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Author's POV

Taeyeon and Jessica went out from their class. The school time has ended. All the students were rushing. Of course they wanted to go home quickly.

"Who will pick you up?" Jessica asked.

"Ah, I just walked." she smiled to her.

Jessica make her mouth to 'o' shaped while nodding. "Okay then. Goodbye!" She waved at Taeyeon. Taeyeon waved back and she saw Jessica entered one car.

She sighed before slowly walked leaving the school. Suddenly she remembered something.

"Oh! I have to go to work!" she squeaked. She quickly run to her work place.

Taeyeon stopped in front of one restaurant and went it. She quickly go to the caunter.

"Sorry I'm late." she bowed.

Solji just smiled and shook her head. "It's okay. You can start now." she replied. "Kamsahamnida." Taeyeon bowed again and quickly went to the back to change into her work uniform.

She then started working. Taking the orders, served the orders and sometimes be a cashier. It was her fifth day to work at here. She just moved to Seoul.

The bell ringing which means customer went in to the restaurant. She quickly take the menu and went to the table that the customer sat.

"Order..?" Taeyeon was shocked a little bit when she saw the boys. Yup. It's two.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

Taeyeon just look down while playing with her finger.

"Ah, Taeyeon? You work here?" Chanyeol asked her with a shock face.

Slowly the girl nodded and flashed a smile. "Yup."

"But why?" Chanyeol asked again.

Taeyeon just smile to him. "So, your order?" she changed the topic. Chanyeol seems a bit disappointed.

"Ah I just want a orange juice and a pasta. What about you, bacon?"

Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol because he called him bacon.

"Same with him." he said coldly.

Taeyeon nodded and take the menu back before went away. Chanyeol tapped Baekhyun's hand. "What?" Baekhyun asked.

"Can you please be nice? You are so cold. I think she is scared at you." Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun just rolled his eyes. "I don't care."
Chanyeol sighed.

"You are scaring. I think Taeyeon is a nice and good girl. You see, she is working right now. She just entered our school." he said again.

Baekhyun just glanced at Taeyeon who were take an order at the other customers. She flashed a smile to that customer.

"She seems friendly. But I wonder why she worked here. Meanwhile she just a student." Chanyeol mumbled.

Baekhyun shut his mouth and still stared at Taeyeon.


Taeyeon's POV

My shift has ended and I changed back into my school uniform.

"Thanks, Solji unnie." I bowed at her.

Solji chuckled. "Don't do that. Just see me like your friend." she smile.

I smiled back. Solji unnie was kind. She helped me to find a job and now I'm working at her restaurant.

I waved at her and went out. Slowly I walked back to my house. I sighed before stopped.

"I'm gonna back to that hell." I said to myself.

The truth is, I don't want to go home. I hate it. Why? Let me tell you. I have a stepmother. She is always abused me when my father is not at home. I don't know why she hate me so much.

She treated me like a maid. My father was a businessman. So he is always not at home and that's a chance to my stepmom to abused me.

I slowly walked. "It's gonna be okay, Taeng."

When I reached home, it's dark inside. She didn't opened the lamp? Ugh. I slowly stepped into my house and opened the lamp.

I looked around and didn't find her figure. Then I quickly went upstairs and opened my door. I went it and closed my door and locked it.


I put my bag down and grabbed my towel. I'm gonna take a bath to relaxing my mind. It's fun to be at the new school although not everyone welcomed me.

I smiled when I suddenly remembered Jessica. My new friend.

After taking a bath, I wear my pajamas. Then I lay down on my bed. It's tiring day.

Knock knock!

I looked at the door. Don't tell me that the witch is the one who knocked my door.

"Kim Taeyeon! Open the door!" she shouted.

I sighed heavily. Here she come. I slowly woke up and walked to the door. I'm a little bit of afraid to be honest. I'm scared if she's gonna beat me again.

She is still knocking my door. I unlocked it and open the door.


Ouch. She slapped me so hard. I just shut my mouth.

"How dare you ignored me?! I told you to cleaned up my room, didn't I?! Are you deaf or stupid?! How could my husband have a daughter like you?! Where did you go?! Why did you went home at this hour?!" she yelled at me.

And I'm not gonna tell her that I'm working after school.

"Answer me, b*tch!" she shouted.

"It's not your business, f*cking witch! You have got my father and this house! So please don't mind my business! Where I went to, it's not related to you I guess!" I yelled back at her.

And she slapped me again. This time, it's harder than before. I groaned in pain.

"How dare you yelled back at me?! You are so brave!" the witch started to beat me. She take the hanger in my room and beat me.

I try to stopped her but I can't. It's hurt. So much.

Suddenly we heard a car engine outside the house. Appa has come back home. The witch quickly throw the hanger.

"If I found out that you tell him, you will die!" she warned me.

The witch went out from my room. I quickly  closed my door and locked it.

Slowly, tears come out from my eyes. Until when? Appa seems to believed my stepmom more than me. He rarely spend time with me but he always spend time with her.

Did appa has already forgot about eomma? I cry again.

If anyone could help me...


Sorry, lame chapter. Enjoy reading and don't forget to vote !

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