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Chanyeol's POV

Baekhyun and I are on our way to went home after school. I cleared my throat before looked at him.

"What's your relationship with Taeyeon?" I asked.

Baekhyun stopped before turned to look at me. I showed him my innocent smile. He glared at me.

"Just a..friend." he mumbled. I widened my eyes. Friends?! Is this Baekhyun okay?

"Yah, gwaenchanayo? Are you got hurt at your head?" I quickly checked him.

He kick me playfully. I laughed.

"Of course I'm okay, dude!" He look at me sharply.

I just grinned. "You know what? I think that Taeyeon make you changed. You're not a person that will approached a girl and be her friend just like that. You are cold and always ignored girls. But, when Taeyeon come to our school, you're different. The way you stared at her, I knew it, bro. You seems cared to her." I said.

Both of us stopped from walking. He shook his head.

"Nope. You are wrong. I'm still the cold Baekhyun. Stop it." he try to deny it again.

I rolled my eyes before smack his head. He groaned. "Yah!"

I ignored him. "Byun Baekhyun, stop denying it. I'm your best friend. I know you. You're different when you're with Taeyeon."

I saw Baekhyun shut his mouth and look away. I smirked before whispered something to him.

"You like her, don't you?" I teased him.

"I'm not!" Now he smacked my head. I squeaked. This chingu.. Aish!

"I think not only me noticed it. I think, Jessica noticed it too. You see, when you were called by Mr.Kim to solve the maths problem, you're answer are wrong. It's was your first time you can't answer and solve the maths problem. Because what? I saw you always glanced and stared at Kim Taeyeon before Mr.Kim called your name. Not only me, but Jessica and Kris also saw it. Just tell me, bacon. You like her."

I still saying it. What? It's a fact tho. Baekhyun sighed before look at me back.

"She got my attention. I never felt caring towards girls, but I felt it when I'm with her." Baekhyun finally confessed. I blinked twice.

Is this really Baekhyun? Woah.

"So you really like her right? She's the only who make you become like this." I giggles.

He didn't answered me. "Let's just stop talking about this." he sighed heavily. I shrug my shoulders. "Okay."


Taeyeon's POV

Appa has gone for a business trip. So I was left alone with my stepmom again. Today I'm not working.

So I just stayed in my room.

"Kim Taeyeon! Clean the kitchen now!" The witch started to shouted. I decided to obeyed her before she beat me again.

I walked out from my room and went downstairs before stepped to the kitchen. It was really a mess. I wonder what this witch have done to this kitchen.

She just glared at me when my eyes meet her eyes and she went away. I started to cleaned up the kitchen. It took almost two hours.

After cleaning all the mess, I decided to went our from this house to get some fresh air. I slowly sneaked out from my house and quickly went away before the witch noticed me.

I stopped at a park.


Baekhyun's POV

I saw her before I decided to went closer to her. It's Taeyeon.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her. She turned and saw me.

"Ah, Baekhyun."

I was standing in front of her.

"Um, just getting some fresh air." she said and flashed a smile. "You?" she asked me back.

I cleared his throat. "Same." I lied. The truth is, I saw her sneaked out from her house. So I think, she probably went out without her stepmom's knowing.

So I decided to followed her. And I don't know why I did this.

"Ah I see.."

"Let's go." I grabbed her arm. She looks confused. Okay, that was cute. Wait what?

I pulled her and we went to the ice cream truck.

"Two vanilla ice creams please." I said to the uncle.

Taeyeon looks blur for a while.

"Kamsahamnida." I take the ice creams and pay it before I handed one ice cream to Taeyeon.

She raised one of her eyebrow. "Take it. This is for you." I say. She slowly take the ice cream and smile. "Gomawo."

I found myself smile back at her. She seems shocked a little before cleared her throat. It's my first time smiling back at a girl. It's crazy, right? I know.

We sat on the bench and enjoyed our ice cream. Both of us just stay silent. I glanced at her before say, "Hey. You know that we are..friends right? So why don't you tell me what just happen in your house?" I asked her.

She stop licking the ice cream before look at me.

"Um.. Why did you ask? It's nothing." she replied.

I chuckles. "I saw you sneaked out from your house." I smirked.

She seems speechless. "Ah..um nothing. I don't want her to know that I went out. She will scold me and beat me again." she flashed a weak smile.

To be honest, I hate seeing her weak smile. The fact. I want her beauty smile, not a weak one. Taeyeon look away.

"It's nothing." She laughed. Yeah, nothing for her but something for me.

I don't know why I want to stared at her right now. She didn't realize that I stared at her.

She suddenly look at me and caught me staring at her. Our eyes meet. Slowly I raised my hand and wiped the tip of her lip.

I could feel that her body freeze. Maybe she was shocked with my action.

"There's leftover ice cream on the tip of your lips." I smiled to her.

Why I'm so generous for giving her my smile? Meanwhile the other girls, didn't even got my smile. I didn't glanced at them.

"Ah, I see. Um- gomawo." she blushed a little. I chuckles when I saw her blushing. Is she shy?

I don't know why but I feel happy when I saw her blushing.

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