Doctor Choi said.

Suddenly Tiffany raised her hand. "I will. My blood type is O. Same with her." she replied confidently. Doctor Choi stared at her before nodded. We feel relieved when Tiffany volunteered herself.

"Then, come and follow me." he smiled. Tiffany nodded and looked at us. She smiled before followed Doctor Choi.

"I hope everything will be fine." Kris mumbled.


Author's POV

Tiffany has finished donating her blood to Taeyeon. Jessica, Kris, Baekhyun and Chanyeol went into her ward. "Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked. Tiffany smile and nod. "Okay." she replied.

Then, Doctor Choi went in. "Thanks for donating your blood, Miss Hwang. Now, about Taeyeon's condition. She.." he stopped. All of them furrowing their eyebrows. "Why?" Baekhyun asked.

"She's in critical."

Jessica covered her mouth because she was shocked. "W-what?" Baekhyun whispered. Doctor Choi nodded. "I'm sorry. Now she's in comma. Just pray for her and give supports to her. If there's miracle, she will woke up." Doctor Choi flashed a weak smile.

"No no no.." Tiffany shook. Jessica was crying and Tiffany rubbed her face. Kris calmed Jessica down meanwhile Chanyeol looked down. Baekhyun felt upset with himself, he went out and slammed the door. They were shocked.

Doctor Choi mumbled. "I'm sorry." he bowed politely and left.

Meanwhile Baekhyun, he went to the hospital's park. There's no one except him. He kicked the bench. He didn't care the pain that he feel. "It's my fault!" he almost screamed. He messing his hairs and sat down on the bench. He is...crying again because of her.

He feel useless. He makes her cry a few minutes ago then he makes her in comma. He admitted that he still loves her. He want her back although he didn't know the truth. But he know, that she loves him. Always love him.

Suddenly, he felt someone patted his back. He turned and Chanyeol sat beside him. "Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked. Baekhyun shook his head. "Hell not." he mumbled. Chanyeol sighed heavily before he looked at his best friend.

"Bro, don't be upset. Don't blame yourself. We just pray for her and gives her supports. She will opened her eyes one day. Trust me." he convinced him. Baekhyun slowly shook. "No.. It was my fault, Chan-ah. I admit, I still love her and I want her back even she hates me and didn't love me." he confessed to him.

Chanyeol blinked twice. He licked his lower lip. "I knew it. You still loves her. I know." he nodded. Baekhyun just stay silent. Didn't bother to reply. "Your eyes can't lie, bacon. You stared at her when you guys meet. At her father's funeral, you looked worried about her. Jessica told me that she ate her food after you come and persuade her a few days ago." he muttered.

Baekhyun sighed. "Hm." he humming as a respond. "That explained everything. She still loves you too, I think. You told me that she kept the necklace that you gave her, right? That explains everything." he spoke again. Baekhyun was thinking about his best friend's words.

Ring ring!

Chanyeol's phone suddenly ringing. He picked up the call for a while before he hung up. "Let's go, Baek."

Baekhyun frowned. "Where?" he asked him. "Tiffany said she has something to tell us." Chanyeol tell him. Baekhyun felt weird but he just obeyed and followed him back to Tiffany's ward.

Maybe she wanna tell something important.

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