Chapter Twenty Seven

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I sat up in bed only to fall back down with a frustrated and painful whimper.

Oh great.

Why can't Mother Nature just write a cute little note saying 'congrats you're not pregnant'?

"Nick?" I called as I clutched my stomach pitifully.

He lifted his head from the pillow and looked at me with half lidded eyes. "Yea babe?"

I pouted and lifted my arms weakly. "Can you take me to the bathroom?"

He must have seen the pained look on my face because his eyes softened and he got out of bed and scooped me gently in his arms.

He placed me on the cold floor before kissing my forehead and walking out, shutting the door behind him. I grabbed a pad and replaced the old one with it. I took precautions.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before opening the door and going to Nick's bed to lie down. I smile softly as his scent envelops me.

When he came out of the bathroom he walks up to me and places a sweet kiss on my lips.

"I'll be right back okay, I'm gonna get you some breakfast so you can take your pills okay."

I nod as he kisses me one more time before leaving the room.

What a sweetie. Ever since that day when things got a little heated he's been adorable but he always has this look in his eyes that I can't decipher. If he thinks that acting all adorable will get him anywhere near my hooha he's got another thing coming. The desire is there though, I'm not going to lie he's just ughhhh ASDFGHJKL. That's how I describe it.

When he came back we had breakfast and I took pills and as soon as I didn't feel so shitty I got ready to start the day.


"So kitten, how's the relationship going?"

Paige, Foxy, Rosa, Trin, Landon and I are out for lunch.

"It's amazing, he's amazing. He keeps me on my toes, it's never dull between us."

"Of course it isn't, you're both insane." Landon grumbles and we chuckle.

"I just wanna point out that you're a natural at your job Rhi." Rosa pulls at a curl.

Agreements sound off around the table.

"Oh guys you're making me blush." I fan myself as they roll their eyes.

"Rhi, I forgot to ask what's with you and Red?"

I turn to him and smirk. "You did ask, you just wanna hear gossip."

He shrugs shamelessly before stealing a grape off of Rosa's plate.

"What'd she do, I thought you two 'made up'?" Trin took a sip of her wine.

"She did, but I know something's up, that hoe bag hated me the minute I stepped in here and now she's all buddy buddy with me, that doesn't sit well with me." I admitted.

"Honestly I think she developed feelings for him." Foxy spoke up.

We looked to her to explain.

"I see the looks she gives him, like she's trying to rip all his fucking clothes off or like he's the best thing in the world. Just last week she cornered him and they were talking but I thought nothing of it since they're friends but she tried to kiss him." She confessed and I felt my blood boil.

"What did he do?" I asked calmly and they flinched at how cold my voice sounded.

"He pushed her away like a good little boyfriend, he was really pissed and yelled at her before walking away."

I'm going to kill her. I'm going to bash her head in with a baseball bat then I'm gonna yank her hair out and dip her head in bleach. I don't care who you are, you don't touch what's mine and that includes my man.

"You're not bashing anyone's head in Rhi." Trinity shook her head and I pouted.

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier Muppet."

"It's okay Foxy. It pisses me off though."

"How come?"

I smiled as Landon grabs my hand.

"She has a gorgeous husband who looks like he worships the ground she walks on and she's willing to throw that away all because she wants to be slutty. They're women who would kill to be in her position and it's like she doesn't even care what she's doing and who it's hurting."

Paige patted my shoulder. "Rhi, honestly you're a total sweetheart. You don't just care that she's trying to take Nick away but you also care that she's hurting Johnathan."

"Of course I care. When he came to visit he was such a gentlemen and damn sweet to her and it just pissed me the fuck off that she had the nerve to wrap her hands around him and smile up at him while flashing that ring."


"Anyway, enough about her. Landon I heard you have the hots for Jojo."

He choked on his drink before standing up and glaring down at me. "This conversation is over."

We all laughed before paying and followed him out off the restaurant.




"Did you have real feelings for Eva?"

Nick and I were lying on his bed watching 'Red' my head was on his chest and his arm around my waist.

He sat up but still kept his arm around me. "What brought that on?"

I sighed. "Just answer the question please?"

He looked at me closely but nodded. "Yes. I did."

I turned away from him. "Okay."

He pulled on my arm. "Woah wait, why would you ask that?"

I sighed. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

Great so he did like her so there's a chance he could still like her and end up shagging the bitch.

"It is something because you're upset." He leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

"I heard she tried to kiss you." I mumbled and he rubs my cheek to make me look up at him.

"Yes Rhi it's true." He sighs.

"I know you pushed her away but you still could've told me."

"I know you were going to be upset like you are now which is why I didn't want to tell you anything but I'm sorry."

"Sorry for asking you Nicky."

"You're not still upset about what she said right?"

I averted my eyes and I heard him sigh. "Vasarhi Jane Fatu, I don't want you to ever listen to a word she says because it's not true, none of it is. You're everything I want. You're beautiful, funny, sweet, sexy, smart, lovable and down to earth and I will do everything to keep that beautiful smile on your face."

I blushed. "So I have nothing to worry about?"

He grinned before leaning forward to give me an Eskimo kiss "Nothing. Now let's start over this movie since I missed out a lot." He pressed rewind before pulling me back down so my head was resting on his chest.

I smiled up at him before kissing his cheek.

Too Young For You   || A WWE and Dolph Ziggler Fanfiction|| ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now