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Jessica's POV

Today I went early to the school. I want to chatting with Taeyeon. She is always come to school early.

Speaking of Taeyeon, yup she is really nice and good girl. I like being her friend. I'm a little bit sad because I'm not her seatmate anymore but I'm happy because I was Kris's seatmate.

Yes I like him! He was my crush.

I entered the class and looked at Taeyeon's place. Empty. So she didn't came yet. I walked to my seat and put my bag down.


I turned. Kris smiled at me. His smile! I smiled back and felt nervous.


"You came early than before." he looked at me. I just chuckles. "Yeah. I thought I wanna chatting with Taeyeon because she is always the first one to come to school but today, I think she's late." I replied while smiling.

He is so handsome! Okay stop that Sica.

Kris just nodded. "Maybe she was late. I didn't dare to approach her and say hi. She seems to quiet and like, mind her business." he laughed.

"Yup. She is like that. Just try to say hi to her. She is kind." I try to make Kris felt comfortable with Taeyeon.

Kris just smiled and nodded.


Taeyeon's POV

I have to go to school even I'm not okay right now. Why? Let me tell. Yesterday when I went home, my stepmom beat me again.

She told me to clear the living room and the kitchen. She really treated me like a maid. Now, my right leg is hurt because she was kick me yesterday.

I sighed before slowly walked to my class with this injured leg. I walked carefully and suddenly I stopped when I realize someone was standing in front of me.

I raised my head and look at the person because he or she block my way. And it's he. Not she. But he. Him. Baekhyun. He stared at me with his cold eyes and then he looked at my injured leg that I tried to hide it.

"What happen to your right leg?" he asked me.

And I don't get it. He said he didn't care about me but he's asking me what happen now. Not only today but yesterday also. I confused with his action.

"I hurt myself again while climbing a stair." I lied again.

He chuckles before stared at me again. "I hurt myself while climbing a stair." he repeated what I just say. "You know what? You're a bad liar." he continued.

"Now what's wrong with you, Mr.Byun? I said mind your own business. What happen to me, it's not your matters. Right? Then just ignore me and stay with your cold side." I said with angry tone.

I hate when someone actually didn't care but pretend to care. It look like so fake.

"Come with me." he pulled my arm.

"What? Hey, the class will start soon!" I try to stop him.

"The teachers were not entered the classes. They have a meeting." He reply to me and continue pulled my arm to follow him.

I just followed him carefully with my injured leg. We stopped at the school's clinic.

"Why here?" I asked him.

"Why not?" he asked me back before he pulled me to entered the clinic.

He told me to sit at the bed and I just obeyed him. He opened the lamp and take a..what? He take a first aid kit and sat beside me.

"What are you doing with that kit?" I asked him while frowned.

"Then what? Let your leg injured and get better by itself? It's never get better." he said sarcastically.

I just let him touch my leg. There was a bruise on my leg. I try to calm myself when his hand touch my leg. Our skin touched.

He gently put a medicine at the bruise. He can be a doctor I guess because he do it so good.

After a few minutes, he was done and looked at me. "T-thank you.." I thanked him and look away. Why does it feel so awkward right now?

He just nodded. "I believe someone beat you up. Am I right?"

Yup. He was right. And how did he know?

"I saw you were scared to walked into your house yesterday." He continued make me a little bit of shocked.

I looked at him. "We are neighbours. My house was in front of your house. And I just know that yesterday when I saw you. So mind to tell me?" he still looked at me.

Our eyes met. I quickly look away and cleared my throat.

"We are not close so why I should tell you? Even Jessica didn't know it yet. And I just know you." I said.

He sighed. "Is it so hard to let me know? Then what? You want me to be your boyfriend and that you will tell me?"

I feel my cheeks burning a bit.

"I-its no-not like that. We are..strangers. So why should.." I can't continued.


Baekhyun's POV

I can't do anything but just stared at her. I don't know why, but there's something at her that make me wanna stared at her only.

"Just tell me. We are..friend right?" I replied to her. Friend? Are you crazy, Baekhyun? I never ask to be a girl's friend and I did it just now.

I never care at someone like this but I did just now. Is it too much?

I saw she is shocked a bit. Maybe she didn't believe someone cold as me can say like that.

"F-friend?" she asked again.

I just nodded. "Yeah. We are friend right? We are classmates too. Since I know where is your house and I can tell that something bad happen, why not you tell me everything?" I say again.

She stay silent. I guess she is confused right now.

"B-but.." she stopped.

I just wait for her to start her story. I know she will tell me everything.

Something makes me wanna stared at her. She is..beautiful. And also cute. I admit it okay. Her eyes was sparkled and beautiful. Her nose was cute. And..her lips. She has a cute and pink lips.

And now I was stared at her lips. I quickly shook and look away. You are crazy!

She sighed heavily and I looked at her again.


I knew it she will tell me.

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