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Chanyeol's POV

I was chatting with Baekhyun and Kris. Yeah, Kris is one of my best friend right now.

"Taeyeon." I mumbled when I saw Taeyeon and Jessica walking together. Baekhyun heard me and turned to see his girlfriend.

He quickly stood up and went to Taeyeon. Kris and I just followed him.

"Taeyeon, are you sick? Why did you left without me yesterday?" he asked.

Kris and I just watching them, both of us has know what happen yesterday at the mall. Baekhyun told us. I saw Jessica frowned. Maybe she doesn't know anything.

Taeyeon just shut up and didn't answer it. Baekhyun still waiting for her answer.

"It's none of your business." she said coldly before went away. Our jaws dropped. What the hell-

We saw Taeyeon sat at Kris's place. Kris furrowing his eyebrows.

"You sit at my place. I sit here beside Jessica so this is my place from now." she said.

Jessica stared at Baekhyun for an explanation but Baekhyun just shrug his shoulders.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked.

"I..don't know.." Baekhyun mumbled.

Then we saw all the students judging Taeyeon.

"How could she did this to Baekhyun oppa?"

"Isn't she his girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend her ass!"

"I told you, she is disgusting!"

Baekhyun glared at the students and make them shut up.

"Keep saying that to my girl and you will regret it!" he yelled.

I looked at Taeyeon. She just rolled her eyes and read her book back. What's wrong with this girl?


Author's POV

Taeyeon eat her bread then Jessica sit in front of her. "Taeng.."

"Hm?" she looked up to Jessica.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you acted like that to Baekhyun? Is he did something wrong to you? Tell me." Jessica stared at her.

Taeyeon chuckles. "What? I just be myself. Is it wrong?" she pretending. Jessica sighed before shook her head. "You are a bad liar, Kim. Just tell me. You didn't see how sad Baekhyun are when you ignore him?" she say in disappointed tone.

Taeyeon grunted. She stand up roughly and glared at Jessica. "It's none of your business! Wanna know why? Actually, I don't love him. So what? Yeah, the girls were true! I just acting all of this time. Because I want his attention! So I used my ex stepmom and my father to make him feel pity for me!" She shouted.

All the students at the canteen stopped and turned their attention to her. Baekhyun who was walking with Kris and Chanyeol also stopped. He heard everything.


Jessica shook her head. Is this true? She wanna ask her more but suddenly Baekhyun pulled Taeyeon and they went away.

Kris and Chanyeol walked closer to Jessica. "Is that true?" Kris asked. He was shocked.
Jessica slowly shakes her head.

"I...don't know."


Baekhyun pulled her to the music room. He's facing Taeyeon now and he's trying to calmed himself.

"What are you saying just now?" he slowly asked her.

Taeyeon smirked. "Are you deaf?" she asked back. Baekhyun sighed before he hold her hands. "Tell me, the truth. I know, there's something that you hide from me. Tell me the truth!" he looked straight into her eyes.

The girl shook her head. "There's nothing! What I just said at the canteen just now is the truth! Yeah, at first, we were in a fake relationship. Then I make you become more pity at me, and pretended to be jealous with Bomi so you can make it official. And I did it. We're become official three days ago. But the truth is Byun Baekhyun, I don't love you." she looked at Baekhyun with serious face.

I don't love you.

The four words keep playing on his mind. He quickly shook his head and hold her hands tightly.

"Just tell me and don't lying!" he feel that his tears will come out.

"I don't lie to you!! I don't love you! I just acting so I can get your attention!" She shouted to him. Slowly, his tears fell down on his cheeks. For the first time, he cried because of a girl.

"Please tell me that you're joking." he begged. Taeyeon shook. "No, I'm not joking right now."

He stay silent for a while before he took something from his pocket.

"I'm..thinking to give you this.. As my gift for you. To prove that I love you so much."

It's..a necklace. It was pretty. Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "I don't need that." she said. Baekhyun pulled her hand and give the necklace. "Then, throw it. I don't need this too."

He turned and was about to go, but he stopped.

"Thanks for everything although your love for me is fake. Thanks for giving me an experience. Fake love experience. In the future, I will be aware with a girl like you. Thanks." Baekhyun went out from the music room and slammed the door.

He's hurt. So much.

Taeyeon finally broke down. Tears slowly come out from her beautiful eyes. She's crying so hard.

"M-mianhae..Baek-Baekhyun.. I'm..s-so sorry.." she cried. She stared at the necklace that Baekhyun gave her just now.

"I love you."

She want to run after him. She want to hug him. She want to say that she loves him so much. But she know..it's too late. Baekhyun must hate her right now. She have to do this. Or, her ex stepmom will kill him.

"I'm so sorry.. I love you.." she keep whispered that to herself and cried.

"I love you."


Wait.. Why am I crying? Tsk. Lol. Enjoy reading and don't forget to vote!  Saranghae 💓

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