Chapter 32

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"Are you able to stand up?" Tang Wangyu had to stand up and looked up at the other party for the first time.

    The scenes of getting along with Zhou Jiangxing passed through my mind frame by frame, and finally froze on the man standing in front of him.

    "You can also walk..." Zhou Jiangxing took a step forward, only one punch away from Tang Wang.

    I didn't think before, when Zhou Jiangxing stood and approached, Tang Wang really felt the strong aura of the man in front of him, and subconsciously wanted to step back.

    But Tang Wang forgot that he was standing beside the bed with nowhere to go. As soon as he retreated, he knocked on the bed and his center of gravity was unstable and fell back.

    Behind it, the bed fell and it didn't hurt, but Tang Wang was pregnant with a cub now. Zhou Jiangxing had quick eyes and quick hands, and his reaction speed immediately grabbed Tang Wang's waist and dragged the person into his arms, clasping tightly.

.The volunteers of Zhou Jiangxing did not change their clothes. Tang Wang could clearly smell the bitterness of the Chinese medicine mixed with the sweet and sour plumes. His ears were hot and his body was covered with heat through a layer of cloth. The other party's heart beats strongly and vigorously, and the heartbeat that he hears increases as his breathing increases.

    Tang Wang forgot everything for a moment. His sense of hearing, touch and smell came from the man in front of him, as if he and Zhou Jiangxing were the only ones left in the world.

    "Can you eat sugar corn?" Yu Yin's knock on the door awakened Tang Wang from the sound of a gong.

    He suddenly realized that he and Zhou Jiangxing were hugging each other, and the temperature of someone's palm on his waist made him feel uncomfortable. Tang Wang immediately pushed the opponent away, confiscated his strength, and couldn't help worrying about the opponent's legs after pushing.

    When he saw someone standing there steadily, all the worry and shyness were gone, only anger was left.

    "I'll lead them away, you leave quickly.".Tang Wang didn't dare to look at the dark eyes of the other party's Ruyuan, fearing that he would fall in accidentally.

    Out of the room, Yu Yin stood on a shelf not far away looking for tea.

    "Why is your face so red? Did you have a fever?" Yu Yin frowned, afraid that Tang Wang would be frozen when he was a volunteer.

    "The quilt is sleeping and the head is hot." Tang Wang didn't know what he looked like. He touched his hot cheeks, he always felt like hiding his lover behind his parents and messing around.

    "Dad, where's the corn?" Tang Wang took Yu Yin into the kitchen, looking for this one at a time. Dad and Dad were busy helping him.

    "Don't you like black rice?" Yu Yin, who finally found black rice from the cabinet, choked on the flour.

    "I can eat if I have nutrition!" Tang Wang counted the time and found an excuse to return to the room with corn.

.The only empty wheelchair in the room and the faint smell of Chinese medicine in the air proved that Zhou Jiangxing had been hiding here.

    Such a large wheelchair must not be left alone. Tang Wang watched Zhou Jiangxing's bodyguard folded, so he fiddled with it for a while and hid the folded wheelchair behind the computer desk.

    Tang Wang could always think of a certain liar. He opened the window for ventilation, and at a glance he saw Zhou Jiangxing standing in the small square.

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