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The rest was shocked, Tiffany almost fell off from her seat, meanwhile Kris was chocked and Chanyeol accidently slapped Kris's head.

"Ouch.." Kris groaned.

"Sorry sorry." Chanyeol quickly said.

The three of them looked at the person who was just screamed, Jessica. "Yah! I almost die!" Kris pouted and Jessica just grinning.

"You screamed like a dolphin." Chanyeol mumbled.

Jessica heard it and she rolled her eyes. "Rip your ears then." she said sarcastically. Tiffany shook her head. "What's wrong and why did you scream? It hurts my ears." Tiffany muttered.

Jessica smiled and giggles. "Taeyeon just called me before I went here. And guess what?!" she clapped her hands once. The others looked at each other before raising one of their eyebrows. "What?" Tiffany asked back.

"Baekhyun proposed her and she accept him!" she screamed again at the end of her words. They closed their ears as she screamed. Then they widened their eyes. "He did it!" Chanyeol cheered.

Kris clapped his hands and show his proud face. "It's because of my hard work to decorated th-"

"No. Me." Chanyeol cut him.





"Stop it. You guys looks unmatured." Tiffany interrupted them.

Chanyeol and Kris gave their innocent smile. Jessica laughed. "We will have another wedding ceremony! Because they decided to get married and no engaged!" She said again.

"Woah.. How simple. Even Kris and you also get engaged first." Chanyeol replied, crossing his arms. Tiffany nodded quickly, agreed with him.

Jessica sighed. "Yeah I know. But, that's their decision." she spoke. Suddenly Chanyeol smirked. "Or.. They have do it?"

All of them looked at each other before they widened their eyes. "Omo.. It could be true." Kris commented. Tiffany was excited. "Then, we will have a nephew!" she said happily.

Then she looked at Jessica and Kris. "How about you guys?" she asked and both of them looked away. Kris faked a cough.

"We will give you after we have married." Jessica glared at her best friend. Tiffany giggles. "How about you? Get a boyfriend." Kris rolled his eyes and Tiffany laughed.

She shook her head. "I'm still young." she made up an excuse.

"Huh. Young." Chanyeol mumbled.


Taeyeon stared at her family photo. She smiled as she touch her parents photo.

"Eomma..appa.. I'm getting married. With Baekhyun. Appa know him. And eomma too because I have told eomma about him." she said alone.

Then, suddenly she teared up. "I miss you guys. I wish you guys will be with me right now. Accompany me. Watched me and Baekhyun at our wedding ceremony." she finally cried.

But, in silence. She didn't want Baekhyun heard and worry about her. "I miss you guys. So much. I wish I can meet you again." she whispered to herself. Suddenly she felt someone hugged her. She turned and saw Baekhyun closer to her.

He wiped her tears and shook. "Don't cry." he said softly. Taeyeon finally can't hold it anymore and she crying so hard. She really needs someone to comfort her. And Baekhyun did it. He hugged her tightly and rubbed her back gently.

She's Mine [ BAEKYEON ]Where stories live. Discover now