Chapter Forty-Six

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"Don't you look lovely in the morning." I scowled at Nick as he handed me a cup of coffee.

"Good morning Nick." I grumbled and blew on the hot coffee before turning my head to yawn.

"Did you sleep okay?"

"I didn't sleep at all." I admitted and used my free hand to rub my heavy and tired eyes.

"Is it because of...?" He trailed off and I nodded.

I haven't been sleeping properly ever since that night, the nightmares are so horrifying and other guests have been complaining about my screaming in the nights.

"Do you want sleeping pills?"

I grimaced. "No thanks."

"Have you told your brothers?"

I traced the rim of the cup. "Everytime I try to, I chicken out. I guess I don't wanna put anymore stress on them." I shrugged and his handsome features warped into a frown.

"Vasarhi Jane Fatu, you're their little sister and they love you and they will do anything to make sure you're safe and happy."

I hummed in response not knowing what to say.

"What about Landon?"

I scoffed. "I tried telling him but he's been acting weird and distant lately so I don't know what to do."

"You should talk to him and see if he's okay."

I looked up at him in surprise. Here is this guy who's telling me to go talk to another guy who also wants me as much as he does. Maybe he has changed.

"Ok, I will."


I knocked on Landon's door and examined my nails while I waited for him to open the door.

"Hey Landon." I greeted with a smile.

"Hey Rhi." He gave me a wide eyed look.

"What's the matter, you look like you've seen a ghost?"

"I-I'm good." He spluttered.

I crossed my arms. "Am I interrupting you and your lady friend?"

"What! I, there's nobody- none of that occurring." He leaned on the door frame awkwardly while I laughed.

"Landon, I was just teasing." I giggled but furrowed my brows in confusion when I heard Josh's voice.

I walked under Landon's hand to get into his room and saw my brothers sitting there. I turned to Landon who looked turned as pale as Sheamus. "What's going on?"

"Rhi, we wanna tell you something and I think you should sit down."

Alrighty then. Couch meet butt.

Ha Vasarhi made a funny.

"What's up?"

"You know that we all love you and care about You right?" Jon asked.

"Yeah." I said warily. "What's this about?"

Landon took a seat beside me and grabbed my hand. "Your brothers and I did something we thought was for your own good but we we're wrong."

"What did you do?"

"WemadeLandonpretendtolikeyousoyou'dstayawayfromZiggler!" Josh rushed out and I yanked my hand out of Landon's grip in horror.

"YOU WHAT?" I yelled in disgust and rage as I jumped up from my spot on the couch. It was like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on me. The tears sprung to my eyes as the feeling of betrayal stabbed me in the heart.

"Rhi, we thought Ziggler was no good for you and you were so hurt when he did what he did, we didn't wanna see you like that again."

"So you thought that having Landon pretend to like me was any better?" I asked rhetorically.

I turned to the ice blonde haired boy. "And you, you had the heart to look me in my face and lie to me and fuck with my feelings like that, you all had the heart?" I sobbed.

Jon made a move to come and comfort me but I shot him down with a nasty look.

"Rhi, we were just t-"

"Just what?" I spat. "trying to make me feel better when Nick fucked with my feelings by using Landon to fuck with my feelings?"

I furiously wiped away my tears. "Great fucking logic boys." I slow clapped.

Brothers of the year.

Tears welled up in their eyes. "Rhi, you need to understand."

"Understand what Josh, that you all betrayed me, that you thought it was okay to go through with this because you're trying to protect me?"

They hung their heads.

"How long?"

"Since the time you caught a cold and called me crying."

I bit my lip to keep from screaming out at them.

"Who else knows?"

"Nobody else."

I nodded and turned on my heel. "I hate you and you're all dead to me."

I slammed the door shut and ran off.

"Whoa baby girl, slow down!" I bumped into Trin. "What's wrong?"

"Ask your husband." I spat. "He's in Landon's room." I brushed past her and took the elevator to Nick's floor.

I knocked on his door and his face morphed into a frown. "Rhi, what's the matter?"

I slumped in his arms as I continued to cry."

He effortlessly lifted me in his arms and kicked the door closed with his foot. He slipped my shoes off and placed me on his bed where I immediately curled up in.

"Darlin' what's wrong?"

"I hate them all so much!" I exclaimed as my chest ached.

"Hate who baby? talk to me."

"Landon and my brothers."

"What did they do?"

I told him what they told me and his expression went from shocked to livid.

"Who the fuck does that, I technically did part of that and I'm so sorry but what they did was awful."

I twisted the sheets that smelled an awful lot like him. "Can I stay here?"

He gave me a sympathetic look. "Only if you really want to, love."

My heart fluttered at the way the word rolled of his tongue.

I nodded. "I want to."

"You look tired you should take a nap." He told me.

"I can't."

He walked over to me. "You should try, can I tell you a story?"

"Only if you lie down with me."

He gulped and nodded before he slid in the bed with me, the crisp sheets rustling with his movement. He stiffened for a moment when I inched closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. "So where's my story?"

"O-oh r-right." He stuttered. "Once, there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end."

I laughed and lightly slapped his chest. "Gee thanks Nick."

"Aw, there's my favorite smile." He cooed.

I blushed and hid my face in his bicep. "Shut up." I mumbled and he laughed heartily.

His loud and genuine laugh was enriching and was always nice to hear. It was warm and calming.

I moved my head to his chest and he immediately began to run his fingers through my hair.

He softly began to sing Nina by Ed Sheeran and my eyelids began to grow heavy.

"Sleep soundly baby girl, I'm here when you wake up."

Too Young For You   || A WWE and Dolph Ziggler Fanfiction|| ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now