Chapter Nine

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"Get in loser, we're going shopping?"

I gave Josh a look of disbelief. "Did you just quote Mean Girls?"

He scoffed and shared a look with Jon. "She thinks she knows everything she's just so ugh."

Jon hummed in agreement. "I know right and she doesn't even go here."

I laughed and got in the car and we drove out of the arena.

My brothers have decided to take me shopping because they said I have been moping around for the past few weeks and they said, 'Don't girls usually do that shit to relieve stress or something.'

Their logic amuses me. They are right though, I have been moping around the place from state to state these passed few weeks. Ever since that kiss Nick hasn't even flashed his bleached blonde locks in my direction. Nikki was the one who saw us kiss and she apologized at least a hundred times when she realised Nick wasn't talking to me anymore. I hugged her and told her it wasn't her fault and that we shouldn't have been kissing out in the hall in the first place.

We pulled up outside some mall I can't pronounce the name of and parked the car. From the looks of the amount of cars in the parking lot it wasn't too packed. Thank you.

We walked in and took a stop at the entrance just to scan the shopping centre. The stores were lined off on both sides of the ground floor and the same upstairs.

"Which store?" Jon asked.

"The Disney store." Josh answered before grabbing our wrists and pulling us into the store filled with excited kids and exhausted and frustrated looking parents.

"I thought you guys brought me here so I could cheer up." I folded my arms and looked at the two grown ass men arguing over who gets the last stuffed Simba.

"We'll get you a Mufusa and buy you whatever you want for the rest of the day now shush."

"Take your time." I told them both yet they either didn't hear me or they're ignoring me. I found a chair and sat down before pulling out my phone and seeing a few messages from Paige.

From: PaigeyWaigey

From: PaigeyWaigey
'Mini Uso?'

From: PaigeyWaigey
'Rhi Rhi answer me'

From: PaigeyWaigey
'Vasarhi Santana Fatu call me right now it's urgent. I'm about to shank a bitch.'

I chuckled at the last message before calling her. She picked up on the first ring.

"Finally!" She shrilled in my ear. "Where are you?"

"At the mall with my brothers, what's up and who's the bitch you're gonna shank?"

"Actually it's two bitches. So Foxy and I were in the hotel gym about to leave when we saw Nick and Eva whispering and giggling in the corner like a bunch of school girls."

I frowned. " Seriously?"

"Yes, we even confronted them because that looked shady as fuck especially since Eva is married."

"What did they have to say?"

"That they're just friends and it's okay for them to talk wherever and however they please. The bunch of tossers." She spat.

"I don't even know what to say." I heaved a sigh.

"Foxy and I made it look like we left them but we hid behind the wall so we could still hear and also see them. Before he left he kissed her on the cheek and the troll turned the same colour as her stupid hair."

"He kissed her." I said dejectedly.


Paige, Foxy, Brie, Trin and I are out in the hallway just sitting and talking and also passing around a bag of Twix and a two litre bottle of Tropicana.

I was clutching my stuffed Mufusa as we all laughed at a playful comment Brie made about Trin.

At about six minutes after one in the morning we heard giggling and the clicking of heels on the tile. We then saw Eva and Nick walking this way holding hands while oblivious to the fact that we're less than a foot away. When it registered to them that we were sitting here and watching them they looked like deer caught in headlights.

"Hey guys" Eva greeted nervously.

"Hey," Brie greeted. "Aren't you married?"

"Well duh." She answered and I could feel Nick staring at me.

"Then why are you holding a man's hand that's not your husband's? Brie queried and raised a brow.

"It's not your business who I want to hold hands with and I'm free to do whatever I want so back off and stop hovering. If I wanna talk to Nick I will." She then turned to face him and placed a kiss on his cheek leaving her red lipstick stain behind. The girls gasped while I just gave a blank look at them both. Nick was stunned but Eva had a smug look on her face as she walked to her room.

I stood up ready to leave when Nick held on to my forearm. " Rhi."

Piss off.

"Save it Nick." I whispered before pulling away and walking off. I shook my head when I heard him ask the girls what he did.

"You fucked up. That's what you did Nick." I heard Trin answer and I mentally nodded in agreement before I turned the corner and stopped at my room door and opened it. I shut the door behind me before I jumped into bed still clutching Mufusa. I buried my face in his mane as a few tears slipped out.

No. He doesn't deserve it. If he wants to date that I hope he has tons of fun with it.

I cried a bit more before getting up to wash my face. When I finished and sat on the bed my phone vibrated. I expected it to be Paige or Trin but it was Nick and he sent me two words that made me want to throw my phone against the wall and cry all over again.

I won't though.

From: Nick♥ :)
I'm sorry.

Too Young For You   || A WWE and Dolph Ziggler Fanfiction|| ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now