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Author's POV

"Unnie, that b*tch has arrived."

The sexy diva in the school, Yoon Bomi turned her head to her gang who reported to her just now.

Her gang, Naeun and Namjoo look at Taeyeon who was sit at her place. Bomi stand up and walked to Taeyeon's place. Naeun and Namjoo followed her.

"Kim Taeyeon. Can we talk?" Bomi asked.

She faked her smile to Taeyeon. Taeyeon raised her head and smiled back. She nodded.

"Let's go to the toilet." Bomi said. Taeyeon just obeyed her.

The four of them went to the toilet. When Taeyeon and Bomi stepped into the toilet, Naeun and Namjoo close the door and locked it.

Taeyeon was shocked. "W-why did you guys locked the door?" she asked.

Bomi smirked before she pushed her until Taeyeon fell down. "Auch.."

"Listen here, carefully. I wanted you to stay away from Baekhyun oppa!" Bomi warned her.

Taeyeon furrowing. She shook her head which means she didn't understand what Bomi said.

"What do you mean?" she asked back.

Naeun crossed her arms and look at Taeyeon. "Stop acted innocent, b*tch! I know you like Baekhyun oppa! Wake up, girl! You doesn't deserved him! You are slut!" Naeun yelled at her.

Taeyeon's eyes watered. She look down. Bomi smirked when she saw Taeyeon is down because of Naeun's words.

Namjoo chuckles. "You are so weak, girl. You are a new student. Stay away from our oppa! You don't deserve to be with him!" Namjoo said.

"Go home and see yourself in the mirror. Are you perfect enough to be with my Baekhyun?" Bomi kicked her leg. Then she pulled Taeyeon's hair roughly.

Taeyeon groaned in pain. "Such a pitiful are you. Now stay away from him or I'll kill you!" Bomi pushed her.

Naeun and Namjoo just smirked and laughed. Then, the three of them went out. Leaving Taeyeon alone.

"Am I don't deserved to be happy just for a moment?" she mumbled.

Slowly her tears fall down on her cheeks.

"Is it wrong being his friend? It just..friend." she cried.


Baekhyun's POV

I sat on my chair and glanced beside me. Where is Taeyeon? I didn't saw her. I know she has come to school because her bag is here. But where is her?

I keep looking at the door to see her.

I saw Chanyeol were chatting with Jessica and Kris. I stand up from my sit and went to them.

"Yow!" Chanyeol greeted me. I just chuckles.

"What's bring you here?" Kris asked me. I look at Jessica. "Where is Taeyeon?" I asked her. Jessica shrug her shoulders before look around.

Her face suddenly turned serious. She looked at one direction. My eyes followed and saw the direction. Bomi? Why she is staring at Bomi?

"Why?" I asked again.

"I heard Bomi said Taeyeon's name." she tell me. I widened my eyes.

Meanwhile Chanyeol and Kris just hear it.

"Is Bomi.." I can't continue my words when I saw Taeyeon went into the class and sat at her place.

I quickly sat beside Taeyeon, leaving Jessica, Kris and Chanyeol.

"Where are you just now?" I asked her.

Taeyeon glanced at me before look away. She shook her head and decided to shut her mouth. I feel weird.

I want to asked her more, but suddenly Bomi come with her diva smile.

"Oppa, you wanna go out with me after school?" she asked.

Ugh, better you go out with monkeys. That suits you. I saw Bomi glared at Taeyeon and Taeyeon quickly look away. I furrowed my eyebrows.

I remembered what just Jessica told me. Is Bomi has done something to Taeyeon?

"Oppa..answer me." she whined.

I rolled my eyes and hold Taeyeon's hand. Both of them, Taeyeon and Bomi were shocked with my action. Especially Taeyeon. I can see her expression.

"I have a date with Taeyeon. Sorry." I faked my smile to Bomi.

Bomi slowly nod and went away. Taeyeon quickly pulled her hand but I don't let her go.

"Let me go, Baekhyun!" she whispered to me.

I stared at her coldly. And she stop from pulling her hand. Maybe because she saw my cold eyes meet her.

She looked away. I still stared at her coldly. I know, something must be happen between Bomi and Taeyeon.

"See me after school." I said, with my cold tone.

I saw she gulped before shook her head.

"Don't want." she replied.

I heaved a sigh. What happen to her-

"See me after school or we are not friends anymore." I muttered.

She shut her mouth for a while.

"Then, let's not be friends anymore." she look at me and pulled her hand back.

I furrowing. I plan to asked her but Mr.Lee suddenly stepped into the class, make me stop.


Taeyeon's POV

I went into my room and close my door. I locked it too before I put my bag down and lay down on my bed.

Tiring day. Just like before. But today is more tiring.

I feel guilty for Baekhyun. I don't want to unfriend him, but I have to. I don't want Bomi and her gang bully me because of him. Please, I don't want to gained a problem anymore.

At home, I feel like a hell. I only can be happy at school. So I don't want the school turned like a hell for me because of Bomi and her gang. So I think, maybe unfriend Baekhyun is the way.

I was shocked when I heard some noise. I quickly wake up from my bed and slowly approached the door.

"Baby, let's get into my room. Don't worry, my husband is not here." I heard my stepmom's voice.

My eyes got widened. Is she cheating on appa? I looked at my watch. It's already 4:30 p.m.

Slowly, I unlocked my door and went out from my room. Then, I saw my stepmom with her boyfriend I guess.

Our eyes meet.

"You're cheating on appa?" I asked her with a disappointed tone. She glared at me and look at her boyfriend.

They were kissing each other. I closed my eyes. It seems dirty on my eyes.

"Your father is nothing for me." she say, and I opened my eyes back.

She smirked. "Your father is always busy. No time for me. So why not?" she continued.

"You are really a witch. You married with my father just because of his money. Then, you cheated on him. You are really a slut!" I yelled at her.

I don't know where I got my courage to say like that.

She give me her death glare before she slapped me.

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