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Author's POV

Taeyeon touched her right cheek. Her stepmom shoot her a glare.

"Watch your mouth!" she scold her.

Her stepmom's boyfriend, pulled her waist and calm her down. "Calm down, dear. See, there's your finger mark on her cheek." he said.

Taeyeon just hold her tears from fall down.

"I don't care! She deserved it! You go away from this house! I want to spend my time with him! You can come back one hour before your father went home!" her stepmom yelled at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon quickly went downstairs and run out from her house. Finally, her tears fall down.

She don't know where she have to go. She don't want to disturb Jessica. Plus, Jessica didn't know what happen.

Taeyeon finally stopped at a old building far from her house.

She walked into the old building before she take a sit and she continue crying. She hates her life. So much.


Baekhyun's POV

So she really want to break our friendship. She didn't even see me after school. She just left like that.

Why am I feeling sad? Ugh, she's no one!

"Baekhyun, can you buy me pumpkin soup at the store near our house?" my brother, Byun Baekbeom asked me.

I decided to nodded. I want to take a fresh air and forget about Taeyeon for a while.

"Let me buy it." I said.


I walked out from my house. Suddenly, I saw Taeyeon quickly went out from her house and run away. What's going on? Is something bad happen to her?

I saw one car outside her house. It's not Taeyeon's father's car. Then, who?

I planned to follow Taeyeon. "Hyung! I can't buy it for you! I have something to do! You can buy it by yourself!" I shouted then quickly followed Taeyeon.

"Aish, this kid!" I heard my brother squeaked.

I ignored him and followed Taeyeon. She stopped at one old building and walked in. I do the same thing.

She then sit down at one hidden place. She still didn't realised that I'm here.

Taeyeon was crying. Suddenly I feel pity for here. Must be something happen in her house.

Slowly, I approached her and sit beside her.

"What's wrong?" I asked slowly.

She was shocked as she look at me and quickly wiped her tears. There's no use. I saw it.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" she asked me back.

"I saw you and followed you. Now tell me, what happen?" I looked at her.

She just shook her head. "Nothing."

I heaved a sigh before touch her hand. She stay silent.

"Tell me."

"We are not friends anymore...right? So don't care with me." she replied.

I furrowed. Then I remembered what just happen at school.

"Now tell me what happen until you want to break our friendship? Please tell me!" I forced her.

Then I saw her tears slowly fall down on her cheeks. I feel guilty but..I want to know why. Why she unfriend me.

Taeyeon still didn't answer my questions.

"Did Bomi say something to you?" I finally mention Bomi's name.

She looked at me before shook her head slowly. Then she looked away. Huh. I knew it. It must be Bomi.

"I know Bomi said something to you. I know her. She hates seeing someone who try approached me. She will beat her up with Naeun and Namjoo. I know." I explained while looked straight in front.

Taeyeon just stay silent. "Did she beat you?" I asked her and looked at her.

I was worried if Bomi did something to this girl. I will never forgive that b*tch.

"No..she didn't.."

"Just tell me!" I raised my voice.

She looked at me with her teary eyes. "Yes! She pushed me! She and her friends say that I'm a slut! They say I'm not deserved to be your friend or something else! She kicked me! Why the hell everyone hates me?! Then let me just die!" she yelled at me before stand up. She grabbed something.

I stand up from my sit too. She was about to hit herself using the iron found in the old building but I stopped her.

"Hey, calm down!" I stopped her and grabbed the iron from her before throw it.

She is still crying. I rubbed her back before pulled her closer and give her a warm hug. I hug her tightly.

"Don't you dare to hurt yourself!" I whispered to her.

She didn't reply to me and just crying. I can feel her pain. Suddenly I remembered the scars at her arm. I don't want her to be depressed again and cut herself anymore.

I can feel that she hug me back. I smiled a bit before hug her more tight.


Taeyeon's POV

I feel comfortable and safe when I'm with him. The feels..that I really want to feel it. Now, I got the feels. And it's when I'm with him.

He hug me tightly and rubbed my back softly.

"Are you okay?" he asked me and break the hug.

I pouted a little. I wanted to hug him more.


I quickly shook my head before wiped my tears. Ah, it's embarrassing! He looked at me with his worried face. Worried? Is he worried about me?

"So you ignored me because of that b*tch?" he asked me again.

I decided to shook but finally I nodded. He sighed.

"Ignore them. You know what? I will never like her or anyone else. Why? They just get me annoyed with them. Over. I prefer to be with you than them." He rolled his eyes.

I blushed a little then cleared my throat. Behave, Taeyeon!

"If you have any problem, just tell me. I will help you. Don't keep it. Arraso? I hate it." he say again.

I nodded and flashed a smile to him. He is so kind. Everyone thought he is cold and have no heart. But, he's not. He's caring and so kind.

"Thanks." I thanked him.

He smiled back and nodded. And..he has a cute smile. He rarely smiled to people, I bet he just smiled to his family and Chanyeol.

"So are you going home?" He asked.

I sighed silently before shook and looked down.

"Then..come with me!"

She's Mine [ BAEKYEON ]Where stories live. Discover now