Chapter Forty-Nine

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"Rhi, I'm so glad you decided to be mine again." He pressed a soft kiss to my lips and I gave him a tired grin.

I'm glad too.

"Baby you look exhausted, you should go back to the hotel and get some sleep." He frowned.

I yawned and waved him off. "I'm fine and besides I got that thing with Brie and Foxy tonight."

"But you look like you could pass out any second." I reminded him.

I kissed at the crease between his brows and smiled when I felt it begin to smooth out beneath my lips.

"I swear I'm fine Nick."

I'm not fine Nick. Please help me.

"Scouts honor?"

"Scouts honor."

He gave me a hesitant smile before his strong arms wrapped around me and I was pressed against his firm chest. "I just worry about you, love."

Gahhd he's so cute.

"You have nothing to worry about. I gotta go I got a match to prepare for."

He tilted his head down to look at me and gave me a goofy grin. "Gimme kiss." He puckered his full lips and I smiled before pressing my lips to his.

"Alright lovebirds, that's enough." Brie and Foxy pulled me away before they both kissed him on his cheek and waved goodbye.

I blew him a kiss for turning around to jump on Brie's back.


"This match promises to be a thrilling one as Brie Bella takes on Naomi of Team B.A.D."

"I love watching Naomi wrestle Michael!"

"But her sister in law is on Team Bella JBL."

"So? Just shut up and watch the match Michael."

Brie gave Naomi a slap to face before pulling her up by her hair and sending her through the ropes. She landed on the floor and Alicia and I circled her. Tamina came and threw her back in the ring before she and Sasha glared us down.

Well it's seems like we have ourselves a stand off.

Sasha held Tamina back and Foxy and I smirked before Foxy and I turned back to the match.

"BRIE MODE!!" brie yelled and the crowd cheered as she jumped off the ropes and drop kicked Naomi in the face.

She scrambled over to her and went for the pin.




The bell tolled and referee held up her hand in victory. "The winner of this match, Brie Bella!"

Foxy and I climbed into the ring and the three of us shared a group hug.

After Brie spun me around I felt my vision begin to blur and felt a pounding headache coming on. I grabbed on to Brie's hand and gave her a frightened look. She turned to me and grabbed my face.

"Rhi, what's the matter?" Foxy asked as I clawed at my chest when I felt it begin to tighten.

Black spots began to dance across my vision as I breathed out haggardly. The pounding in my head increased and I felt my legs give out. I collapsed on the ring floor and the blurred and worried face of Trin was the last thing I saw before everything went black.

I woke up to an incessant beeping on a warm surface and I huddled closer to it for more heat.

It shifted beneath me and my eyes fluttered open and I realized I was lying on someone chest. I looked up and Nick gave me a small smile. His hands were behind his head and he craned his head to give me a kiss on the forehead.

"You scared me half to death Rhi." He frowned.

I'm sorry.

He pressed the button and a male nurse and the doctor came in a few minutes later. "Hello Vasarhi, I'm doctor Jensen Ackles and this is nurse Misha Collins."

I waved timidly at them both and moved closer to Nick who wrapped an arm around me.

"Vasarhi do you know why you're here?"

I fisted and unfisted the sheets in my hands and avoided their eyes.

"Rhi?" Nick whispered.

I gulped before nodding. "I haven't been eating that well or sleeping." I admitted softly.

"And why's that?" Nurse Misha asked.

"I don't have an appetite and the memories keep me up at night."

"When was the last time you got exactly eight hours of sleep?"

"A month ago."

"That's not healthy."

Well no duh Dr. Ackles.

"The accident you had earlier will become more frequent and more fatal if you don't take care of yourself."

"It's not like I choose not to sleep or eat, I just can't." I buried my face in Nick's chest and he hugged me closer to him

"It'll get better, love, I'll help you, I'm here for you."

"Have you considered getting psychiatric help?"

"It was suggested and no, I'm not doing it."

Both men frowned and shared a look but said nothing.

"When will she be able to go home?"

"Tonight, we've provided you with sleeping pills, appetite inducers and other pills, please get them as soon as possible. You're a young woman with your whole life ahead of you."


The sheets from Trin and I's bed along with extra blankets were spread out on the floor and the both of us including Paige, Foxy, Nick, Wade and his girlfriend Rachel, Kevin, Paige's boyfriend and Nick were sprawled across them.

We had been  binge watching Supernatural and stuffing our face with junk food from room service.

I knew they wanted to bring up what happened tonight, but they didn't and I'm grateful for it.

Everyone lost their shit when it happened. I heard Nick and Wade ran out and carried me backstage before Nick rushed me to the hospital.

They had all been waiting for me when I came back and all hugged me but said nothing about it.

The 5SOS boys however saw RAW and called.

"You just love giving me fucking heart attacks don't you, you wanna make my hair fall out is that it?" Michael had asked as soon as I picked up the phone and then he and the boys proceeded to nag me.

I apologized and told them I loved them and they squealed before blowing kisses and hung up.

As the early morning hours crept up on us Nick kissed me goodnight and we all huddled closer together fell asleep.

Too Young For You   || A WWE and Dolph Ziggler Fanfiction|| ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now