Chapter Thirty-Two

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Eva did try to take me on that night after I yanked her ponytail but the girls swooped in and she backed off and cowered into Nick who immediately wrapped his arms around her. My heart lurched painfully but I managed to snort.


The girls treated me to ice cream thinking that I was upset. I really wasn't that upset but I didn't turn down the offer. It was really sweet of them.

I'm at Starbucks right now on a coffee run and I'm telling you I can't pronounce these things for the life of me.

A double frappe what?

I walked up to the counter and had to do a double take

Hubba hubba. Well aren't you handsome.

"Welcome to Starbucks, my name is Aaron. What can I get for you?"

Well hello Aaron.

Bad Vasarhi. Bad. Stop being thirsty.

"Well Aaron, I'd like everything on this list," I handed him the paper since I couldn't pronounce them for the life of me. "And you with a cherry on top."

I grinned as he laughed. "Smooth." He commented before filling my order. I put the money the girls gave me for their order in my back pocket before pulling out my credit card and handing it to him.

"Like butter Aaron. Like butter."

He smiled. "So what do I write on these cups?"

"Just write WWE on it."

"Now I know why you look so familiar."

I shrugged and went to go sit down. "I'll be here," I sat down in a chair and crossed my legs. "You just keep being cute." I winked playfully.

He shook his head with a small smile. "What did you say your name was?"

"I never told you but it's Vasarhi."

"Right, right."

I went back to the counter for the orders and the smell of the hot coffees filled my nose.

"Need help?"

His eyes were a warm shade of brown that reminded me of hot fudge.

"Yes please, I have a car outside. Could you help me bring it there?"

"Mia I'll be right back." He said to a petite blonde girl who nodded and gave us both a small smile."

He took up the other tray of coffees and the bag of cupcakes and scones before following me out to Nikki's car.

I opened the passenger side and placed them on the seat before stepping back and letting him follow suit.

I shut the door and turned to him. "Thanks Aaron."

"You're welcome. Here's your receipt." He handed me the paper and I scanned it before smirking up at him.

"Is this your number?"

He snorted. "No, my grandmother's."

"What am I supposed to do with it?"

He rolled his eyes. "Keep it as a souvenir." He answered sarcastically.

Well then.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the driver's seat. "Bye Aaron."

He waved. "Bye Sari."


I gave him one last smile before driving off.

●●● (ohh circles)

"You can't keep doing this shit to me Nick." I furiously wiped the tears that dripped down my cheeks.

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "What am I doing what exactly?"


"Going around and acting as if me or our relationship never meant a damn thing to you!" I exclaimed, my temper flaring.

An emotion flickered in his eyes before he shook his head slightly causing tendrils of his bleached locks to escape the confines of the rubber band.

"That's because it didn't Vasarhi." He said bluntly and I felt a sickening twist in my stomach.

I swallowed the growing lump in my throat. "That's not true." I whispered, refusing to believe what he said.

I refuse to.

"Did you honestly expect me to put my heart into some stupid fling and have to look over my shoulder every time I'm sneaking around with some desperate teenager?"


I bit back a sob that was threatening to wrack my body.

"Sorry." He shrugged carelessly when I looked up at him.

"No you're not. If you did you wouldn't have led me on and made me think you actually liked me. But hey, I'm just a desperate teenager right?"

"I didn't lead you on Vasarhi." He whispered.


Complete and utter elephant shit.

"You made me think you actually cared, I had to hide from my brothers and it literally killed me inside that I couldn't even tell my family how happy you made me, but I thought we would last and that it would work and I could prove to them but no. I thought you felt the same, you made me feel as if I was enough for you. I thought you really liked me. I did though. you. Who cares now right, you have Eva and I hope she makes you as happy as you make me. I met a boy today, he seemed really nice and gave me his number but I was thinking about you the whole time."

"You l-love me?" He gulped.

I sighed and got up off the chest I was sitting on and headed to the door.

"Yes I do. We're over though."

He looked at me and remained silent. "Just because I love you doesn't mean I'm going to stay and let you break my heart."

"Ok Vasarhi."


Oh fucking K!!

"Bye Nick." The tears flowed freely down my cheeks

I stumbled through corridors of the arena, stuttering out apologies to the people I bumped into.

I sank down to the floor and buried my face into my hands and started sobbing.


I hate him.

I hate him.

I hate him.

I love him.

I hate that I love him.

I pulled out my phone and tried as best to see through my tears and began to dial a number.

The phone rang twice before he picked up.


I choked out a sob. "Hello?"

"Vasarhi, is that you?"

"Landon." I sniffled.

Too Young For You   || A WWE and Dolph Ziggler Fanfiction|| ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now