Chapter Twenty-Five

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"And we are live for Monday Night Raw as we kick off the European Tour here at the Manchester arena, well in Manchester, England."

"I love it already Michael, we are sold out, twenty one thousand WWE Universe members in attendance. This is gonna be one hell of a show."

I agree with you there JBL.

Landon is backstage buzzing with excitement, he can't even sit still.

We had just pulled up to the arena about half an hour ago and he's about ready to faint. We were heading to the girls' locker room so I could introduce him to the girls. I told him to wait outside for a minute before I slipped inside.

"Hey chicas." I greeted and hugged all of them. Almost the entire roster was here, goodie.

"Guys, remember when I told you about the whole thing with my paychecks?"



"Well I'm going to show you guys what I did with it," I opened the door and pulled him inside. "Ladies, meet Landon. It was his birthday yesterday and my present to him was paying for him to join us for the European Tour."

The Divas erupted into a bunch of "Aww." and "Sweet." Which made him rub the back of his neck with a blush on his cheek.

"That was a sweet thing you did munchkin." Layla cooed.

The girls smiled in agreement and they all introduced themselves even though he already knew them all and gave him a hug along with a kiss on the cheek.

I'm gonna be hearing about this all night now.

As for Divas matches, Nikki will be defending her title against Trin tonight.

I waved at the girls before leaving with him.

"I'm in love."

I laughed. "Oh yeah, with which one?"

"Every single one of them."

I let out another laugh before Landon nudged me and pointed at something. I followed his finger to see Nick smiling at me. I winked at him before blowing a discreet kiss at him. His smile faded slightly as he realized who I was standing beside.

"I'll explain later." I mouthed to him and he nodded before walking off.

I dragged Landon's arm and introduced him to most of the Superstars.

It was about two hours into the show and I was about to cut a small promo.

Yass let's do this.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Vasarhi." She smiled and I walked up to her.

"Hey Renee." I greeted her.

"So last Monday we just saw your brothers attack Antonio Cesaro and Tyson Kidd for absolutely no reason at all and chose not to comment on it. So we were hoping we could get some insight on what happened?"

"They did what they had to do. When The Ascension and New Day beat up my brothers on the SmackDown before then nobody asked them to 'comment on it', but the minute my brothers decide to let their voice and actions be heard everyone is beating them down?"

"Nobody expected The Usos to put on such a display, it's-"

"Exactly," I cut her off. "Nobody expected it because it's not in there nature right? Let me tell you all something, if they weren't talking about The Usos then, they're sure as hell gonna talk about em' now. To make it here you have to get out of your comfort zone and show sides of you people weren't expecting and that's just what they did. If they have to Uso Kick and Samoan Drop there way through every Superstar in that locker room just to get to the top then so be it. And if nobody will support them, I will." I flashed a sweet smile before walking away.

I waited until I was completely out of the audio range of the camera before I squealed and hugged Landon who was following behind.

"Rhi that was sick! You gave me chills." He ruffled my hair before throwing an arm around my shoulder.

After RAW we went to our hotel, I was just in Rosa's room with Foxy and Paige. Landon is playing video games with my brothers and Titus O' Neil. I headed to Nick's room and knocked.

He opened the door and pulled me inside before closing it. He pulled me into a hug and I buried my face in his chest.

"I missed you." He told me before giving me a small peck on the lips.

"I missed you too even though I saw you."

He let me go but took my hand and walked over to the bed and sat down and I followed suit but turned to put my feet on his lap.

"So you ready to tell me who that guy was?" He frowned slightly and I leaned forward and kissed the skin between his eyebrows so he would smooth it out and he did.

"Remember when I told you about my best friend Landon?"

"That was him?"

I nodded and he pouted. "Did he have to be so... Good looking?"

"Aww Nicky," I cooed before kissing him. I crawled over to him and straddled his hips. "You have nothing to worry about."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. "If you say I have nothing to worry about then I don't."

I smiled before running my fingers through his hair.

"You looked hot tonight." I gave him a sly grin and he smirked.

"Even when I had to kiss Lana?" He asked jokingly.

I glared at him."Don't push it."

"What we should talk about is you and your promo with Renee, you did really good babe. Gave me tingles." He wiggled his eyebrows and you slapped his chest playfully.


"But honestly, that was really great, I'm proud of you, you'll have the WWE Universe wrapped around your finger in no time." My stomach fluttered at his words and I couldn't resist kissing him again.

"Did I mention you turned me on?"


"Yeah babe?"

"Shut up."

He chuckled and kissed my lips. "Alright then."

Too Young For You   || A WWE and Dolph Ziggler Fanfiction|| ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now