Chapter 5

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Since that day, Tang Wang never met Xue Zhannan at school again. He knew that Xue Zhannan was deliberately avoiding him, so he was totally happy. Within two days, the gossip enthusiasm between the two of them fell, and the new gossip became a topic of discussion.

    There was no other change in school days except that Tang Wang was more busy because of missing a week of classes.

    Time is fleeting. On the playground early this morning, freshman freshmen routinely run a roll call.

    Tang Wang sat on the side steps with a cup of soy milk in his hand, looking boredly at the runway. The day before, the cell phone reminded him that the next day was the day to see the movie emperor, so he rarely got up early to set off to Dad’s school, who would have passed by the playground and was arrested by the students of their department to become a strong man.

    "Thank you Brother Tang, let me see you off."

.Xu Wen, who came to talk to Tang Wang, is the head of the Sports Department of the Student Union and a well-known rich man in the school. This is the red sports car parked in the parking lot of the East Canteen.

    "Senior Xu, where you go to work for the director is the opposite of mine." Tang Wang stood up and patted the ashes on his butt, and threw the soy milk into the trash can.

    He made it deliberately today. The light blue denim jacket is lined with cold and white skin, making Tang Wang's facial features more well-behaved and handsome. Standing in a group of freshmen wearing sportswear is very eye-catching.

    Xu Wen stared at his junior's face, remembering the latest gossip, his eyes moved slightly.

    "I will invite you to dinner that night."

    "Senior, you are polite." Tang Wang waved his hand quickly and refused.

    Because he refused the senior's dinner invitation, Tang Wang was stuffed with a famous luxury rice ball in the canteen.

    "Please have breakfast.".Xu Wen smiled heartily at Tang Wang and pulled him into his car.

    The luxurious rice ball is breaded with tenderloin, bacon, grilled sausage and even chicken steak. The rice ball with a bunch of ingredients is big and expensive. Seeing the car drove past the station, Tang Wang gnawed on the rice ball before calling to stop.

    "Eat slowly without rushing, I'll take you to the normal school." Xu Wen Yuguang saw Tang Wang who was eating breakfast seriously with his bulging cheeks, and couldn't help but secretly say a lovely sentence in his heart.

    The speed of the sports car is fast, and Tang Wang just arrived at school after eating his luxurious rice ball. After bidding farewell to the senior, Tang Wang finally took a long breath, touched his chubby belly, and was struggling.

    "New boyfriend?"

    Dad's majestic voice suddenly sounded from the back of his head, which shocked Tang Wang.

    "No, no, no...not...hiccup..."

    Hiccuping Tang Wang shook his head frantically.

."The crew has arrived." Tang Pingzhan handed Tang Wang the unopened soy milk, and walked to the experimental building with people.

    While burping, Tang Wang looked at the soy milk in his hand bitterly. He recognizes this package. Little dad loves to drink and bought a box at home. Dad took it from home.

    Although drinking water stopped the hiccup, but to prevent it from vomiting out for a while, Tang Wang put the soy milk into his pocket.

    Tang Pingzhan didn't ask Tang Wang about his hiccups, but he suddenly patted Tang Wang from behind when the two were walking to help him stop the hiccups.

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