Chapter Thirty-Five

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Guys I started sixth form I'm so excited but I am soooooooo sorry I haven't updated, I won't put this story on hiatus though. I'm not sure when I'll be finishing this as I have alot of ideas in my head but all I can say is what's hidden in the darkness will eventually come out into the light. And for all you 5SOS fans, don't worry they'll make a reappearance.

On with the story.


I dialed the number by heart and placed it against my ear.

"Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system..."

Surprise surprise.

"Landon, what are you doing? Please talk to me. I will Superman Punch you, Roman has been teaching me and I will use it. So please tell me why you've been avoiding me for three weeks. Bye." I ended the call and pocketed my phone.

"Hi Lexi sweetheart."

"Suck a dick Eva!"

"I am, two actually." She smirked.

And you sound very proud of that puddin'.

Ever since we got back to the hotel I've been trying to get Landon non stop. I took the elevator to Jojo's floor and knocked on her room door.

"Hi Rhi!" Her roommate, Sasha smiled.

"Hi girlie, Jojo in?"

"Yeah, she is. Come on in."

I smiled in thanks and stepped into the room. "Hey Jojo!"

She came over to me and pecked my cheek. "Hey Vasarhi, you okay?"

"When last have you spoken to Landon?" I pouted. "He's avoiding me."

"Just before you came up here."

My mouth fell open.



Jojo can I borrow your phone?" I gave her a sweet smile and she and Sasha gave me a strange look before she nodded and handed over the device.

I dialed the number and put it on speaker and it rang three times before he picked up "Jojo we ju-"

"You fucking hairless goat!" I screeched.

"Rhi?" He questioned.

"Yes it's me dumbass and if you hang up on me I'm never talking to you again."

"Rhi I-"

"I'm not done. Can I just ask you why you felt the need to avoid me? I've been calling you ten times a day for weeks and not even get a stinking response. You just up and left without an explanation and thank I'm fine with that. Yeah we're best friends but if you wanted space you could've said so you ball sac. It's not fair we're supposed to be here for each other, always. If you were busy I would've understood if you had picked up the damn phone when I called. So you infuriating, stupid, despicable, sexy, inconsiderate dumbass, what do you have to say for yourself, huh bitch?"

"I love you."

"Typical, you little chicken shit. Nothing you have-... W-wait what?"

He chuckled. "Vasarhi Jane Fatu. I love you."

"Y-you what?" I whispered "Waaaa since when and what about you and J-"

"There was no me and Jojo Rhi Rhi. We came up with this plan to at least make you jealous or realize but that didn't work cause you're clueless as fuck. It was always you."

I stared up at Jojo and saw her and Sasha smiling and nodding.

"Since when?" I whispered in disbelief.

"Since you pushed me into a ditch full of mud and broke my arm."

I blinked. That was when we first met.

"So you've liked me since then?"

"Yeah and I realized I loved you when we were in eighth grade."

No fuckin way!

"What about the bitch who shall not be named."

"She was a last resort when I had thought that you wouldn't like me back and tried to move on but that went to hell didn't it and then that asshole stepped in so I took a step back and just became the supportive best friend."

"Wow. I have no idea what to say, but since we're confessing, Landon I've always liked you but I realized that I've loved you since eighth grade too, that day when you cheered me up because of the music room incident. I saw you differently ever since, but you know me, I can't express myself."

The girls squealed which caused me to blush.

Shut up.

"R-rhi I w-what y-you're serious?"

I laughed. "I am and even though I was with that dick and I really did like him, it was always you and if you had miraculously told me before I would have chose you and it makes me sound like a bad person but it's true."

"Now I don't know what to say."

That's a first.

"Pretty boy got tongue tied?" I teased.

"Hell yeah. I never expected any of this."

I can picture him running his hand through his light blonde hair and biting his plump, pink lips.

Damn it.

"Trin and my brothers kept saying you were in love with me but I always shut them down because I didn't wanna actually think they were right and get my hopes up." I admitted.

"My ship is setting sail." Jojo giggled.

"Ahoy mates." Sasha cackled and I blushed and threw a pillow at them.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"Awww!" They cooed simultaneously. "Landon the poor girl is blushing like hell!"

I hate you all.

"Is that true babe?" He teased.



"BABE?!!" The two girls exclaimed.

"I um, yes."


"Guys!" I whined. "Stop!"

"Rhi Rhi. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for avoiding you. It was a dick move so I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

"You were forgiven the minute I heard your voice." I whispered.

"A-fucking-hoy bitches!"

"I don't even ship these two anymore, I ocean line this mother trucker!"

"Hi Jojo. Hi Sasha." Landon laughed.

"Hi Landon!!"

"Can we Skype later Rhi?"

I grinned and nodded. "Yeah, we can."

Jojo jumped up. "Alright love birds. We have a job to get to so you guys get off my phone now."

Landon let out a breathless chuckle. "Alright, bye ladies. Bye Rhi. I've always wanted to say this but you don't have to say it back. I love you babydoll."

There goes my ovaries.

Oh my god. I'm gonna die.

Damn that was hot.

They all laughed.


I said that out loud. I ain't even mad.

"Bye Landon."

"Bye Vasarhi. I'm glad I got tell you how I felt and I'm glad you feel the same."

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