Chapter Forty-One

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Narrator's P.OV.

Trinity downed another shot before pressing a sloppy kiss on her husband's cheek. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go to the bathroom and go look for Rhi."

Jon nodded and went back to playing Dominoes with his twin, John Cena and Roman Reigns.

She smiled as Michael and the rest of the band stumbled their way to her.

"Hey guys." She fixed Michael's thinning hair.

"Hellooooooo." They slurred.

She chuckled. "I'm gonna go look for Rhi, wanna come?"

"Sure." Calum shrugged. The Kiwi boy was the most sober of the four.

Trinity and the boys walked in the direction of the bathroom chuckling at a joke Ashton was telling.

"How is that even possible though?" Trinity pushed the door open with her hip and she screamed at the sight of her sister-in-law lying unconscious, beaten, bloody and naked on the floor.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Luke exploded as the other boys screamed in shock.

They ran to Vasarhi's side as Trinity began to gently shake her. "What the fuck happened to you baby girl?" Trinity began to sob before she turned to the four visibly shaken up rockstars. "Go get Jon and Josh now!" She ordered as her eyes blazed up with anger.

The four boys ran out of the bathroom, pushing and shoving people out of the way.

They found the brothers and began shouting all at once.

"Woah woah woah," Jon quieted them down. "What is it, what happened?"

Josh, Roman and the whole table silenced as they turned their attention to the boys.

"Something happened to Rhi!" Luke screeched.

"We found her in the bathroom naked and beaten up." Ashton panicked.

"She's bloody unconscious!" Michael finished up.

"Now move your asses!" Calum yelled as curses went up around the table and the boys, her brothers, Roman and her dad and Landon ran to the bathroom.

They were met with the horrifying sight of Trinity sobbing and using her top to stop the blood from pouring out of the unconscious girl's head. A blanket is draped over her naked and battered form and Trinity looked up at the frozen men by the door with red tear stained wide eyes. "She's alive but she's barely breathing."

That seemed to have snapped Josh out of it because he turned his body slightly to the door. "SOMEBODY CALL A FUCKING POLICE AND AN AMBULANCE!" He slammed the door shut behind him as they all surrounded the birthday girl. Tears dripped down their cheeks as they examined her body.

"Who the fuck would do something like this?!" Roman yelled and kicked over the trashcan in a fit of rage.

"Guys, I think she was raped too." Trinity announced softly.

For the first few seconds you could hear a pin drop then it was a complete hellstorm.

"Guys the cops and ambulance are here." Big E pounded on the door. He wonders what's going on as he saw them all rushing to the bathroom.

Roman popped his head out. "Something happened to Rhi. Get the cops and some guys to block the guests when we pass ok."

"Got it. I'll knock when I get back."

Roman nodded in thanks. He's distraught, pissed and devastated at what happened to his young cousin. She didn't deserve this, not at all. She has the kindest heart but people just love to piss in her happy cornflakes of life.

"Guys, the medics are coming."

As if on cue, four paramedic guys with a gurney came in and the brothers and their father gently placed Vasarhi on it. The medics quickly placed an oxygen mask on her being mindful of the wound at the back of her head. Jon hugged a sobbing Trin as the rest followed and helped to clear the way as the frantic guests tried to get a closer look.

Paige and the other Divas tried to run up to the gurney but were restrained.

Paige slapped Dean's bicep. "What the hell is going on?"

She began to tear up without even knowing an inkling of what her friend went through.

Vasarhi's parents and brothers climbed into the ambulance and it sped off. The promises that the others made of meeting them at the hospital fell on deaf ears.

More police cars pulled up and police tape was put up. Whether they liked it or not everyone was going to get interrogated.

Vasarhi's P.O.V.  (Thank God. Writing in a narrator's pov is so hard for me!)

What the hell is in my nose?

I yanked it out and then my nose began to bleed.

Uh-oh. I may have yanked it a bit too hard. I rang for the nurse and two ran in looking wide-eyed and frantic.

I gave them a sheepish smile. "H-howdy." I rasped out before clutching my throat. "C-can I have s-some water?"

The shorter of the two nurses handed me a thermos that had cold water in it while the other one tended to my nose. I quickly downed the water, not caring as some dribbled down my chin.

My throat feels like Death Valley.

"Thank you guys so much, now can you tell me why I'm here and smell like blood, bleach and ass. And what is up with this pain in my groin? it feels like something rammed out my hooha."

"I can answer your questions miss Fatu, I'm doctor Padalecki. But, before I do I must ask you, what is the last thing you remember?"

I smiled at the name before licking my dry lips. "I remember that it was my birthday."

He wrote something down. "Good, what else." He urged me.

"I remember getting the most amazing present too." I grinned in excitement.

Doctor Padalecki grimaced. "What was this present that you found amazing?"

"It's my seventeenth birthday so I get to join my brothers on the road with WWE!"

Too Young For You   || A WWE and Dolph Ziggler Fanfiction|| ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now