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Taeyeon's POV

I prepared breakfasts for Baekhyun and I. I just make a simple breakfast like Kimchi Fried Rice, gimbap and sausages. While I was busy washing the dishes, someone hugged me from back.

I smiled as I know who was it. Of course Baekhyun. He then rested his head at my shoulder. My heart started to beating faster. Aish, this man! Always make me feel nervous.

"Hey, stopped hugging me and go eat your breakfast." I said while grabbed the towel to dried my wet hands. I could feel his warm breathing on my neck.

He shook slowly. "I don't wanna eat that." he whined and I frowned. He break the hug and I turned to facing him. "What? Then, what do you want to eat? How about the f-"

"I wanna eat you."

He cut my words by whispering to me and pulled my wrist closer to him. I blushed as I heard what he said. He chuckles. And I quickly hit his arm.

"What? I'm hungry right now. I wanna eat you." he whining again and I pinched his arm. Then he groaned in pain. "You, byuntae!" I glared at him and he bursted into laugh.

"Just kidding, my princess. But thanks for the last night. It was amazing ." he said and whispered the amazing word at my ear. I could feel my cheeks are burning. It's hot. Huh, I'm blushing again. I hide my face on his chest and I heard he chuckles.

He take the chance by hugging me tightly and patted my head. "Don't be shy.. At least you finally become mine." he muttered and I smiled. I hugged him back more tight like I don't want to let him go. I love him so much. This feelings getting more and more and I swear, no men can make me feel like this except him.

He break the hug and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes as he did that. Then I opened my eyes back and he pecked my lips. I chuckles. He is so naughty. "Let's eat. I'm hungry." I pouted and he smiled. Baekhyun then pulled me and we sat on the chairs.

We started to eat.


Author's POV

Jessica and Tiffany smiled when they knows that their plan was success. They have a high-five together and Taeyeon just pouted.

"I knew it.. You guys planned this." she sulked like a kid. Her best friends just laughed. "Yah, at least our planned has success and you guys were back together again!" Tiffany grinned.

Jessica crossed her arms and replied, "They were not broke up yet." she said and Tiffany covered her mouth. "I forgot." she chuckles. Taeyeon just shook her head watching her best friend's attitudes.

The three of them were hanging out together at Chanyeol's Bakery. Chanyeol was busy with his customers so he didn't get a chance to chatting with them. They started to chatting and laughing together. 10 minutes later, Chanyeol finally joined them.

He gave them breads. "Aw, thanks Channie. You're the best friend ever!" Jessica grinned and take one bread. Chanyeol rolled his eyes playfully. Tiffany and Taeyeon laughed. "I know." Chanyeol make a proud face.

Jessica silently make a face. Tiffany just shook watching them. "Where's your boyfriend, huh?" Chanyeol asked. Jessica squeaked while eating bread. "He's busy, yoda." she replied.

Chanyeol sighed. He's used to heard her called him yoda. Taeyeon just smiled. "Bomi's wedding ceremony is tomorrow, right?" she asked them. The three humans just nodded.

"Are you going?" Chanyeol asked her and Taeyeon nodded. "Of course." she replied. Chanyeol then looked at the two others. "You guys?"

"Coming too." both of them said together.

Taeyeon smiled and sipped her coffee before they saw Kris and Baekhyun came together. Kris sat beside Jessica and Baekhyun sat beside Taeyeon.

"Chatting about what?" Kris asked with a smile on his face.

"Nothing. Just talking about Bomi's wedding ceremony tomorrow." Tiffany chuckles. The others nod, agreed with her. Kris and Baekhyun mouthed an 'O'.

"You go?" Taeyeon asked Kris. Kris nodded and smile. Baekhyun cleared his throat. "You don't wanna ask me?" he asked, pouted a little. Jessica and Tiffany bursted into laugh meanwhile Kris and Chanyeol shook their heads.

This bacon looks like a kid, huh. Taeyeon hit his arm playfully. "I know you're going that's why I didn't ask you." she chuckles. Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Huh, really. I'm not going." he said.

All of them looked at him while frowned. "What?" Kris asked. Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" he asked back. Chanyeol smacked his head and make Baekhyun groaned. "You are not going?" he asked again.

Baekhyun shook his head. "No. I'm busy." he replied and take Taeyeon's drink before he sipped the coffee. Taeyeon just let him and kept quiet.

"Bomi must be disappointed." Jessica mumbled and shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah." Tiffany agreed with her. Suddenly Taeyeon get up. "I'm going home. Bye." she said and went out from the bakery shop.

Chanyeol's jaw dropped. "Huh?"

Baekhyun glanced at his friends before get up too. "Gotta go. Bye!" he waved at them and quickly followed his girlfriend.

"They are weird." Kris commented.

"Yeah." Chanyeol nodded.

"Let them be." Tiffany replied.

Jessica rolled her eyes. "Bored. Let's go shopping, Fany-ah." she whined and Kris chuckles. He pinched her cheeks makes Tiffany and Chanyeol looked away. Didn't dare to watched them. Jessica grinned.

"Let's go." Tiffany stand up and pulled her.

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