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Jessica went to the park alone. She need some fresh air to relaxing her mind. It's been a week after the final exams. Thank god, she can do her best.

Two weeks later they will get the results.

"Jessica-ah.. You're here."

She turned when she heard some familiar voice. She smiled when she saw Kris went to her.

"You're here too?" she asked.

Kris just nodded. Both of them walked together and chatting some random stuff.

"You want to apply for university, right? Which university?" he asked and both of them stop walking. They sat on the bench. Jessica humming and replied, "Maybe.. Seoul University? It's near to my house." she chuckles.

Kris laughed and ruffled her hairs. That make Jessica froze on her spot.

Did he just ruffling my hairs? Is this true? 

Jessica slowly smiled. "What about you?" she asked back. She can feel the butterflies in her stomach. Kris thinking for a while before look at her. "I follow you." he replied and smiling.

Once again, Jessica can't hide her smile. She is excited! She just nodded and smiled.

"Let's go to the ice cream truck!" Kris pointed at on truck beside the road. Jessica nod and both of them went to the truck together. Jessica froze again when Kris pulled her hand.

Slowly she giggles and followed Kris. It's the best day ever in her life. It feels like today was their date.

They bought two chocolate ice creams and went back to the park and sat at the bench that they sat before. They started to licking the ice creams.

"You miss her, right?" suddenly Kris asked about her.

Jessica stop licking the ice cream and slowly nod. Kris hug her shoulders and pull her closer. "We missed her too." he replied. Jessica sighed and looked at him. "Is he misses her too?"

Kris knows what Jessica talking about. Baekhyun. Kris nodded. "Yeah I think." he slowly reply to her. "He waited for her explanations, maybe." he added. "I know. Must be something wrong happen." Jessica agreed.

He just shrug his shoulders. Then he looked at Jessica.

"You're so cute."

She froze when his hand wiped the tip of her lip. She could feel that she's blushing. Kris just chuckles.


Chanyeol grunted and throw his phone on his bed. "Heh, date.." be scoffed. He just chatted with Kris just now. And then Kris replied, 'I'm dating with Jessica. Bye!' Now he believed that the two has something.

He rolled his eyes. He didn't know what to do right now. Finally, he jumped on his bed. Then he lay down.

Suddenly, his sister opened the door. She shook her head. "Park Chanyeol! What happen to your bed?!" she raised her voice. Chanyeol ignored his sister. "I'm bored, noona." he replied.

Park Yoora sighed. "Come, help me." she suddenly whined. Chanyeol looked at his sister with a weird face. "Help what?" he asked.

"Cooking." she giggles and quickly pulled her brother. Chanyeol groaned. "Aaa no please!" he's the one who whining this time. Yoora bursted into evil laugh and continued pulled him.

Finally, he obeyed her.


They got their results. Some students were happy with their results and some were sad. Jessica stared at her result. 

Slowly, she smiled and cheered. "Yeah!! I pass the exams!" she cheered by herself.

Suddenly someone hug her shoulders. Jessica turned and she smiled when she saw Kris and Chanyeol.

"How was your result?" she asked both of them. The boys smirks and showing their results to her. Jessica claps her hands. "Good job!" She thumbs up.

Kris and Chanyeol grinned happily. "Oh, where is Baekhyun?" she suddenly asking them about him. "He went to the toilet." Chanyeol replied.

Then, Baekhyun come and went to them. His face has no expression. "How was your result?" Kris asked him. Baekhyun smile a bit before showed his result. "Woah, you're pass too!" Kris chuckles.

"Of course I am. I'm the smartest student right?" Baekhyun said and prouf of himself. Jessica rolled her eyes meanwhile Chanyeol punched his shoulder playfully. Baekhyun chuckles.

"Yeah, you're the smartest student ever in this world." Jessica said sarcastically. Baekhyun smirked. "I am." She almost slapped him playfully but she just rolled her eyes.

Chanyeol smiled and wrapped his arm around Baekhyun's shoulders. "Let's celebrate!" he said. Kris agreed. "I'm on!" he giggles. Baekhyun just nodded. "Jessica?" they looked at Jessica. The girl humming. "I'm on too." she smile.

The fourth of them went to the restaurant and search for a table.

"Let's sat there." Kris pointed at the hidden table behind. They obeyed him and sat together. After that, the waitress handed the menus for them and they started to ordered.

While waiting for their orders to come, they were chatting. "Let's apply at the same university!" Jessica crossed her arms and smile. "Woah, I can imagined that we were on the same university! And we're on the same class!" Chanyeol said.

"That's what I'm thinking yesterday." Jessica chuckles.

"I don't care which university. But maybe I just apply to the near university. I don't want to go far." Baekhyun replied. Kris nodded and said, "Then let's go to the Seoul University!" he muttered.

They looked at each other and smiled. They agreed with him. Then, their orders has arrived. They started to enjoy their meals happily.

But, deep in Jessica's heart, she wishes that Taeyeon was here with them. Without they knowing, she sighed.


I feel like this is KrisSica fanfiction 😂 by the way, vote and comment ! 💗 thanks , dear readers 💓 who missed Taeyeon? 🙋

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