Chapter Seven

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"Well we're back and I'm on the loose, Hit me, hear me, feel the juice. She eye you up, she eye you down. Make you, make you stand up proud..."

- Miss Adventure by AC\DC


'Can I come up to your room?'

That was the text I got from Nick at one in the morning. He was lucky I wasn't sleeping or there would have been some trouble.

'Sure.' I responded.

One in the morning. He's trippin'.

A knock on the door minutes later had me a little giddy. I straightened the bun on top of my head, fixed my shirt that had rode up and pulled down my shorts.

I opened the door and Nick's smile greeted me.

"Hey Rhi." He pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey Nick, you're wearing a shirt for once." I joked.

I let him come inside before I shut the door.

I joined him on the bed.

"Any particular reason you're in my room at one fifteen in the morning?"

"I couldn't sleep so I came here." He shrugged as if it was nothing.

"I see, so what makes you think you can just visit me at any hour of the night because you can't sleep?"

"Because we're friends and I love your company. Duh."

Ouch. That was not the 'F' word I wanted to hear come out your mouth Nick.

I ignored the sting I felt and rolled my eyes. "Fine. But you have to repay me for my lost beauty sleep."

He gave me a cute half smile. "Okay. How do I repay you?"



He laughed a little. "Of course. How about before RAW starts tomorrow I take you to Rose's Hilltop Diner?"

"Oh my god yes. I've heard that place is great."

"Alright it's a date." He put his hands behind his head and relaxed in the bed before he closed his eyes. "We'll go at lunch time."

My stomach did a little flip at the word date then it sunk when I realised it wasn't like the way I was thinking.

"Ok. Now get out."

"What, why?"

"You can't sleep in here." I gave him a 'you can't be serious look'.

He snuggled deeper under my covers. "I'm comfy and I can't sleep by myself."

He looks so flackin cute, I swear to god.

I got in the bed and got comfortable before I pushed him off and he landed on the floor tangled in the bedsheets.

He struggled to get up and when he did he glared at me. "Why the hell did you do that?"

"I have dignity Nick. Now be a man and sleep on the floor."

"I can't, it's gonna mess up my back and I have a big match tomorrow." He rested his chin in his palm and looked at me.

"Fine." I gave in. "Keep your hands to yourself though."

Too Young For You   || A WWE and Dolph Ziggler Fanfiction|| ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now