Chapter 3

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The next day, Tang Wang's threat to Xue Zhannan was effective, and the posts scolding him on the forum were basically gone. Tang Wang knew that one of the forum administrators lived in the dormitory next to the scumbag, and most of the forum's troubles were caused by the scumbag behind the scenes.

    He clicked on the post at the top of the homepage. The poster claimed that someone familiar with the matter explained that the rumors between Tang Wang and Xue Xicao were misunderstandings. By the way, he said a few good things for Tang Wang, because the chat history with Xue Xicao was posted. Many people with high trustworthy posts are apologizing to Tang Wang, but occasionally some people express their disapproval of Tang Wang's slap in public.

    Ignoring the comments that typing words didn't hurt back, Tang Wang finally went to eat a meal in a smooth mood.

    After disappearing for a week, Tang Wang missed a lot of classes, and spent the whole day in the library except for class. .The classmates in the class sent messages privately to ask about the situation. They did not ask Tang Wang about the breakup in person, and lent him their notes in a friendly manner.

    After copying the notes for the whole afternoon, Tang Wang bowed his head and neck for a long time and protested. After checking the time, he packed his books and left the library with his bag.

    Tang Wang's home is in this city. He chose to live on campus because he was far away from the school. Today, his eldest dad came home from a business trip and had to go home earlier to help his little dad.

    The bus stood next to the gym, and Tang Wang sent a message to his little dad while waiting for the bus.

    With his head down, Tang Wang heard the sound of footsteps stopping beside him. People who had exercised often took a car from here. Tang Wang didn't pay much attention to the faint light from the surroundings and felt that this person should be quite tall.

    He moved aside silently, pulling away. A person who is not tall always feels oppressed from a tall person.

.The sound of footsteps around him continued one after another, making it difficult to tell the direction. Tang Wang keenly heard the sound of the car entering the station and looked up.

    "Ho!" Tang Wang was startled. There were four sturdy men standing around him, uniformly wearing black clothes and sunglasses, just like twins.

    Only one of them made a gesture, and the other three walked around in front of him in an orderly manner. Tang Wang then saw the black commercial car parked on the side of the road and blocked by a stop sign.

    The four people stood in two rows in front of the car door, with the hands closest to the car door on the handle, ready to open the door at all times.

    Tang Wang wondered that most of the consumption targets in the stores near the school were students. The person traveling in this posture is definitely not an ordinary person, so why did this big man come here?

    The students waiting for the bus around looked at the valuable car with the same idea as Tang Wang.

.It didn't take long for a handsome black man to appear on the side of the street, one pulling the door and the other pushing a man sitting on wheels and came over.

    The man has deep and handsome features, and the short and narrow wheelchair can better set off his sturdy figure, making it difficult to be sure whether the man is really unable to move.

    "Zhou Jiangxing?" Don Wang paused and looked at the building they came out of. The fourth floor was the gym they met.

    This person... has been in this gym for a long time? Tang Wang couldn't help but think of the man's reply yesterday, really want to make an appointment with the gym?

[BL] After being Scumbed, I was Pregnant with the Boss's CubWhere stories live. Discover now