Chapter Sixteen

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"Good luck on your first exam kitten." Paige wished before blowing a kiss.

"Thanks Paige." I grinned.

"I gotta go, call me later and tell Landon I said hi."

I nodded and waved before ending the video chat.

Paige, Foxy and Rosa basically fell in love with him.

Speaking of the devil and he shall appear.

He walked into my room wearing a red flannel shirt with a black shirt underneath, black jeans and a pair of combat boots. His hair was combed and gelled into a quiff and his black bag was slung lazily over his shoulder.

He decided he wanted us to match so I was wearing a red flannel shirt as well with a black tank top underneath, black skinny jeans and black combat boots. I brushed my hair a few times then grabbed my bag and headed out the door pulling Landon behind me.

"Morning daddy." I kissed his cheek before talking a seat on the bar stool.

"Morning Mr. F."

"Morning kids." He placed two plates of bacon and waffles in front of us along with two glasses of apple juice.


"You're welcome. So what's the first exam you guys are sitting?"

"Social Studies."

"History." Landon grumbled. It's not his strongest subject.

I rubbed his shoulder. "You'll do fine."
He gave me a grateful smile.

"Both of you hurry up and eat and get out of my house. Good luck."


I practically skipped out of school after I handed in my paper. The lord was good to me. I headed over to the wall and took a seat to wait for Landon. I watched the flurry of teens as they exited the school. I waved back to the ones who waved at me and flipped off the few who gave me dirty looks.

It's not my fault you failed your test and going to work at Chuck 'E' Cheese.

I spotted Landon walking through the doors with a scowl on his face. These barbie bots were just openly staring at the gorgeous specimen that is my best friend.

Sorry ladies he doesn't like his cats stretched.

I jumped off the wall gracefully and headed over to him.

"Hey." I poked him in the ribs. "So how did it go, did you pass huh did you?" I bounced on my toes and looked up at him.

"Well aren't you a ray of fucking sunshine?" He snapped.

This asshole.

"What crawled up your cute butt and died?"

His eyes softened. "Sorry Rhi."

I can't stay mad at him when he has a face like that.

I waved my hand dismissively. "So I take it you didn't do too well."

"No I passed, I'm sure of it. It was easier than I expected."

Vasarhi is confused.

"Then why the long face?"

"Bethanie." He sighed out.

That ginger haired skunk bag.

No offense Ed and all the other good gingers out there.

"What did she do?" I grabbed his hand and he allowed me to pull him to his car. It was a beautiful black 2015 Chevrolet Impala CNG 2FL.

We got inside and closed the doors.

"Do you remember when she told us not to come by her house because she and her mom would be out of town for a few weeks?"

I nodded.

"Well her dad called me at lunch and asked me to bring his power drill and welding machine to his shop, he told me to get the key from under the flower pot."

He stopped and stared out the window and I didn't rush him.

"I was about to leave then I heard a laugh. I knew it was hers. I thought maybe she came back early, it was noon and a show she likes starts then. I thought why not surprise her so I went up to her room and opened her door and guess what I saw Rhi?"

I didn't answer but just watched as he ran a hand through his windswept hair. He bit his lip and continued,

"She was sucking the French exchange student's dick like a fucking vacuum cleaner."

My mouth dropped open.

"They were both naked and her hair and bed were both messy. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out what they did. When I came back to school she tried to explain herself and justify her actions." He shook his head sadly and tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

Poor Landon and he really loved her. Why throw two years down the drain Bethanie?

Landon looked up as I opened the car door and got out. "Be right back."

"Are you gonna do something stupid?" He asked as I walked towards the school.

"Most likely."

It's Wednesday so she has track practice. I walked all the way to change room and gave a small smile to the team who greeted me.

"Hey guys, would you mind leaving, I wanna talk to Bethanie in private?"

They gave us weird looks but obliged. I waited until I heard the door close before I turned to her.

She was sitting on the bench, guilt clouding her face.

"So you dirty cheater, how were your French lessons?" I gave her a fake smile.

"Rhi I-"

"Vasarhi." I corrected.

You lost all right to shorten my name.

"Vasarhi, I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean for it to happen, it was an accident."

"So you slipped and your mouth ended up on the French dude's dick?" I asked sarcastically and she winced as she realized how stupid it sounded.

"I couldn't help it, he was so persuasive, he spoke to me in French?"

Oh you poor thing.

"Did you even go out of town like you said you were?"

She gave me another guilty look and I swear I almost kicked her teeth in.

"So you skipped school and lied to your boyfriend and friend so you could go play hanky panky with Escardouche?"

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Stop saying that, because if you were you wouldn't have done what you did after everything Landon went through and what he told you."

She started to sob and I rolled my eyes and began to walk away from her. "It's because of him why I didn't hit you."

I slammed the door shut behind me.


He hasn't said anything since we came home. We ordered pizza and took it up to my room where we ate in agonizing silence. Even his chewing was silent.

I pushed my pizza away, too angry and upset to eat.

She hurt him.


He looked up at me.

"Do you want a hug?"

He stared at me for a few moments before putting down his pizza and crawling over to me. I opened my arms and he fell into them.

Neither one of us said anything for the rest of the night.

Too Young For You   || A WWE and Dolph Ziggler Fanfiction|| ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now